提交 75c0585d 编写于 作者: W wenjun

!4 回退 'Pull Request !3 : 回退 'Pull Request !2 : 新增/device/qemu仓库''

* 回退 'Pull Request !3 : 回退 'Pull Request !2 : 新增/device/qemu仓库''
上级 aa735b8e
......@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
<project name="xts_acts" path="test/xts/acts"/>
<project name="xts_tools_lite" path="test/xts/tools"/>
<project name="kernel_liteos_a_huawei_proprietary_fs_proc" path="kernel/liteos_a/fs/proc"/>
<project name="prebuilts_lite_sysroot" path="prebuilts/lite/sysroot"/>
\ No newline at end of file
<project name="prebuilts_lite_sysroot" path="prebuilts/lite/sysroot"/>
<project name="device_qemu" path="device/qemu"/>
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