提交 429be407 编写于 作者: Z zhong_ning

fix code style

Signed-off-by: Nzhong_ning <zhong_ning@hoperun.com>
上级 c2b511ca
......@@ -150,9 +150,6 @@ pid_t CreateProcess(const MessageSt* msgSt)
#endif // OHOS_DEBUG
// set permissions
if (msgSt->caps == NULL) {
exit(0x7f); // 0x7f: user specified
if (SetPerms(msgSt->uID, msgSt->gID, msgSt->capsCnt, msgSt->caps) != 0) {
HILOG_ERROR(HILOG_MODULE_HIVIEW, "[appspawn] sub-process %{public}s exit!", msgSt->bundleName);
exit(0x7f); // 0x7f: user specified
......@@ -167,7 +164,7 @@ pid_t CreateProcess(const MessageSt* msgSt)
getpid(), errno);
// 1s = 1000000000ns
long timeUsed = (tmEnd.tv_sec - tmStart.tv_sec) * (long)1000000000 + (tmEnd.tv_nsec - tmStart.tv_nsec);
long timeUsed = (tmEnd.tv_sec - tmStart.tv_sec) * 1000000000L + (tmEnd.tv_nsec - tmStart.tv_nsec);
HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_HIVIEW, "[appspawn] sub-process, pid %{public}d, timeused %ld ns.",\
getpid(), timeUsed);
#endif // OHOS_DEBUG
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ static int Invoke(IServerProxy* iProxy, int funcId, void* origin, IpcIo* req, Ip
// 1s = 1000000000ns
long timeUsed = (tmEnd.tv_sec - tmStart.tv_sec) * (long)1000000000 + (tmEnd.tv_nsec - tmStart.tv_nsec);
long timeUsed = (tmEnd.tv_sec - tmStart.tv_sec) * 1000000000L + (tmEnd.tv_nsec - tmStart.tv_nsec);
HILOG_INFO(HILOG_MODULE_HIVIEW, "[appspawn] invoke, reply pid %{public}d, timeused %{public}ld ns.",\
newPid, timeUsed);
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