* Prevent non-primary mouse keys from triggering Rails UJS click handlers. Firefox fires click events even if the click was triggered by non-primary mouse keys such as right- or scroll-wheel-clicks. For example, right-clicking a link such as the one described below (with an underlying ajax request registered on click) should not cause that request to occur. ``` <%= link_to 'Remote', remote_path, class: 'remote', remote: true, data: { type: :json } %> ``` Fixes #34541 *Wolfgang Hobmaier* * Prevent `ActionView::TextHelper#word_wrap` from unexpectedly stripping white space from the _left_ side of lines. For example, given input like this: ``` This is a paragraph with an initial indent, followed by additional lines that are not indented, and finally terminated with a blockquote: "A pithy saying" ``` Calling `word_wrap` should not trim the indents on the first and last lines. Fixes #34487 *Lyle Mullican* * Add allocations to template rendering instrumentation. Adds the allocations for template and partial rendering to the server output on render. ``` Rendered posts/_form.html.erb (Duration: 7.1ms | Allocations: 6004) Rendered posts/new.html.erb within layouts/application (Duration: 8.3ms | Allocations: 6654) Completed 200 OK in 858ms (Views: 848.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 1539564) ``` *Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *Aaron Patterson* * Respect the `only_path` option passed to `url_for` when the options are passed in as an array Fixes #33237. *Joel Ambass* * Deprecate calling private model methods from view helpers. For example, in methods like `options_from_collection_for_select` and `collection_select` it is possible to call private methods from the objects used. Fixes #33546. *Ana María Martínez Gómez* * Fix issue with `button_to`'s `to_form_params` `button_to` was throwing exception when invoked with `params` hash that contains symbol and string keys. The reason for the exception was that `to_form_params` was comparing the given symbol and string keys. The issue is fixed by turning all keys to strings inside `to_form_params` before comparing them. *Georgi Georgiev* * Mark arrays of translations as trusted safe by using the `_html` suffix. Example: en: foo_html: - "One" - "Two" - "Three 👋 🙂" *Juan Broullon* * Add `year_format` option to date_select tag. This option makes it possible to customize year names. Lambda should be passed to use this option. Example: date_select('user_birthday', '', start_year: 1998, end_year: 2000, year_format: ->year { "Heisei #{year - 1988}" }) The HTML produced: /* The rest is omitted */ *Koki Ryu* * Fix JavaScript views rendering does not work with Firefox when using Content Security Policy. Fixes #32577. *Yuji Yaginuma* * Add the `nonce: true` option for `javascript_include_tag` helper to support automatic nonce generation for Content Security Policy. Works the same way as `javascript_tag nonce: true` does. *Yaroslav Markin* * Remove `ActionView::Helpers::RecordTagHelper`. *Yoshiyuki Hirano* * Disable `ActionView::Template` finalizers in test environment. Template finalization can be expensive in large view test suites. Add a configuration option, `action_view.finalize_compiled_template_methods`, and turn it off in the test environment. *Simon Coffey* * Extract the `confirm` call in its own, overridable method in `rails_ujs`. Example: Rails.confirm = function(message, element) { return (my_bootstrap_modal_confirm(message)); } *Mathieu Mahé* * Enable select tag helper to mark `prompt` option as `selected` and/or `disabled` for `required` field. Example: select :post, :category, ["lifestyle", "programming", "spiritual"], { selected: "", disabled: "", prompt: "Choose one" }, { required: true } Placeholder option would be selected and disabled. The HTML produced: *Sergey Prikhodko* * Don't enforce UTF-8 by default. With the disabling of TLS 1.0 by most major websites, continuing to run IE8 or lower becomes increasingly difficult so default to not enforcing UTF-8 encoding as it's not relevant to other browsers. *Andrew White* * Change translation key of `submit_tag` from `module_name_class_name` to `module_name/class_name`. *Rui Onodera* * Rails 6 requires Ruby 2.4.1 or newer. *Jeremy Daer* Please check [5-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-2-stable/actionview/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.