提交 da7e7649 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!81 为L2提供musl 64位构建支持

Merge pull request !81 from zhuoli72/master
......@@ -153,6 +153,7 @@ action("copy_uapi") {
script = "scripts/copy_uapi.sh"
args = [ "-i" ] + [ rebase_path("${uapi_dir}") ]
args += [ "-o" ] + [ rebase_path("${target_out_dir}/${musl_inc_out_dir}") ]
args += [ "-t" ] + [ "${musl_arch}" ]
copy("musl_copy_inc_bits") {
......@@ -1595,9 +1595,6 @@ if (musl_arch == "arm") {
......@@ -92,25 +92,27 @@ template("musl_libs") {
config("${abi_prefix}_musl_abi_config") {
if (target_abi == "soft") {
cflags = [ "-mfloat-abi=soft" ]
} else if (target_abi == "a7_soft") {
cflags = [
} else if (target_abi == "a7_softfp_neon-vfpv4") {
cflags = [
} else if (target_abi == "a7_hard_neon-vfpv4") {
cflags = [
if (musl_arch == "arm") {
if (target_abi == "soft") {
cflags = [ "-mfloat-abi=soft" ]
} else if (target_abi == "a7_soft") {
cflags = [
} else if (target_abi == "a7_softfp_neon-vfpv4") {
cflags = [
} else if (target_abi == "a7_hard_neon-vfpv4") {
cflags = [
......@@ -128,12 +130,17 @@ template("musl_libs") {
cflags_basic = [
if (musl_arch == "arm") {
cflags_basic += [ "-march=armv7-a", ]
} else if (musl_arch == "aarch64") {
cflags_basic += [ "-march=armv8", ]
cflags_auto = [
......@@ -220,9 +227,14 @@ template("musl_libs") {
if (musl_arch == "arm") {
sources_orig -= [ "src/thread/${musl_arch}/__set_thread_area.c" ]
} else if (musl_arch == "aarch64") {
sources_orig -= [ "src/thread/${musl_arch}/__set_thread_area.s" ]
if ("${target_abi}" == "a7_hard_neon-vfpv4") {
defines = [ "__ARM_PCS_VFP" ]
......@@ -251,9 +263,14 @@ template("musl_libs") {
if (musl_arch == "arm") {
sources_orig += [ "src/thread/${musl_arch}/__set_thread_area.c" ]
} else if (musl_arch == "aarch64") {
sources_orig += [ "src/thread/${musl_arch}/__set_thread_area.s" ]
foreach(s, sources_orig) {
sources += [ "${target_out_dir}/${musl_ported_dir}/${s}" ]
......@@ -385,6 +402,8 @@ template("musl_libs") {
while getopts "o:i:h" arg
while getopts "o:i:t:h" arg
case "${arg}" in
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ do
echo "help"
......@@ -22,6 +25,14 @@ if [ ! -d "${OUT_DIR}" ];then
mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR}
cp -r ${SOURCE_DIR}/* ${OUT_DIR}
rm -rf ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm
if [ ${TARGET_ARCH} = "arm" ]; then
mv ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm/asm ${OUT_DIR}/asm
rm -rf ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm64
rm -rf ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm
elif [ ${TARGET_ARCH} = "aarch64" ]; then
mv ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm64/asm ${OUT_DIR}/asm
rm -rf ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm64
rm -rf ${OUT_DIR}/asm-arm
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