# stdarg.h - [Overview](#section578590524165629) - [Summary](#section1992330270165629) - [Macros](#define-members) ## **Overview** **Related Modules:** [UTILS](UTILS.md) **Description:** Provides functions and data structures, such as applying for and ending a variable-length argument list and obtaining an argument type. **Since:** 1.0 **Version:** 1.0 ## **Summary** ## Macros

Macro Name and Value


va_start(v, l) __builtin_va_start(v,l)

Defines the start position of the variable-length argument list.

va_end(v) __builtin_va_end(v)

Ends a variable-length argument list.

va_arg(v, l) __builtin_va_arg(v,l)

Obtains the next argument in the variable-length argument list.

va_copy(d, s) __builtin_va_copy(d,s)

Copies the previously initialized variable argument list s to d.