提交 d987db45 编写于 作者: 东方怂天's avatar 东方怂天

Hello world.

上级 caa3ff10
<template name="BookCard">
<view class="CardContent">
<view class="BookName">{{BookName}}</view>
<view class="BookContent">
<image class="BookPic" mode="aspectFit" :src="BookPic"></image>
import DivLine from "./DivLine.vue"
export default {
data() {
return {
name: "BookCard",
props: {
BookName: {
type: String,
default: "书名"
BookContent: {
type: String,
default: "这里是属于斗气的世界,没有花俏艳丽的魔法,有的,仅仅是繁衍到巅峰的斗气!新书等级制度:斗者,斗师,大斗师,斗灵,斗王,斗皇,斗宗,斗尊,斗圣,斗帝。"
BookPic: {
type: String,
default: "/static/logo.png"
components: {
<style scoped>
.CardContent {
background: #007AFF;
border-radius: 15upx;
/*padding: 5upx;*/
width: 95%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.BookPic {
margin: 5upx 5upx 5upx 5upx;
.BookContent {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
.BookPic {
min-width: 33%;
max-width: 40%;
max-height: 250upx;
<template name="DivLine">
<view class="division">
export default {
<style scoped>
.division {
width: 100%;
height: 5upx;
margin-top: 10upx;
margin-bottom: 10upx;
background-color: #4CD964;
......@@ -12,5 +12,59 @@
"navigationBarTitleText": "Reader",
"navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#5E00FF",
"backgroundColor": "#5E00FF"
"tabBar": {
"color": "#cdcdcd",
"selectedColor": "#39cffc",
"borderStyle": "black",
"backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
"list": [{
"pagePath": "pages/index/index",
"iconPath": "static/logo.png",
"selectedIconPath": "static/logo.png",
"text": "首页"
}, {
"pagePath": "pages/find/find",
"iconPath": "static/logo.png",
"selectedIconPath": "static/logo.png",
"text": "发现"
"pagePath": "pages/nav/nav",
"iconPath": "static/logo.png",
"selectedIconPath": "static/logo.png",
"text": "导航"
}, {
"pagePath": "pages/person/person",
"iconPath": "static/logo.png",
"selectedIconPath": "static/logo.png",
"text": "我的"
"condition": { //模式配置,仅开发期间生效
"current": 1, //当前激活的模式(list 的索引项)
"list": [{
"name": "首页", //模式名称
"path": "pages/index/index", //启动页面,必选
"query": "" //启动参数,在页面的onLoad函数里面得到。uid=100&t=1535987051
"name": "发现", //模式名称
"path": "pages/index/index", //启动页面,必选
"query": "" //启动参数,在页面的onLoad函数里面得到。
"name": "导航", //模式名称
"path": "pages/index/index", //启动页面,必选
"query": "" //启动参数,在页面的onLoad函数里面得到。uid=100&t=1535987051
"name": "我的", //模式名称
"path": "pages/index/index", //启动页面,必选
"query": "" //启动参数,在页面的onLoad函数里面得到。
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<view class="text-area">
<text class="title">{{title}}</text>
<BookCard :BookName="BookName"></BookCard>
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
data() {
return {
BookName: "这是一段测试书名",
title: 'Hello'
......@@ -54,4 +55,9 @@
font-size: 36rpx;
color: #8f8f94;
width: 100%;
Markdown is supported
0% .
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