提交 6cbd085f 编写于 作者: S Santiago Pastorino 提交者: Aaron Patterson

Test Hash#to_param escapes keys and values

上级 5c858220
...@@ -472,6 +472,10 @@ def test_number_hash ...@@ -472,6 +472,10 @@ def test_number_hash
def test_to_param_hash def test_to_param_hash
assert_equal 'custom=param-1&custom2=param2-1', ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[ToParam.new('custom'), ToParam.new('param'), ToParam.new('custom2'), ToParam.new('param2')].to_param assert_equal 'custom=param-1&custom2=param2-1', ActiveSupport::OrderedHash[ToParam.new('custom'), ToParam.new('param'), ToParam.new('custom2'), ToParam.new('param2')].to_param
end end
def test_to_param_hash_escapes_its_keys_and_values
assert_equal 'param+1=A+string+with+%2F+characters+%26+that+should+be+%3F+escaped', { 'param 1' => 'A string with / characters & that should be ? escaped' }.to_param
end end
class HashToXmlTest < Test::Unit::TestCase class HashToXmlTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
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