提交 ddd16c2f 编写于 作者: B Bernd Edlinger

Change DH parameters to generate the order q subgroup instead of 2q

This avoids leaking bit 0 of the private key.

Backport-of: #9363
Reviewed-by: NKurt Roeckx <kurt@roeckx.be>
(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/9435)
上级 8e747338
......@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@
Changes between 1.1.1c and 1.1.1d [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Changed DH parameters to generate the order q subgroup instead of 2q.
Previously generated DH parameters are still accepted by DH_check
but DH_generate_key works around that by clearing bit 0 of the
private key for those. This avoids leaking bit 0 of the private key.
[Bernd Edlinger]
*) Revert the DEVRANDOM_WAIT feature for Linux systems
The DEVRANDOM_WAIT feature added a select() call to wait for the
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ int DH_check_params_ex(const DH *dh)
int errflags = 0;
(void)DH_check_params(dh, &errflags);
if (!DH_check_params(dh, &errflags))
return 0;
if ((errflags & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME) != 0)
......@@ -67,18 +68,14 @@ int DH_check_params(const DH *dh, int *ret)
* Check that p is a safe prime and
* if g is 2, 3 or 5, check that it is a suitable generator
* where
* for 2, p mod 24 == 11
* for 3, p mod 12 == 5
* for 5, p mod 10 == 3 or 7
* should hold.
* g is a suitable generator.
int DH_check_ex(const DH *dh)
int errflags = 0;
(void)DH_check(dh, &errflags);
if (!DH_check(dh, &errflags))
return 0;
if ((errflags & DH_NOT_SUITABLE_GENERATOR) != 0)
......@@ -102,10 +99,11 @@ int DH_check(const DH *dh, int *ret)
int ok = 0, r;
BN_CTX *ctx = NULL;
BIGNUM *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL;
*ret = 0;
if (!DH_check_params(dh, ret))
return 0;
ctx = BN_CTX_new();
if (ctx == NULL)
goto err;
......@@ -139,21 +137,7 @@ int DH_check(const DH *dh, int *ret)
if (dh->j && BN_cmp(dh->j, t1))
} else if (BN_is_word(dh->g, DH_GENERATOR_2)) {
l = BN_mod_word(dh->p, 24);
if (l == (BN_ULONG)-1)
goto err;
if (l != 11)
} else if (BN_is_word(dh->g, DH_GENERATOR_5)) {
l = BN_mod_word(dh->p, 10);
if (l == (BN_ULONG)-1)
goto err;
if ((l != 3) && (l != 7))
} else
r = BN_is_prime_ex(dh->p, DH_NUMBER_ITERATIONS_FOR_PRIME, ctx, NULL);
if (r < 0)
......@@ -30,30 +30,29 @@ int DH_generate_parameters_ex(DH *ret, int prime_len, int generator,
* We generate DH parameters as follows
* find a prime q which is prime_len/2 bits long.
* p=(2*q)+1 or (p-1)/2 = q
* For this case, g is a generator if
* g^((p-1)/q) mod p != 1 for values of q which are the factors of p-1.
* Since the factors of p-1 are q and 2, we just need to check
* g^2 mod p != 1 and g^q mod p != 1.
* find a prime p which is prime_len bits long,
* where q=(p-1)/2 is also prime.
* In the following we assume that g is not 0, 1 or p-1, since it
* would generate only trivial subgroups.
* For this case, g is a generator of the order-q subgroup if
* g^q mod p == 1.
* Or in terms of the Legendre symbol: (g/p) == 1.
* Having said all that,
* there is another special case method for the generators 2, 3 and 5.
* for 2, p mod 24 == 11
* for 3, p mod 12 == 5 <<<<< does not work for safe primes.
* for 5, p mod 10 == 3 or 7
* Using the quadratic reciprocity law it is possible to solve
* (g/p) == 1 for the special values 2, 3, 5:
* (2/p) == 1 if p mod 8 == 1 or 7.
* (3/p) == 1 if p mod 12 == 1 or 11.
* (5/p) == 1 if p mod 5 == 1 or 4.
* See for instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legendre_symbol
* Thanks to Phil Karn for the pointers about the
* special generators and for answering some of my questions.
* I've implemented the second simple method :-).
* Since DH should be using a safe prime (both p and q are prime),
* this generator function can take a very very long time to run.
* Actually there is no reason to insist that 'generator' be a generator.
* It's just as OK (and in some sense better) to use a generator of the
* order-q subgroup.
* Since all safe primes > 7 must satisfy p mod 12 == 11
* and all safe primes > 11 must satisfy p mod 5 != 1
* we can further improve the condition for g = 2, 3 and 5:
* for 2, p mod 24 == 23
* for 3, p mod 12 == 11
* for 5, p mod 60 == 59
static int dh_builtin_genparams(DH *ret, int prime_len, int generator,
......@@ -84,17 +83,14 @@ static int dh_builtin_genparams(DH *ret, int prime_len, int generator,
if (generator == DH_GENERATOR_2) {
if (!BN_set_word(t1, 24))
goto err;
if (!BN_set_word(t2, 11))
if (!BN_set_word(t2, 23))
goto err;
g = 2;
} else if (generator == DH_GENERATOR_5) {
if (!BN_set_word(t1, 10))
if (!BN_set_word(t1, 60))
goto err;
if (!BN_set_word(t2, 3))
if (!BN_set_word(t2, 59))
goto err;
* BN_set_word(t3,7); just have to miss out on these ones :-(
g = 5;
} else {
......@@ -102,9 +98,9 @@ static int dh_builtin_genparams(DH *ret, int prime_len, int generator,
* not: since we are using safe primes, it will generate either an
* order-q or an order-2q group, which both is OK
if (!BN_set_word(t1, 2))
if (!BN_set_word(t1, 12))
goto err;
if (!BN_set_word(t2, 1))
if (!BN_set_word(t2, 11))
goto err;
g = generator;
......@@ -125,6 +125,15 @@ static int generate_key(DH *dh)
l = dh->length ? dh->length : BN_num_bits(dh->p) - 1;
if (!BN_priv_rand(priv_key, l, BN_RAND_TOP_ONE, BN_RAND_BOTTOM_ANY))
goto err;
* We handle just one known case where g is a quadratic non-residue:
* for g = 2: p % 8 == 3
if (BN_is_word(dh->g, DH_GENERATOR_2) && !BN_is_bit_set(dh->p, 2)) {
/* clear bit 0, since it won't be a secret anyway */
if (!BN_clear_bit(priv_key, 0))
goto err;
......@@ -136,11 +145,11 @@ static int generate_key(DH *dh)
BN_with_flags(prk, priv_key, BN_FLG_CONSTTIME);
if (!dh->meth->bn_mod_exp(dh, pub_key, dh->g, prk, dh->p, ctx, mont)) {
goto err;
/* We MUST free prk before any further use of priv_key */
dh->pub_key = pub_key;
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/obj_mac.h>
#include "testutil.h"
......@@ -62,6 +63,17 @@ static int dh_test(void)
|| !TEST_true(DH_set0_pqg(dh, p, q, g)))
goto err1;
if (!DH_check(dh, &i))
goto err2;
if (!TEST_false(i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME)
|| !TEST_false(i & DH_CHECK_Q_NOT_PRIME)
|| !TEST_false(i))
goto err2;
/* test the combined getter for p, q, and g */
DH_get0_pqg(dh, &p2, &q2, &g2);
if (!TEST_ptr_eq(p2, p)
......@@ -130,7 +142,8 @@ static int dh_test(void)
if (!TEST_false(i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME)
|| !TEST_false(i))
goto err3;
DH_get0_pqg(a, &ap, NULL, &ag);
......@@ -609,6 +622,63 @@ static int rfc5114_test(void)
TEST_error("Test failed RFC5114 set %d\n", i + 1);
return 0;
static int rfc7919_test(void)
DH *a = NULL, *b = NULL;
const BIGNUM *apub_key = NULL, *bpub_key = NULL;
unsigned char *abuf = NULL;
unsigned char *bbuf = NULL;
int i, alen, blen, aout, bout;
int ret = 0;
if (!TEST_ptr(a = DH_new_by_nid(NID_ffdhe2048)))
goto err;
if (!DH_check(a, &i))
goto err;
if (!TEST_false(i & DH_CHECK_P_NOT_PRIME)
|| !TEST_false(i))
goto err;
if (!DH_generate_key(a))
goto err;
DH_get0_key(a, &apub_key, NULL);
/* now create another copy of the DH group for the peer */
if (!TEST_ptr(b = DH_new_by_nid(NID_ffdhe2048)))
goto err;
if (!DH_generate_key(b))
goto err;
DH_get0_key(b, &bpub_key, NULL);
alen = DH_size(a);
if (!TEST_ptr(abuf = OPENSSL_malloc(alen))
|| !TEST_true((aout = DH_compute_key(abuf, bpub_key, a)) != -1))
goto err;
blen = DH_size(b);
if (!TEST_ptr(bbuf = OPENSSL_malloc(blen))
|| !TEST_true((bout = DH_compute_key(bbuf, apub_key, b)) != -1))
goto err;
if (!TEST_true(aout >= 20)
|| !TEST_mem_eq(abuf, aout, bbuf, bout))
goto err;
ret = 1;
return ret;
......@@ -619,6 +689,7 @@ int setup_tests(void)
return 1;
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