Eclipse error parsers ===================== These are a godsend for extracting & quickly navigating to warnings & error messages from console output. Unforunately I don't know how to write an Eclipse plugin so you'll have to add them manually. To add a console parser to Eclipse, go to Window --> Preferences --> C/C++ --> Build --> Settings. Click on the 'Error Parsers' tab and then click the 'Add...' button. See the table below for the parser fields to add. Eclipse will only parse the console output during a build, so running your unit tests must be part of your build process. Either add this to your make/rakefile, or add it as a post- build step in your Eclipse project settings. Unity unit test error parsers ----------------------------- Severity Pattern File Line Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error (\.+)(.*?):(\d+):(.*?):FAIL: (.*) $2 $3 $5 Warning (\.+)(.*?):(\d+):(.*?):IGNORE: (.*) $2 $3 $5 Warning (\.+)(.*?):(\d+):(.*?):IGNORE\s*$ $2 $3 Ignored test