.. _header-n0: Paddle Quantum ======================= `Paddle Quantum `__\ is a quantum machine learning toolkit developed based on Baidu PaddlePaddle. It provides a platform to construct and train quantum neural networks (QNN) with easy-to-use QML development kits supporting combinatorial optimization, quantum chemistry and other cutting-edge quantum applications, making PaddlePaddle the first deep learning framework in China that supports quantum machine learning. .. figure:: https://release-data.cdn.bcebos.com/Paddle%20Quantum.png :target: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Quantum Paddle Quantum has established a bridge between artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Through the Baidu PaddlePaddle deep learning platform to empower quantum computing, Paddle Quantum provides a powerful tool for people in the quantum AI industry and a feasible learning path for quantum computing enthusiasts. For more information about Paddle Quantum, please check the GitHub page: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/Quantum .. _header-n6: Features -------- - Easy-to-use - Many online learning resources (Nearly 40 tutorials) - High efficiency in building QNN with various QNN templates - Automatic differentiation - Versatile - Multiple optimization tools and GPU mode - Simulation with 25+ qubits - Flexible noise models - Featured Toolkits - Toolboxes for Chemistry & Optimization - LOCCNet for distributed quantum information processing - Self-developed quantum machine learning algorithms .. _header-n15: Install -------- .. _header-n16: Install PaddlePaddle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This dependency will be automatically satisfied when users install Paddle Quantum. Please refer to `PaddlePaddle `__ Install and configuration page. This project requires PaddlePaddle 2.2.0+. .. _header-n19: Install Paddle Quantum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We recommend installing Paddle Quantum with ``pip`` , .. code:: shell pip install paddle-quantum or download all the files and finish the installation locally, .. code:: shell git clone http://github.com/PaddlePaddle/quantum .. code:: shell cd quantum pip install -e . .. _header-n25: Environment setup for Quantum Chemistry module ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our `qchem` module is based on `Psi4`, so before executing quantum chemistry, we have to install this Python package. .. note:: It is recommended that `Psi4` is installed in a Python 3.8 environment. We highly recommend you to install ``Psi4`` via conda. MacOS/Linux user can use the command .. code:: shell conda install psi4 -c psi4 For **Windows** user, the command is .. code:: shell conda install psi4 -c psi4 -c conda-forge **Note:** Please refer to `Psi4 `__\ for more download options. .. _header-n29: Run programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, you can try to run a program to verify whether the Paddle Quantum has been installed successfully. Here we take quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) as an example. .. code:: shell cd paddle_quantum/QAOA/example python main.py .. .. note:: For the introduction of QAOA, please refer to our `QAOA tutorial `__. .. _header-n51: Feedbacks ---------- - Users are encouraged to report issues and submit suggestions on `Github Issues `__. - QQ group: 1076223166 .. _header-n118: Copyright and License --------------------- Paddle Quantum uses the `Apache-2.0 license `__ License.