提交 19926ca1 编写于 作者: 东方怂天's avatar 东方怂天

Add Huffman Tree Basic

上级 ac6c24d6
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
//Define the max size of huffman tree.
//Actually we can only use such size if as key.
#define ByteSize 128
#define MAXSIZE ByteSize * 2 - 1
//Define the element type which include weight information.
typedef struct
int weight;
int parent;
int leftChild;
int rightChild;
} WeightInformation;
//Define the huffman tree type.
typedef struct
WeightInformation Elem[MAXSIZE];
int num, root;
} HuffmanTree;
typedef struct
char Character;
char *Code;
} HuffmanEncode;
typedef struct
HuffmanEncode *Coding;
int num;
} HuffmanCode;
void FindMin_2(HuffmanTree HT, int &min_1, int &min_2); //Find the min 2 & return the count size.
void CreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree &HT, HuffmanCode &HC, int *Weight, char *Character, int num); //How 2 creat a huffman tree.
void DisplayHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree HT); //Show a huffman tree.
void DisplayHuffmanCode(HuffmanCode HC); //Show a huffman code.
//How 2 creat a huffman tree.
void CreateHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree &HT, HuffmanCode &HC, int *Weight, char *Character, int num)
//Loop controller.
int i, j;
//Copy weiight to huffman tree.
HT.num = num;
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
HT.Elem[i] = {Weight[i], -1, -1, -1};
cout << "Huffman tree init successfullt!" << endl;
// Find the 2 min position.
int min_1_pos, min_2_pos;
for (i = 0; i < num - 1; i++)
FindMin_2(HT, min_1_pos, min_2_pos);
//Union 2 one.
HT.Elem[HT.num] = {HT.Elem[min_1_pos].weight + HT.Elem[min_2_pos].weight, -1, min_1_pos, min_2_pos};
HT.Elem[min_1_pos].parent = HT.Elem[min_2_pos].parent = HT.num++;
cout << "Huffman tree creat successfullt!" << endl;
//Creat huffmancode.
HC.num = num;
stack<int> ReverseCode;
WeightInformation WI;
int pla, count;
HC.Coding = new HuffmanEncode[num];
for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
HC.Coding[i].Character = Character[i];
WI = HT.Elem[i];
pla = i;
while (WI.parent != -1)
if (HT.Elem[WI.parent].leftChild == pla)
pla = WI.parent;
WI = HT.Elem[pla];
//Creat huffman coding table.
HC.Coding[i].Code = new char[ReverseCode.size() + 1];
count = ReverseCode.size();
for (j = 0; j < count; j++)
HC.Coding[i].Code[j] = '0' + ReverseCode.top();
HC.Coding[i].Code[j] = '\0';
//cout << "Huffman tree creat successfullt!" << endl;
//To find the min of the vector.
void FindMin_2(HuffmanTree HT, int &min_1, int &min_2)
int m1, m2, num;
min_1 = min_2 = m1 = m2 = 0;
//For each element in huffman tree.
for (int i = 0; i < HT.num; i++)
//If this elem its father do not confirm(not well-defined) then continue.
if (HT.Elem[i].parent != -1)
//Get the num of it.
num = HT.Elem[i].weight;
if (m2 != 0 && m1 != 0)
if (num < m1)
m2 = m1;
min_2 = min_1;
m1 = num;
min_1 = i;
else if (num < m2)
m2 = num;
min_2 = i;
if (m1 == 0)
m1 = num;
min_1 = i;
if (m2 == 0)
m2 = num;
min_2 = i;
if (m2 < m1)
m2 += m1;
m1 = m2 - m1;
m2 -= m1;
min_2 += min_1;
min_1 = min_2 - min_1;
min_2 -= min_1;
//Show huffman tree.
void DisplayHuffmanTree(HuffmanTree HT)
for (int i = 0; i < HT.num; i++)
WeightInformation WT = HT.Elem[i];
cout << WT.weight << "\t" << WT.parent << "\t" << WT.leftChild << "\t" << WT.rightChild << endl;
void DisplayHuffmanCode(HuffmanCode HC)
for (int i = 0; i < HC.num; i++)
cout << HC.Coding[i].Character << '\t' << HC.Coding[i].Code << endl;
\ No newline at end of file
#include "Huyffman.h"
int main()
HuffmanTree HT;
HuffmanCode HC;
int WEIGHT[ByteSize] = {5, 29, 7, 8, 14, 23, 3, 11};
char CHARACTER[ByteSize] = {65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72};
int NUM = 8;
CreateHuffmanTree(HT, HC, WEIGHT, CHARACTER, NUM);
//cout << HT.Elem[HT.num - 1].weight;
cout << "Huffman Tree:" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Huffman Code:" << endl;
return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ int main()
//In order:DEBAGFCH
//Post order:EDBGFHCA
cout << "Input ebt:" << endl;
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ int main()
cout << endl;
DisplayBiTree(root, Post);
cout << endl;
UnionPreIn("ABDECFGH", "DEBAGFCH", root);
cout << endl;
DisplayBiTree(root, Pre);
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