提交 d6f9bd13 编写于 作者: D David Marcin

Fix reshim behavior on gem uninstall and bundle install.

上级 f272de2e
# Yes borrowed from rbenv. Couldn't take my mind off that implementation module ReshimInstaller
def install(options)
Gem.post_install do |installer| super
# We don't know which gems were installed, so always reshim.
if installer.spec.executables.any? && installer.bin_dir == Gem.default_bindir `asdf reshim ruby`
installer.spec.executables.each do |executable|
`asdf reshim ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} bin/#{executable}`
end end
if defined?(Bundler::Installer)
Bundler::Installer.prepend ReshimInstaller
maybe_reshim = lambda do |installer|
# If any gems with executables were installed or uninstalled, reshim.
`asdf reshim ruby` if installer.spec.executables.any?
Gem.post_install &maybe_reshim
Gem.post_uninstall &maybe_reshim
end end
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