提交 f4072399 编写于 作者: V Vijay Dev 提交者: Xavier Noria

3.1 release notes - added AP and Railties sections

上级 ebbf010d
...@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ h3. Rails Architectural Changes ...@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ h3. Rails Architectural Changes
h4. Assets Pipeline h4. Assets Pipeline
TODO. point to assets guide, talk about rake assets:* tasks
h3. Documentation h3. Documentation
The documentation in the Rails tree is being updated with all the API changes, additionally, the "Rails Edge Guides":http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/ are being updated one by one to reflect the changes in Rails 3.0. The guides at "guides.rubyonrails.org":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ however will continue to contain only the stable version of Rails (at this point, version 2.3.5, until 3.0 is released). The documentation in the Rails tree is being updated with all the API changes, additionally, the "Rails Edge Guides":http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/ are being updated one by one to reflect the changes in Rails 3.0. The guides at "guides.rubyonrails.org":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/ however will continue to contain only the stable version of Rails (at this point, version 2.3.5, until 3.0 is released).
...@@ -65,8 +67,148 @@ h3. Internationalization ...@@ -65,8 +67,148 @@ h3. Internationalization
h3. Railties h3. Railties
* jQuery is the new default JavaScript library.
* jQuery and prototype are no longer vendored and is provided from now on by the jquery-rails and prototype-rails gems.
* The application generator accepts an option -j which can be an arbitrary string. If passed "foo", the gem "foo-rails" is added to the Gemfile, and the application JavaScript manifest requires "foo" and "foo_ujs". Currently only "prototype-rails" and "jquery-rails" exist and provide those files via the asset pipeline.
* Generating an application or a plugin runs bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle is specified.
* The controller and resource generators will now automatically produce asset stubs (this can be turned off with --skip-assets). These stubs will use CoffeeScript and Sass, if those libraries are available.
* Scaffold and app generators use the Ruby 1.9 style hash when running on Ruby 1.9. To generate old style hash, --old-style-hash can be passed.
* Scaffold controller generator creates format block for JSON instead of XML.
* Active Record logging is directed to STDOUT and shown inline in the console.
* Added +config.force_ssl+ configuration which loads <tt>Rack::SSL</tt> middleware and force all requests to be under HTTPS protocol.
* Added +rails plugin new+ command which generates a Rails plugin with gemspec, tests and a dummy application for testing.
* Added <tt>Rack::Etag</tt> and <tt>Rack::ConditionalGet</tt> to the default middleware stack.
* Added <tt>Rack::Cache</tt> to the default middleware stack.
* TODO Engine related changes
h3. Action Pack h3. Action Pack
TODO split items into controller/view sections.
* A warning is given out if the CSRF token authenticity cannot be verified.
* Allows AM/PM format in datetime selectors.
* auto_link has been removed from Rails and extracted into the "rails_autolink gem":https://github.com/tenderlove/rails_autolink
* Added streaming support, you can enable it with:
class PostsController < ActionController::Base
stream :only => :index
Please read the docs at <tt>ActionController::Streaming</tt> for more information. TODO add links to api docs.
* Added <tt>ActionDispatch::Request.ignore_accept_header</tt> to ignore accept headers.
* Created <tt>ActionView::Renderer</tt> and specified an API for <tt>ActionView::Context</tt>.
* Added <tt>ActionController::ParamsWrapper</tt> to wrap parameters into a nested hash, and will be turned on for JSON request in new applications by default. This can be customized by setting <tt>ActionController::Base.wrap_parameters</tt> in <tt>config/initializer/wrap_parameters.rb</tt>.
* Added Base.http_basic_authenticate_with to do simple http basic authentication with a single class method call.
class PostsController < ApplicationController
USER_NAME, PASSWORD = "dhh", "secret"
before_filter :authenticate, :except => [ :index ]
def index
render :text => "Everyone can see me!"
def edit
render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"
def authenticate
authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |user_name, password|
user_name == USER_NAME && password == PASSWORD
..can now be written as
class PostsController < ApplicationController
http_basic_authenticate_with :name => "dhh", :password => "secret", :except => :index
def index
render :text => "Everyone can see me!"
def edit
render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"
* Specify +force_ssl+ in a controller to force the browser to transfer data via HTTPS protocol on that particular controller. To limit to specific actions, :only or :except can be used.
* Allows <tt>FormHelper#form_for</tt> to specify the :method as a direct option instead of through the :html hash. <tt>form_for(@post, remote: true, method: :delete)</tt> instead of <tt>form_for(@post, remote: true, html: { method: :delete })</tt>
* Provided JavaScriptHelper#j() as an alias for JavaScriptHelper#escape_javascript(). This supersedes the Object#j() method that the JSON gem adds within templates using the JavaScriptHelper.
* Sensitive query string parameters specified in <tt>config.filter_parameters</tt> will now be filtered out from the request paths in the log.
* URL parameters which return nil for +to_param+ are now removed from the query string.
* <tt>ActionDispatch::MiddlewareStack</tt> now uses composition over inheritance and is no longer an array.
* Added an :authenticity_token option to +form_tag+ for custom handling or to omit the token by passing <tt>:authenticity_token => false</tt>.
* Added HTML5 button_tag helper.
* Template lookup now searches further up in the inheritance chain.
* <tt>config.action_view.cache_template_loading</tt> is brought back which allows to decide whether templates should be cached or not. TODO from which version?
* url_for and named url helpers now accept :subdomain and :domain as options.
* The redirect route method now also accepts a hash of options which will only change the parts of the url in question, or an object which responds to call, allowing for redirects to be reused.
* Added <tt>config.action_controller.include_all_helpers</tt>. By default <tt>helper :all</tt> is done in <tt>ActionController::Base</tt>, which includes all the helpers by default. Setting +include_all_helpers+ to false will result in including only application_helper and the helper corresponding to controller (like foo_helper for foo_controller).
* Added a convenience idiom to generate HTML5 data-* attributes in tag helpers from a :data hash of options:
tag("div", :data => {:name => 'Stephen', :city_state => %w(Chicago IL)})
# => <div data-name="Stephen" data-city-state="[&quot;Chicago&quot;,&quot;IL&quot;]" />
Keys are dasherized. Values are JSON-encoded, except for strings and symbols.
* The old template handler API is deprecated and the new API simply requires a template handler to respond to call.
* rhtml and rxml are finally removed as template handlers.
* Moved etag responsibility from <tt>ActionDispatch::Response</tt> to the middleware stack.
* Rely on <tt>Rack::Session</tt> stores API for more compatibility across the Ruby world. This is backwards incompatible since <tt>Rack::Session</tt> expects #get_session to accept four arguments and requires #destroy_session instead of simply #destroy.
* file_field automatically adds :multipart => true to the enclosing form.
* +csrf_meta_tag+ is renamed to +csrf_meta_tags+ and aliases csrf_meta_tag for backwards compatibility.
* Added <tt>Rack::Cache</tt> to the default stack.
h4. Abstract Controller h4. Abstract Controller
h4. Action Controller h4. Action Controller
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