提交 85c45160 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!2 轻内核VFS层重构,添加路径缓存

Merge pull request !2 from 野生毛霉君/noEmployeeNum_ChangeID_13306396_wangchenyang
......@@ -29,11 +29,66 @@ extern "C" {
#include "fs/fs.h"
#ifndef __LITEOS_M__
#include "los_list.h"
#error Wrong configuration file (ffconf.h).
#include "dirent.h"
/* LFN/Directory working buffer */
#if FF_USE_LFN == 0 /* Non-LFN configuration */
#define DEF_NAMBUF
#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs)
#define FREE_NAMBUF()
#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) return res
#else /* LFN configurations */
#if FF_MAX_LFN < 12 || FF_MAX_LFN > 255
#error Wrong setting of FF_MAX_LFN
#error Wrong setting of FF_LFN_BUF or FF_SFN_BUF
#error Wrong setting of FF_LFN_UNICODE
static const BYTE LfnOfs[] = {1,3,5,7,9,14,16,18,20,22,24,28,30}; /* FAT: Offset of LFN characters in the directory entry */
#if FF_USE_LFN == 1 /* LFN enabled with static working buffer */
static WCHAR LfnBuf[FF_MAX_LFN + 1]; /* LFN working buffer */
#define DEF_NAMBUF
#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs)
#define FREE_NAMBUF()
#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) return res
#elif FF_USE_LFN == 2 /* LFN enabled with dynamic working buffer on the stack */
#define DEF_NAMBUF WCHAR lbuf[FF_MAX_LFN+1]; /* LFN working buffer */
#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) { (fs)->lfnbuf = lbuf; }
#define FREE_NAMBUF()
#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) return res
#elif FF_USE_LFN == 3 /* LFN enabled with dynamic working buffer on the heap */
#define DEF_NAMBUF WCHAR *lfn; /* Pointer to LFN working buffer and directory entry block scratchpad buffer */
#define INIT_NAMBUF(fs) { lfn = ff_memalloc((FF_MAX_LFN+1)*2); if (!lfn) LEAVE_FF(fs, FR_NOT_ENOUGH_CORE); (fs)->lfnbuf = lfn; }
#define FREE_NAMBUF() ff_memfree(lfn)
#define LEAVE_MKFS(res) { if (!work) ff_memfree(buf); return res; }
#define MAX_MALLOC 0x8000 /* Must be >=FF_MAX_SS */
#error Wrong setting of FF_USE_LFN
#endif /* FF_USE_LFN == 1 */
#endif /* FF_USE_LFN == 0 */
#define NS_NONAME 0x80 /* Not followed */
#define NSFLAG 11 /* Index of the name status byte */
/* Definitions of volume management */
typedef struct {
......@@ -116,7 +171,42 @@ typedef char TCHAR;
/* Type of file size variables */
typedef DWORD FSIZE_t;
/* DIR offset in fs win */
#define DIR_Name 0 /* Short file name (11-byte) */
#define DIR_Attr 11 /* Attribute (BYTE) */
#define DIR_NTres 12 /* Lower case flag (BYTE) */
#define DIR_CrtTime10 13 /* Created time sub-second (BYTE) */
#define DIR_CrtTime 14 /* Created time (DWORD) */
#define DIR_LstAccDate 18 /* Last accessed date (WORD) */
#define DIR_FstClusHI 20 /* Higher 16-bit of first cluster (WORD) */
#define DIR_ModTime 22 /* Modified time (DWORD) */
#define DIR_FstClusLO 26 /* Lower 16-bit of first cluster (WORD) */
#define DIR_FileSize 28 /* File size (DWORD) */
#define LDIR_Ord 0 /* LFN: LFN order and LLE flag (BYTE) */
#define LDIR_Attr 11 /* LFN: LFN attribute (BYTE) */
#define LDIR_Type 12 /* LFN: Entry type (BYTE) */
#define LDIR_Chksum 13 /* LFN: Checksum of the SFN (BYTE) */
#define LDIR_FstClusLO 26 /* LFN: MBZ field (WORD) */
/* Limits and boundaries */
#define MAX_DIR 0x200000 /* Max size of FAT directory */
#define MAX_FAT12 0xFF5 /* Max FAT12 clusters (differs from specs, but right for real DOS/Windows behavior) */
#define MAX_FAT16 0xFFF5 /* Max FAT16 clusters (differs from specs, but right for real DOS/Windows behavior) */
#define MAX_FAT32 0x0FFFFFF5 /* Max FAT32 clusters (not specified, practical limit) */
/* Timestamp */
#if FF_FS_NORTC == 1
#if FF_NORTC_YEAR < 1980 || FF_NORTC_YEAR > 2107 || FF_NORTC_MON < 1 || FF_NORTC_MON > 12 || FF_NORTC_MDAY < 1 || FF_NORTC_MDAY > 31
#error Invalid FF_FS_NORTC settings
#define GET_FATTIME() ((DWORD)(FF_NORTC_YEAR - 1980) << 25 | (DWORD)FF_NORTC_MON << 21 | (DWORD)FF_NORTC_MDAY << 16)
#define GET_FATTIME() get_fattime()
extern UINT time_status;
/* Filesystem object structure (FATFS) */
......@@ -165,8 +255,9 @@ typedef struct {
VOID** child_fs; /* Point to the child Fatfs object ,only available in reality Fatfs object */
#ifndef __LITEOS_M__
uid_t fs_uid;
gid_t fs_gid;
int fs_uid;
int fs_gid;
mode_t fs_mode;
unsigned short fs_dmask;
unsigned short fs_fmask;
......@@ -209,6 +300,9 @@ typedef struct {
BYTE* buf; /* File private data read/write window */
#ifndef __LITEOS_M__
LOS_DL_LIST fp_entry;
} FIL;
......@@ -247,6 +341,9 @@ typedef struct {
TCHAR fname[12 + 1]; /* File name */
DWORD sclst;
#ifndef __LITEOS_M__
LOS_DL_LIST fp_list;
typedef struct {
......@@ -341,6 +438,7 @@ FRESULT f_expand (FIL* fp, FSIZE_t offset, FSIZE_t fsz, int opt); /* Allocate a
FRESULT f_mount (FATFS* fs, const TCHAR* path, BYTE opt); /* Mount/Unmount a logical drive */
FRESULT f_mkfs (const TCHAR* path, BYTE opt, int sector, void* work, UINT len); /* Create a FAT volume */
FRESULT f_fdisk (BYTE pdrv, const DWORD* szt, void* work); /* Divide a physical drive into some partitions */
int f_putc (TCHAR c, FIL* fp); /* Put a character to the file */
int f_puts (const TCHAR* str, FIL* cp); /* Put a string to the file */
int f_printf (FIL* fp, const TCHAR* str, ...); /* Put a formatted string to the file */
......@@ -350,15 +448,35 @@ void f_settimestatus (UINT status); /* system time flag setting */
FRESULT f_fcheckfat (DIR_FILE* dir_info); /* check file cluster list */
FRESULT f_getclustinfo (FIL* fp, DWORD* fclust, DWORD* fcount); /* get the clusters information of the file */
FRESULT f_checkopenlock(int index);
FRESULT sync_fs (FATFS* fs);
FRESULT sync_window(FATFS *fs);
FRESULT move_window ( FATFS* fs, QWORD sector);
void get_fileinfo (DIR* dp, FILINFO* fno);
DWORD get_fat (FFOBJID *obj, DWORD clst);
FRESULT put_fat(FATFS *fs, DWORD clst, DWORD val);
FRESULT find_volume (const TCHAR **path, FATFS **rfs, BYTE mode);
QWORD clst2sect (FATFS* fs, DWORD clst );
DWORD ld_clust(FATFS *fs, const BYTE *dir);
void st_clust(FATFS *fs, BYTE *dir, DWORD cl);
DWORD ld_dword (const BYTE *ptr);
WORD ld_word (const BYTE *ptr);
void st_word (BYTE *ptr, WORD val);
void st_dword (BYTE *ptr, DWORD val);
void st_word (BYTE *ptr, WORD val);
FRESULT create_name (DIR *dp, const TCHAR **path);
int lock_fs (FATFS *fs);
BYTE check_fs(FATFS *fs, QWORD sect);
UINT inc_lock(DIR* dp, int acc);
void unlock_fs (FATFS *fs, FRESULT res);
FRESULT dir_sdi (DIR *dp, DWORD ofs);
FRESULT dir_find(DIR *dp);
FRESULT dir_read(DIR *dp, int vol);
FRESULT dir_remove(DIR *dp);
FRESULT dir_next(DIR *dp, int stretch);
FRESULT dir_register(DIR *dp);
DWORD create_chain (FFOBJID* obj, DWORD clst);
FRESULT remove_chain (FFOBJID* obj, DWORD clst, DWORD pclst);
void mem_set (void* dst, int val, UINT cnt);
void mem_cpy (void* dst, const void* src, UINT cnt);
int fatfs_get_vol (FATFS *fat);
#define f_eof(fp) ((int)((fp)->fptr == (fp)->obj.objsize))
......@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ enum STORAGE {
#ifndef __LITEOS_M__
#define FF_SYNC_t LosMux
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