# OHOS::Media::FrameConfig - [Overview](#section2020073262165632) - [Summary](#section1791407885165632) - [Public Member Functions](#pub-methods) ## **Overview** **Related Modules:** [MultiMedia\_FrameConfig](MultiMedia_FrameConfig.md) **Description:** Provides functions to configure frames. **Since:** 1.0 **Version:** 1.0 ## **Summary** ## Public Member Functions



FrameConfig ()=delete

A constructor used to create a FrameConfig instance.

FrameConfig (int32_t type)

A constructor used to create a FrameConfig instance based on the configuration mode.

~FrameConfig ()

A destructor used to delete the FrameConfig instance.

GetFrameConfigType ()


Obtains the frame configuration type.

GetSurfaces ()

std::list< Surface * >

Obtains a list of shared memories (surface objects).

AddSurface (Surface &surface)


Adds a surface (an object of shared memory).

RemoveSurface (Surface &surface)


Removes a surface (an object of shared memory). You can call this function to release the surface when your application does not need to obtain data.

SetParameter (uint32_t key, const T value)

template<typename T > void

Sets the common parameter.

GetParameter (uint32_t key, T &value)

template<typename T > void

Obtains the value of a common parameter based on its key. For details, see CAMERA_FUC_KEY.