提交 6e064ddb 编写于 作者: P pssea 提交者: Gitee

Description: add binary file filter

Description: add binary file filter
IssueNo: #I4CFJN
Feature or Bugfix: Feature
Binary Source:No
Signed-off-by: Nlizhiqi <lizhiqi1@huawei.com>
上级 2a4a93eb
......@@ -72,6 +72,10 @@ Note:If the text contains special characters, please escape them according to th
<filteritem type="filepath" name="m4/ax_pthread.m4" desc="auto config file"/>
<filteritem type="filepath" name="m4/ax_code_coverage.m4" desc="auto config file"/>
<filefilter name="binaryFileTypePolicyFilter" desc="Filters for binary file policies">
<filteritem type="filepath" name="test/.*" desc="harfbuzz test file, not to check"/>
<filteritem type="filepath" name="docs/HarfBuzz.png" desc="harfbuzz file, not to check"/>
\ No newline at end of file
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