/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "jerryscript-mbed-util/logging.h" #include "jerryscript-mbed-library-registry/wrap_tools.h" #include "mbed.h" /** * AnalogIn#destructor * * Called if/when the AnalogIn is GC'ed. */ void NAME_FOR_CLASS_NATIVE_DESTRUCTOR(AnalogIn)(void* void_ptr) { delete static_cast(void_ptr); } /** * Type infomation of the native AnalogIn pointer * * Set AnalogIn#destructor as the free callback. */ static const jerry_object_native_info_t native_obj_type_info = { .free_cb = NAME_FOR_CLASS_NATIVE_DESTRUCTOR(AnalogIn) }; /** * AnalogIn#read (native JavaScript method) * * Read the input voltage, represented as a float in the range [0.0, 1.0] * * @returns A floating-point value representing the current input voltage, measured as a percentage */ DECLARE_CLASS_FUNCTION(AnalogIn, read) { CHECK_ARGUMENT_COUNT(AnalogIn, read, (args_count == 0)); // Extract native AnalogIn pointer void* void_ptr; bool has_ptr = jerry_get_object_native_pointer(this_obj, &void_ptr, &native_obj_type_info); if (!has_ptr) { return jerry_create_error(JERRY_ERROR_TYPE, (const jerry_char_t *) "Failed to get native AnalogIn pointer"); } AnalogIn* native_ptr = static_cast(void_ptr); float result = native_ptr->read(); return jerry_create_number(result); } /** * AnalogIn#read_u16 (native JavaScript method) * * Read the input voltage, represented as an unsigned short in the range [0x0, 0xFFFF] * * @returns 16-bit unsigned short representing the current input voltage, normalised to a 16-bit value */ DECLARE_CLASS_FUNCTION(AnalogIn, read_u16) { CHECK_ARGUMENT_COUNT(AnalogIn, read_u16, (args_count == 0)); // Extract native AnalogIn pointer void* void_ptr; bool has_ptr = jerry_get_object_native_pointer(this_obj, &void_ptr, &native_obj_type_info); if (!has_ptr) { return jerry_create_error(JERRY_ERROR_TYPE, (const jerry_char_t *) "Failed to get native AnalogIn pointer"); } AnalogIn* native_ptr = static_cast(void_ptr); uint16_t result = native_ptr->read_u16(); return jerry_create_number(result); } /** * AnalogIn (native JavaScript constructor) * * @param pin_name mbed pin to connect the AnalogIn to. * @returns a JavaScript object representing a AnalogIn. */ DECLARE_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR(AnalogIn) { CHECK_ARGUMENT_COUNT(AnalogIn, __constructor, args_count == 1); CHECK_ARGUMENT_TYPE_ALWAYS(AnalogIn, __constructor, 0, number); PinName pin_name = PinName(jerry_get_number_value(args[0])); // create native object AnalogIn* native_ptr = new AnalogIn(pin_name); // create the jerryscript object jerry_value_t js_object = jerry_create_object(); jerry_set_object_native_pointer(js_object, native_ptr, &native_obj_type_info); // attach methods ATTACH_CLASS_FUNCTION(js_object, AnalogIn, read); ATTACH_CLASS_FUNCTION(js_object, AnalogIn, read_u16); return js_object; }