提交 c6ce354c 编写于 作者: L lanxueyuan 提交者: Gitee

change test case to lv1

上级 0fc48e03
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ public:
** @tc.require: AR000F733K
** @tc.author: ZAL
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncFreeTest_001, TestSize.Level0)
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncFreeTest_001, TestSize.Level1)
// do not crash here
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncFreeTest_001, TestSize.Level0)
** @tc.require: AR000F733K
** @tc.author: ZAL
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncFreeTest_002, TestSize.Level0)
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncFreeTest_002, TestSize.Level1)
MessageSt msgSt = {0};
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ static void GetCurrentTime(struct timespec* tmCur)
** @tc.require: AR000F733K
** @tc.author: ZAL
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncSplitTest_001, TestSize.Level0)
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncSplitTest_001, TestSize.Level1)
MessageSt msgSt = {0};
EXPECT_NE(SplitMessage(nullptr, 0, nullptr), 0);
......@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncSplitTest_001, TestSize.Level0)
** @tc.require: AR000F733K
** @tc.author: ZAL
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncSplitTest_002, TestSize.Level0)
HWTEST_F(StartupAppspawnUTest, msgFuncSplitTest_002, TestSize.Level1)
MessageSt msgSt = {0};
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