提交 fe2d3975 编写于 作者: B Billy Brumley 提交者: Andy Polyakov

ECDSA: remove nonce padding (delegated to EC_POINT_mul)

* EC_POINT_mul is now responsible for constant time point multiplication
  (for single fixed or variable point multiplication, when the scalar is
  in the range [0,group_order), so we need to strip the nonce padding
  from ECDSA.
* Entry added to CHANGES
* Updated EC_POINT_mul documentation
  - Integrate existing EC_POINT_mul and EC_POINTs_mul entries in the
    manpage to reflect the shift in constant-time expectations when
    performing a single fixed or variable point multiplication;
  - Add documentation to ec_method_st to reflect the updated "contract"
    between callers and implementations of ec_method_st.mul.
Reviewed-by: NRichard Levitte <levitte@openssl.org>
Reviewed-by: NAndy Polyakov <appro@openssl.org>
Reviewed-by: NRich Salz <rsalz@openssl.org>
(Merged from https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/6070)
上级 06e0950d
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
Changes between 1.1.0h and 1.1.1 [xx XXX xxxx]
*) Remove ECDSA nonce padding: EC_POINT_mul is now responsible for
constant time fixed point multiplication.
[Billy Bob Brumley]
[Rich Salz]
......@@ -120,6 +120,23 @@ struct ec_method_st {
* EC_POINT_have_precompute_mult (default implementations are used if the
* 'mul' pointer is 0):
* mul() calculates the value
* r := generator * scalar
* + points[0] * scalars[0]
* + ...
* + points[num-1] * scalars[num-1].
* For a fixed point multiplication (scalar != NULL, num == 0)
* or a variable point multiplication (scalar == NULL, num == 1),
* mul() must use a constant time algorithm: in both cases callers
* should provide an input scalar (either scalar or scalars[0])
* in the range [0, ec_group_order); for robustness, implementers
* should handle the case when the scalar has not been reduced, but
* may treat it as an unusual input, without any constant-timeness
* guarantee.
int (*mul) (const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const BIGNUM *scalar,
size_t num, const EC_POINT *points[], const BIGNUM *scalars[],
BN_CTX *);
......@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ void EC_ec_pre_comp_free(EC_PRE_COMP *pre)
* At a high level, it is Montgomery ladder with conditional swaps.
* It performs either a fixed scalar point multiplication
* It performs either a fixed point multiplication
* (scalar * generator)
* when point is NULL, or a generic scalar point multiplication
* when point is NULL, or a variable point multiplication
* (scalar * point)
* when point is not NULL.
......@@ -105,23 +105,6 @@ static int ecdsa_sign_setup(EC_KEY *eckey, BN_CTX *ctx_in,
while (BN_is_zero(k));
* We do not want timing information to leak the length of k, so we
* compute G*k using an equivalent scalar of fixed bit-length.
* We unconditionally perform both of these additions to prevent a
* small timing information leakage. We then choose the sum that is
* one bit longer than the order. This guarantees the code
* path used in the constant time implementations elsewhere.
* TODO: revisit the BN_copy aiming for a memory access agnostic
* conditional copy.
if (!BN_add(r, k, order)
|| !BN_add(X, r, order)
|| !BN_copy(k, BN_num_bits(r) > order_bits ? r : X))
goto err;
/* compute r the x-coordinate of generator * k */
if (!EC_POINT_mul(group, tmp_point, k, NULL, NULL, ctx)) {
......@@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ The functions EC_POINT_make_affine and EC_POINTs_make_affine force the internal
co-ordinate system. In the case of EC_POINTs_make_affine the value B<num> provides the number of points in the array B<points> to be
EC_POINT_mul calculates the value generator * B<n> + B<q> * B<m> and stores the result in B<r>. The value B<n> may be NULL in which case the result is just B<q> * B<m>.
EC_POINT_mul is a convenient interface to EC_POINTs_mul: it calculates the value generator * B<n> + B<q> * B<m> and stores the result in B<r>.
The value B<n> may be NULL in which case the result is just B<q> * B<m> (variable point multiplication). Alternatively, both B<q> and B<m> may be NULL, and B<n> non-NULL, in which case the result is just generator * B<n> (fixed point multiplication).
When performing a single fixed or variable point multiplication, the underlying implementation uses a constant time algorithm, when the input scalar (either B<n> or B<m>) is in the range [0, ec_group_order).
EC_POINTs_mul calculates the value generator * B<n> + B<q[0]> * B<m[0]> + ... + B<q[num-1]> * B<m[num-1]>. As for EC_POINT_mul the value
B<n> may be NULL.
EC_POINTs_mul calculates the value generator * B<n> + B<q[0]> * B<m[0]> + ... + B<q[num-1]> * B<m[num-1]>. As for EC_POINT_mul the value B<n> may be NULL or B<num> may be zero.
When performing a fixed point multiplication (B<n> is non-NULL and B<num> is 0) or a variable point multiplication (B<n> is NULL and B<num> is 1), the underlying implementation uses a constant time algorithm, when the input scalar (either B<n> or B<m[0]>) is in the range [0, ec_group_order).
The function EC_GROUP_precompute_mult stores multiples of the generator for faster point multiplication, whilst
EC_GROUP_have_precompute_mult tests whether precomputation has already been done. See L<EC_GROUP_copy(3)> for information
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