提交 f323a8fe 编写于 作者: S simply-phi 提交者: dmathieu

Added information about default values

上级 3e24e9eb
......@@ -72,6 +72,87 @@ Or you can just chain the methods together like:
Notifier.welcome.deliver # Creates the email and sends it immediately
== Setting defaults
Sometimes you have an Action Mailer class with more than one method for sending e-mails. Think of an authentication system in which you would like to send users a welcome message after sign up, a forgot your password message and a message to send when the user closes his account. Your class would look something like this.
class Authenticationmailer < ActionMailer::Base
def signed_up(user)
# prepare the view
# and send the e-mail
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Welcome to our awesome application!",
:from => "awesome@application.com")
def forgot_password(user)
# prepare the view
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Forgot your password? No worry, we're awesome at that too!",
:from => "awesome@application.com")
def closed_account(user)
# prepare the view
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Closing your account, are you? That's not awesome, dude!",
:from => "awesome@application.com")
Now this works fine, but it would be nice if we could remove the <tt>:from</tt> from the method, seeing that it is a static value that is the same across all the methods, and just assign it once. Introducing the <tt>default</tt> method. With this method you can assign default values that will be used by all of the mail methods. Now you can refactor the above example to just assign the <tt>:from</tt> value only once.
class Authenticationmailer < ActionMailer::Base
default :from => "awesome@application.com"
def signed_up(user)
# prepare the view
# and send the e-mail
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Welcome to our awesome application!")
def forgot_password(user)
# prepare the view
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Forgot your password? No worry, we're awesome at that too!")
def closed_account(user)
# prepare the view
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Closing your account, are you? That's not awesome, dude!")
The default method takes a Hash, so it is possible to assign more values in one method.
class Authenticationmailer < ActionMailer::Base
default :from => "awesome@application.com", :subject => "Default subject"
The default value is overwritten if you use them in the mail method.
== Receiving emails
To receive emails, you need to implement a public instance method called <tt>receive</tt> that takes an
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