提交 f2b9c257 编写于 作者: R Rich Salz

Recommend GH over RT, per team vote.

Reviewed-by: NRichard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
上级 19252eef
Development is coordinated on the openssl-dev mailing list (see
http://www.openssl.org for information on subscribing). If you
would like to submit a patch, send it to rt@openssl.org with
the string "[PATCH]" in the subject. Please be sure to include a
textual explanation of what your patch does.
You can also make GitHub pull requests. If you do this, please also send
mail to rt@openssl.org with a brief description and a link to the PR so
that we can more easily keep track of it.
(Please visit https://openssl.org/community/getting-started.html for
other ideas about how to contribute.)
Development is coordinated on the openssl-dev mailing list (see the
above link or http://mta.openssl.org for information on subscribing).
If you are unsure as to whether a feature will be useful for the general
OpenSSL community please discuss it on the openssl-dev mailing list first.
Someone may be already working on the same thing or there may be a good
reason as to why that feature isn't implemented.
Patches should be as up to date as possible, preferably relative to the
current Git or the last snapshot. They should follow our coding style
(see https://www.openssl.org/policies/codingstyle.html) and compile without
warnings using the --strict-warnings flag. OpenSSL compiles on many varied
platforms: try to ensure you only use portable features.
OpenSSL community you might want to discuss it on the openssl-dev mailing
list first. Someone may be already working on the same thing or there
may be a good reason as to why that feature isn't implemented.
When at all possible, patches should include tests. These can either be
added to an existing test, or completely new. Please see test/README for
information on the test framework.
The best way to submit a patch is to make a pull request on GitHub.
(It is not necessary to send mail to rt@openssl.org to open a ticket!)
If you think the patch could use feedback from the community, please
start a thread on openssl-dev.
Our preferred format for patch files is "git format-patch" output. For example
to provide a patch file containing the last commit in your local git repository
use the following command:
You can also submit patches by sending it as mail to rt@opensslorg.
Please include the word "PATCH" and an explanation of what the patch
does in the subject line. If you do this, our preferred format is "git
format-patch" output. For example to provide a patch file containing the
last commit in your local git repository use the following command:
# git format-patch --stdout HEAD^ >mydiffs.patch
% git format-patch --stdout HEAD^ >mydiffs.patch
Another method of creating an acceptable patch file without using git is as
# cd openssl-work
# [your changes]
# ./Configure dist; make clean
# cd ..
# diff -ur openssl-orig openssl-work > mydiffs.patch
% cd openssl-work
...make your changes...
% ./Configure dist; make clean
% cd ..
% diff -ur openssl-orig openssl-work >mydiffs.patch
Note that pull requests are generally easier for the team, and community, to
work with. Pull requests benefit from all of the standard GitHub features,
including code review tools, simpler integration, and CI build support.
No matter how a patch is submitted, the following items will help make
the acceptance and review process faster:
1. Anything other than trivial contributions will require a contributor
licensing agreement, giving us permission to use your code. See
https://openssl.org/policies/cla.html for details.
2. All source files should start with the following text (with
appropriate comment characters at the start of each line and the
year(s) updated):
Copyright 20xx-20yy The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License"). You may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
3. Patches should be as current as possible. When using GitHub, please
expect to have to rebase and update often.
3. Patches should follow our coding style (see
https://www.openssl.org/policies/codingstyle.html) and compile without
warnings using the --strict-warnings flag. OpenSSL compiles on many
varied platforms: try to ensure you only use portable features.
4. When at all possible, patches should include tests. These can either be
added to an existing test, or completely new. Please see test/README
for information on the test framework.
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