提交 d81926fd 编写于 作者: J Jonathan Hefner

Improve Action View `translate` helper

This disentangles the control flow between Action View's `translate` and
I18n's `translate`.  In doing so, it fixes a handful of corner cases,
for which tests have now been added.  It also reduces memory
allocations, and improves speed when using a default:


require "benchmark/memory"

Benchmark.memory do |x|
  x.report("warmup") { translate(:"translations.foo"); translate(:"translations.html") }
  x.report("text") { translate(:"translations.foo") }
  x.report("html") { translate(:"translations.html") }
  x.report("text 1 default") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: :"translations.foo") }
  x.report("html 1 default") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: :"translations.html") }
  x.report("text 2 defaults") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: [:"translations.missing", :"translations.foo"]) }
  x.report("html 2 defaults") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: [:"translations.missing", :"translations.html"]) }


                text     1.240k memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        13.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         2.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
                html     1.600k memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        19.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         2.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
      text 1 default     4.728k memsize (     1.200k retained)
                        39.000  objects (     4.000  retained)
                         5.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
      html 1 default     5.056k memsize (     1.160k retained)
                        41.000  objects (     3.000  retained)
                         4.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
     text 2 defaults     7.464k memsize (     2.392k retained)
                        54.000  objects (     6.000  retained)
                         4.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
     html 2 defaults     7.944k memsize (     2.384k retained)
                        60.000  objects (     6.000  retained)
                         4.000  strings (     0.000  retained)


                text   952.000  memsize (     0.000  retained)
                         9.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         1.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
                html     1.008k memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        10.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         1.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
      text 1 default     2.400k memsize (    40.000  retained)
                        24.000  objects (     1.000  retained)
                         4.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
      html 1 default     2.464k memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        22.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         2.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
     text 2 defaults     3.232k memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        30.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         2.000  strings (     0.000  retained)
     html 2 defaults     3.456k memsize (     0.000  retained)
                        32.000  objects (     0.000  retained)
                         2.000  strings (     0.000  retained)


require "benchmark/ips"

Benchmark.ips do |x|
  x.report("text") { translate(:"translations.foo") }
  x.report("html") { translate(:"translations.html") }
  x.report("text 1 default") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: :"translations.foo") }
  x.report("html 1 default") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: :"translations.html") }
  x.report("text 2 defaults") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: [:"translations.missing", :"translations.foo"]) }
  x.report("html 2 defaults") { translate(:"translations.missing", default: [:"translations.missing", :"translations.html"]) }


                text     35.685k (± 0.7%) i/s -    179.050k in   5.017773s
                html     28.569k (± 3.1%) i/s -    143.871k in   5.040128s
      text 1 default     13.953k (± 2.0%) i/s -     70.737k in   5.071651s
      html 1 default     12.507k (± 0.4%) i/s -     63.546k in   5.080908s
     text 2 defaults      9.103k (± 0.3%) i/s -     46.308k in   5.087323s
     html 2 defaults      8.570k (± 4.3%) i/s -     43.071k in   5.034322s


                text     36.694k (± 2.0%) i/s -    186.864k in   5.094367s
                html     30.415k (± 0.5%) i/s -    152.900k in   5.027226s
      text 1 default     18.095k (± 2.7%) i/s -     91.086k in   5.036857s
      html 1 default     15.934k (± 1.7%) i/s -     80.223k in   5.036085s
     text 2 defaults     12.179k (± 0.6%) i/s -     61.659k in   5.062910s
     html 2 defaults     11.193k (± 2.1%) i/s -     56.406k in   5.041433s
上级 98a76a50
# frozen_string_literal: true # frozen_string_literal: true
require "action_view/helpers/tag_helper" require "action_view/helpers/tag_helper"
require "active_support/core_ext/string/access" require "active_support/core_ext/symbol/starts_ends_with"
require "i18n/exceptions"
module ActionView module ActionView
# = Action View Translation Helpers # = Action View Translation Helpers
...@@ -69,58 +68,43 @@ module TranslationHelper ...@@ -69,58 +68,43 @@ module TranslationHelper
# resolved against. # resolved against.
# #
def translate(key, **options) def translate(key, **options)
unless options[:default].nil? return key.map { |k| translate(k, **options) } if key.is_a?(Array)
remaining_defaults = Array.wrap(options.delete(:default)).compact
options[:default] = remaining_defaults unless remaining_defaults.first.kind_of?(Symbol)
# If the user has explicitly decided to NOT raise errors, pass that option to I18n. alternatives = if options.key?(:default)
# Otherwise, tell I18n to raise an exception, which we rescue further in this method. options[:default].is_a?(Array) ? options.delete(:default).compact : [options.delete(:default)]
# Note: `raise_error` refers to us re-raising the error in this method. I18n is forced to raise by default.
if options[:raise] == false
raise_error = false
i18n_raise = false
raise_error = options[:raise] || ActionView::Base.raise_on_missing_translations
i18n_raise = true
end end
fully_resolved_key = scope_key_by_partial(key) options[:raise] = true if options[:raise].nil? && ActionView::Base.raise_on_missing_translations
if html_safe_translation_key?(key)
html_safe_options = html_escape_translation_options(options)
html_safe_options[:default] = MISSING_TRANSLATION unless html_safe_options[:default].blank?
translation = I18n.translate(fully_resolved_key, **html_safe_options.merge(raise: i18n_raise))
if translation.equal?(MISSING_TRANSLATION) translation = while key
translated_text = options[:default].first if alternatives.blank? && !options[:raise].nil?
else default = NO_DEFAULT # let I18n handle missing translation
translated_text = html_safe_translation(translation)
translated_text = I18n.translate(fully_resolved_key, **options.merge(raise: i18n_raise))
end end
if block_given? key = scope_key_by_partial(key)
yield(translated_text, fully_resolved_key) first_key ||= key
if html_safe_translation_key?(key)
html_safe_options ||= html_escape_translation_options(options)
translated = I18n.translate(key, **html_safe_options, default: default)
break html_safe_translation(translated) unless translated.equal?(MISSING_TRANSLATION)
else else
translated_text translated = I18n.translate(key, **options, default: default)
break translated unless translated.equal?(MISSING_TRANSLATION)
end end
rescue I18n::MissingTranslationData => e
if remaining_defaults.present?
translate remaining_defaults.shift, **options.merge(default: remaining_defaults)
raise e if raise_error
translated_fallback = missing_translation(e, options) break alternatives.first if alternatives.present? && !alternatives.first.is_a?(Symbol)
if block_given? key = alternatives&.shift
yield(translated_fallback, scope_key_by_partial(key))
end end
if key.nil?
translation = missing_translation(first_key, options)
key = first_key
end end
block_given? ? yield(translation, key) : translation
end end
alias :t :translate alias :t :translate
...@@ -137,13 +121,19 @@ def localize(object, **options) ...@@ -137,13 +121,19 @@ def localize(object, **options)
private_constant :MISSING_TRANSLATION private_constant :MISSING_TRANSLATION
NO_DEFAULT = [].freeze
private_constant :NO_DEFAULT
def self.i18n_option?(name)
(@i18n_option_names ||= I18n::RESERVED_KEYS.to_set).include?(name)
def scope_key_by_partial(key) def scope_key_by_partial(key)
stringified_key = key.to_s if key.start_with?(".")
if stringified_key.start_with?(".")
if @current_template&.virtual_path if @current_template&.virtual_path
@_scope_key_by_partial_cache ||= {} @_scope_key_by_partial_cache ||= {}
@_scope_key_by_partial_cache[@current_template.virtual_path] ||= @current_template.virtual_path.gsub(%r{/_?}, ".") @_scope_key_by_partial_cache[@current_template.virtual_path] ||= @current_template.virtual_path.gsub(%r{/_?}, ".")
"#{@_scope_key_by_partial_cache[@current_template.virtual_path]}#{stringified_key}" "#{@_scope_key_by_partial_cache[@current_template.virtual_path]}#{key}"
else else
raise "Cannot use t(#{key.inspect}) shortcut because path is not available" raise "Cannot use t(#{key.inspect}) shortcut because path is not available"
end end
...@@ -153,10 +143,11 @@ def scope_key_by_partial(key) ...@@ -153,10 +143,11 @@ def scope_key_by_partial(key)
end end
def html_escape_translation_options(options) def html_escape_translation_options(options)
return options if options.empty?
html_safe_options = options.dup html_safe_options = options.dup
options.except(*I18n::RESERVED_KEYS).each do |name, value| options.each do |name, value|
unless name == :count && value.is_a?(Numeric) unless TranslationHelper.i18n_option?(name) || (name == :count && value.is_a?(Numeric))
html_safe_options[name] = ERB::Util.html_escape(value.to_s) html_safe_options[name] = ERB::Util.html_escape(value.to_s)
end end
end end
...@@ -165,7 +156,7 @@ def html_escape_translation_options(options) ...@@ -165,7 +156,7 @@ def html_escape_translation_options(options)
end end
def html_safe_translation_key?(key) def html_safe_translation_key?(key)
/(?:_|\b)html\z/.match?(key.to_s) /(?:_|\b)html\z/.match?(key)
end end
def html_safe_translation(translation) def html_safe_translation(translation)
...@@ -176,14 +167,15 @@ def html_safe_translation(translation) ...@@ -176,14 +167,15 @@ def html_safe_translation(translation)
end end
end end
def missing_translation(error, options) def missing_translation(key, options)
keys = I18n.normalize_keys(error.locale, error.key, error.options[:scope]) keys = I18n.normalize_keys(options[:locale] || I18n.locale, key, options[:scope])
title = +"translation missing: #{keys.join(".")}" title = +"translation missing: #{keys.join(".")}"
interpolations = options.except(:default, :scope) options.each do |name, value|
if interpolations.any? unless name == :scope
title << ", " << interpolations.map { |k, v| "#{k}: #{ERB::Util.html_escape(v)}" }.join(", ") title << ", " << name.to_s << ": " << ERB::Util.html_escape(value)
end end
if ActionView::Base.debug_missing_translation if ActionView::Base.debug_missing_translation
...@@ -49,9 +49,18 @@ class TranslationHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase ...@@ -49,9 +49,18 @@ class TranslationHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
end end
def test_delegates_setting_to_i18n def test_delegates_setting_to_i18n
assert_called_with(I18n, :translate, [:foo, locale: "en", raise: true], returns: "") do matcher_called = false
matcher = ->(key, options) do
matcher_called = true
assert_equal :foo, key
assert_equal "en", options[:locale]
I18n.stub(:translate, matcher) do
translate :foo, locale: "en" translate :foo, locale: "en"
end end
assert matcher_called
end end
def test_delegates_localize_to_i18n def test_delegates_localize_to_i18n
...@@ -229,15 +238,26 @@ def test_translate_marks_array_of_translations_with_a_html_safe_suffix_as_safe_h ...@@ -229,15 +238,26 @@ def test_translate_marks_array_of_translations_with_a_html_safe_suffix_as_safe_h
end end
end end
def test_translate_with_default_and_raise_false
translation = translate(:"translations.missing", default: :"translations.foo", raise: false)
assert_equal "Foo", translation
def test_translate_with_default_named_html def test_translate_with_default_named_html
translation = translate(:'translations.missing', default: :'translations.hello_html') translation = translate(:'translations.missing', default: :'translations.hello_html')
assert_equal "<a>Hello World</a>", translation assert_equal "<a>Hello World</a>", translation
assert_equal true, translation.html_safe? assert_equal true, translation.html_safe?
end end
def test_translate_with_default_named_html_and_raise_false
translation = translate(:"translations.missing", default: :"translations.hello_html", raise: false)
assert_equal "<a>Hello World</a>", translation
assert_predicate translation, :html_safe?
def test_translate_with_missing_default def test_translate_with_missing_default
translation = translate(:'translations.missing', default: :'translations.missing_html') translation = translate(:"translations.missing", default: :also_missing)
expected = '<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.translations.missing_html">Missing Html</span>' expected = '<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.translations.missing">Missing</span>'
assert_equal expected, translation assert_equal expected, translation
assert_equal true, translation.html_safe? assert_equal true, translation.html_safe?
end end
...@@ -319,6 +339,27 @@ def test_translate_bulk_lookup ...@@ -319,6 +339,27 @@ def test_translate_bulk_lookup
assert_equal ["Foo", "Foo"], translations assert_equal ["Foo", "Foo"], translations
end end
def test_translate_bulk_lookup_with_default
translations = translate([:"translations.missing", :"translations.missing"], default: :"translations.foo")
assert_equal ["Foo", "Foo"], translations
def test_translate_bulk_lookup_html
translations = translate([:"translations.html", :"translations.hello_html"])
assert_equal ["<a>Hello World</a>", "<a>Hello World</a>"], translations
translations.each do |translation|
assert_predicate translation, :html_safe?
def test_translate_bulk_lookup_html_with_default
translations = translate([:"translations.missing", :"translations.missing"], default: :"translations.html")
assert_equal ["<a>Hello World</a>", "<a>Hello World</a>"], translations
translations.each do |translation|
assert_predicate translation, :html_safe?
def test_translate_does_not_change_options def test_translate_does_not_change_options
options = {} options = {}
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