1. 15 12月, 2021 1 次提交
    • W
      Update readme (#714) · 87f906ce
      WJJ1995 提交于
      * update op_list and model_zoo
      * update README.md
      * update README.md
      * Add x2paddle_api.md
  2. 06 12月, 2021 1 次提交
  3. 14 5月, 2021 1 次提交
    • S
      Add docs and project convertor code (#571) · af4654b6
      SunAhong1993 提交于
      * fix the convert.py args
      * fix teh pad and add log_softmax
      * rewrite docs
      * rewrite docs
      * rewrite docs
      * rewrite docs
      * rewrite docs
      * Update torch.narrow.md
      * Update x2paddle_model_zoo.md
      * Update x2paddle_model_zoo.md
      * fix the README.md
      * Update README.md
      * add code
      * rm
      * Update README.md
      * Update demo.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * remove tools
      * modify README
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update demo.md
      * Update demo.md
      * Update demo.md
      * Update demo.md
      * Update demo.md
      * add commitid
      * Update pytorch2paddle.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update demo.md
      * Update FAQ.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update __init__.py
      * Update torch.zeros.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update README.md
      * Update torchvision.models.md
  4. 16 4月, 2021 4 次提交