提交 94b68877 编写于 作者: R Ryuta Kamizono

Merge pull request #37489 from...

Merge pull request #37489 from giraffate/fix_random_ci_failure_due_to_non-deterministic_sorting_order

Fix random CI failure due to non-deterministic sorting order
上级 3fff87dd
......@@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@ def test_locked_should_not_build_arel
def test_relation_join_method
assert_equal "Thank you for the welcome,Thank you again for the welcome", Post.first.comments.join(",")
assert_equal "Thank you for the welcome,Thank you again for the welcome", Post.first.comments.order(:id).join(",")
def test_relation_with_private_kernel_method
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