提交 db4c7b70 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!13 修复漏洞CVE-2020-22284

Merge pull request !13 from 刘建东/master
......@@ -1011,6 +1011,83 @@ pbuf_copy(struct pbuf *p_to, const struct pbuf *p_from)
return ERR_OK;
* @ingroup pbuf
* Copy part or all of one packet buffer into another, to a specified offset.
* @note Only data in one packet is copied, no packet queue!
* @note Argument order is shared with pbuf_copy, but different than pbuf_copy_partial.
* @param p_to pbuf destination of the copy
* @param p_from pbuf source of the copy
* @param copy_len number of bytes to copy
* @param offset offset in destination pbuf where to copy to
* @return ERR_OK if copy_len bytes were copied
* ERR_ARG if one of the pbufs is NULL or p_from is shorter than copy_len
* or p_to is not big enough to hold copy_len at offset
* ERR_VAL if any of the pbufs are part of a queue
pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf(struct pbuf *p_to, const struct pbuf *p_from, u16_t copy_len, u16_t offset)
size_t offset_to = offset, offset_from = 0, len;
LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf(%p, %p, %"U16_F", %"U16_F")\n",
(const void *)p_to, (const void *)p_from, copy_len, offset));
/* is the copy_len in range? */
LWIP_ERROR("pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf: copy_len bigger than source", ((p_from != NULL) &&
(p_from->tot_len >= copy_len)), return ERR_ARG;);
/* is the target big enough to hold the source? */
LWIP_ERROR("pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf: target not big enough", ((p_to != NULL) &&
(p_to->tot_len >= (offset + copy_len))), return ERR_ARG;);
/* iterate through pbuf chain */
do {
/* copy one part of the original chain */
if ((p_to->len - offset_to) >= (p_from->len - offset_from)) {
/* complete current p_from fits into current p_to */
len = p_from->len - offset_from;
} else {
/* current p_from does not fit into current p_to */
len = p_to->len - offset_to;
len = LWIP_MIN(copy_len, len);
MEMCPY((u8_t *)p_to->payload + offset_to, (u8_t *)p_from->payload + offset_from, len);
offset_to += len;
offset_from += len;
copy_len -= len;
LWIP_ASSERT("offset_to <= p_to->len", offset_to <= p_to->len);
LWIP_ASSERT("offset_from <= p_from->len", offset_from <= p_from->len);
if (offset_from >= p_from->len) {
/* on to next p_from (if any) */
offset_from = 0;
p_from = p_from->next;
LWIP_ERROR("p_from != NULL", (p_from != NULL) || (copy_len == 0), return ERR_ARG;);
if (offset_to == p_to->len) {
/* on to next p_to (if any) */
offset_to = 0;
p_to = p_to->next;
LWIP_ERROR("p_to != NULL", (p_to != NULL) || (copy_len == 0), return ERR_ARG;);
if ((p_from != NULL) && (p_from->len == p_from->tot_len)) {
/* don't copy more than one packet! */
LWIP_ERROR("pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf() does not allow packet queues!",
(p_from->next == NULL), return ERR_VAL;);
if ((p_to != NULL) && (p_to->len == p_to->tot_len)) {
/* don't copy more than one packet! */
LWIP_ERROR("pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf() does not allow packet queues!",
(p_to->next == NULL), return ERR_VAL;);
} while (copy_len);
LWIP_DEBUGF(PBUF_DEBUG | LWIP_DBG_TRACE, ("pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf: copy complete.\n"));
return ERR_OK;
* @ingroup pbuf
* Copy (part of) the contents of a packet buffer
......@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ void pbuf_cat(struct pbuf *head, struct pbuf *tail);
void pbuf_chain(struct pbuf *head, struct pbuf *tail);
struct pbuf *pbuf_dechain(struct pbuf *p);
err_t pbuf_copy(struct pbuf *p_to, const struct pbuf *p_from);
err_t pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf(struct pbuf *p_to, const struct pbuf *p_from, u16_t copy_len, u16_t offset);
u16_t pbuf_copy_partial(const struct pbuf *p, void *dataptr, u16_t len, u16_t offset);
void *pbuf_get_contiguous(const struct pbuf *p, void *buffer, size_t bufsize, u16_t len, u16_t offset);
err_t pbuf_take(struct pbuf *buf, const void *dataptr, u16_t len);
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ zepif_linkoutput(struct netif *netif, struct pbuf *p)
zep->len = (u8_t)p->tot_len;
err = pbuf_take_at(q, p->payload, p->tot_len, sizeof(struct zep_hdr));
err = pbuf_copy_partial_pbuf(q, p, p->tot_len, sizeof(struct zep_hdr));
if (err == ERR_OK) {
zepif_udp_recv(netif, state->pcb, pbuf_clone(PBUF_RAW, PBUF_RAM, q), NULL, 0);
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