import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def projectile(V_initial, theta, bouyancy=True, drag=True): g = 9.81 m = 1 C = 0.47 r = 0.5 S = np.pi*pow(r, 2) ro_mars = 0.0175 time = np.linspace(0, 100, 10000) tof = 0.0 dt = time[1] - time[0] bouy = ro_mars*g*(4/3*np.pi*pow(r, 3)) gravity = -g * m V_ix = V_initial * np.cos(theta) V_iy = V_initial * np.sin(theta) v_x = V_ix v_y = V_iy r_x = 0.0 r_y = 0.0 r_xs = list() r_ys = list() r_xs.append(r_x) r_ys.append(r_y) # This gets a bit 'hand-wavy' but as dt -> 0 it approaches the analytical solution. # Just make sure you use sufficiently small dt (dt is change in time between steps) for t in time: F_x = 0.0 F_y = 0.0 if (bouyancy == True): F_y = F_y + bouy if (drag == True): F_y = F_y - 0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(v_y, 2) F_x = F_x - 0.5*C*S*ro_mars*pow(v_x, 2) * np.sign(v_y) F_y = F_y + gravity r_x = r_x + v_x * dt + (F_x / (2 * m)) * dt**2 r_y = r_y + v_y * dt + (F_y / (2 * m)) * dt**2 v_x = v_x + (F_x / m) * dt v_y = v_y + (F_y / m) * dt if (r_y >= 0.0): r_xs.append(r_x) r_ys.append(r_y) else: tof = t r_xs.append(r_x) r_ys.append(r_y) break return r_xs, r_ys, tof v = 30 theta = np.pi/4 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4), dpi=100) r_xs, r_ys, tof = projectile(v, theta, True, True) plt.plot(r_xs, r_ys, 'g:', label="Gravity, Buoyancy, and Drag") r_xs, r_ys, tof = projectile(v, theta, False, True) plt.plot(r_xs, r_ys, 'b:', label="Gravity and Drag") r_xs, r_ys, tof = projectile(v, theta, False, False) plt.plot(r_xs, r_ys, 'k:', label="Gravity") plt.title("Trajectory", fontsize=14) plt.xlabel("Displacement in x-direction (m)") plt.ylabel("Displacement in y-direction (m)") plt.ylim(bottom=0.0) plt.legend()