提交 4147ea04 编写于 作者: G gineshidalgo99

Updated Caffe

上级 97c5c2cb
- Caffe:
- Version 1.0.0, extracted from GitHub on 09/30/2017 from the current master branch.
- Version 1.0.0, extracted from GitHub on 11/03/2017 from the current master branch.
- Link: https://github.com/BVLC/caffe
......@@ -699,6 +699,6 @@ $(DISTRIBUTE_DIR): all py | $(DISTRIBUTE_SUBDIRS)
install -m 644 $(DYNAMIC_NAME) $(DISTRIBUTE_DIR)/lib
# add python - it's not the standard way, indeed...
cp -r python $(DISTRIBUTE_DIR)/python
cp -r python $(DISTRIBUTE_DIR)/
-include $(DEPS)
......@@ -116,5 +116,5 @@ To get a list of all options `googletest` provides, simply pass the `--help` fla
- **Run `make lint` to check C++ code.**
- Wrap lines at 80 chars.
- Follow [Google C++ style](http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml) and [Google python style](http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/pyguide.html) + [PEP 8](http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
- Follow [Google C++ style](https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html) and [Google python style](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html) + [PEP 8](http://legacy.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
- Remember that “a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds,” so use your best judgement to write the clearest code for your particular case.
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ Continue with [compilation](installation.html#compilation).
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev libleveldb-dev libsnappy-dev libopencv-dev libhdf5-serial-dev protobuf-compiler
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev
**CUDA**: Install by `apt-get` or the NVIDIA `.run` package.
The NVIDIA package tends to follow more recent library and driver versions, but the installation is more manual.
......@@ -54,12 +55,6 @@ This can be skipped for CPU-only installation.
CUDA 8 is required on Ubuntu 16.04.
**Remaining dependencies, 14.04**
Everything is packaged in 14.04.
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev liblmdb-dev
**Remaining dependencies, 12.04**
These dependencies need manual installation in 12.04.
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Layers:
* [ELU](layers/elu.html) - exponential linear rectification.
* [Sigmoid](layers/sigmoid.html)
* [TanH](layers/tanh.html)
* [Absolute Value](layers/abs.html)
* [Absolute Value](layers/absval.html)
* [Power](layers/power.html) - f(x) = (shift + scale * x) ^ power.
* [Exp](layers/exp.html) - f(x) = base ^ (shift + scale * x).
* [Log](layers/log.html) - f(x) = log(x).
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ priority: 10
## Requirements
The demo server requires Python with some dependencies.
To make sure you have the dependencies, please run `pip install -r examples/web_demo/requirements.txt`, and also make sure that you've compiled the Python Caffe interface and that it is on your `PYTHONPATH` (see [installation instructions](/installation.html)).
To make sure you have the dependencies, please run `pip install -r examples/web_demo/requirements.txt`, and also make sure that you've compiled the Python Caffe interface and that it is on your `PYTHONPATH` (see [installation instructions](http://caffe.berkeleyvision.org/installation.html)).
Make sure that you have obtained the Reference CaffeNet Model and the ImageNet Auxiliary Data:
......@@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ class BilinearFiller : public Filler<Dtype> {
CHECK_EQ(blob->width(), blob->height()) << "Filter must be square";
Dtype* data = blob->mutable_cpu_data();
int f = ceil(blob->width() / 2.);
float c = (2 * f - 1 - f % 2) / (2. * f);
Dtype c = (blob->width() - 1) / (2. * f);
for (int i = 0; i < blob->count(); ++i) {
float x = i % blob->width();
float y = (i / blob->width()) % blob->height();
Dtype x = i % blob->width();
Dtype y = (i / blob->width()) % blob->height();
data[i] = (1 - fabs(x / f - c)) * (1 - fabs(y / f - c));
CHECK_EQ(this->filler_param_.sparse(), -1)
......@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ class AccuracyLayer : public Layer<Dtype> {
virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
/// @brief Not implemented -- AccuracyLayer cannot be used as a loss.
......@@ -77,6 +79,8 @@ class AccuracyLayer : public Layer<Dtype> {
if (propagate_down[i]) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
int label_axis_, outer_num_, inner_num_;
......@@ -13,20 +13,21 @@
namespace caffe {
* @brief A generalization of MultinomialLogisticLossLayer that takes an
* @brief A generalization of SoftmaxWithLossLayer that takes an
* "information gain" (infogain) matrix specifying the "value" of all label
* pairs.
* Equivalent to the MultinomialLogisticLossLayer if the infogain matrix is the
* Equivalent to the SoftmaxWithLossLayer if the infogain matrix is the
* identity.
* @param bottom input Blob vector (length 2-3)
* -# @f$ (N \times C \times H \times W) @f$
* the predictions @f$ \hat{p} @f$, a Blob with values in
* @f$ [0, 1] @f$ indicating the predicted probability of each of the
* @f$ K = CHW @f$ classes. Each prediction vector @f$ \hat{p}_n @f$
* should sum to 1 as in a probability distribution: @f$
* \forall n \sum\limits_{k=1}^K \hat{p}_{nk} = 1 @f$.
* the predictions @f$ x @f$, a Blob with values in
* @f$ [-\infty, +\infty] @f$ indicating the predicted score for each of
* the @f$ K = CHW @f$ classes. This layer maps these scores to a
* probability distribution over classes using the softmax function
* @f$ \hat{p}_{nk} = \exp(x_{nk}) /
* \left[\sum_{k'} \exp(x_{nk'})\right] @f$ (see SoftmaxLayer).
* -# @f$ (N \times 1 \times 1 \times 1) @f$
* the labels @f$ l @f$, an integer-valued Blob with values
* @f$ l_n \in [0, 1, 2, ..., K - 1] @f$
......@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ namespace caffe {
* (\b optional) the infogain matrix @f$ H @f$. This must be provided as
* the third bottom blob input if not provided as the infogain_mat in the
* InfogainLossParameter. If @f$ H = I @f$, this layer is equivalent to the
* MultinomialLogisticLossLayer.
* SoftmaxWithLossLayer.
* @param top output Blob vector (length 1)
* -# @f$ (1 \times 1 \times 1 \times 1) @f$
* the computed infogain multinomial logistic loss: @f$ E =
......@@ -98,8 +99,8 @@ class InfogainLossLayer : public LossLayer<Dtype> {
* infogain matrix, if provided as bottom[2])
* @param bottom input Blob vector (length 2-3)
* -# @f$ (N \times C \times H \times W) @f$
* the predictions @f$ \hat{p} @f$; Backward computes diff
* @f$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial \hat{p}} @f$
* the predictions @f$ x @f$; Backward computes diff
* @f$ \frac{\partial E}{\partial x} @f$
* -# @f$ (N \times 1 \times 1 \times 1) @f$
* the labels -- ignored as we can't compute their error gradients
* -# @f$ (1 \times 1 \times K \times K) @f$
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ def resize_image(im, new_dims, interp_order=1):
# skimage is fast but only understands {1,3} channel images
# in [0, 1].
im_std = (im - im_min) / (im_max - im_min)
resized_std = resize(im_std, new_dims, order=interp_order)
resized_std = resize(im_std, new_dims, order=interp_order, mode='constant')
resized_im = resized_std * (im_max - im_min) + im_min
# the image is a constant -- avoid divide by 0
......@@ -72,41 +72,41 @@ class TestNet(unittest.TestCase):
def test_forward_start_end(self):
for i in range(0,conv_blob.data.shape[0]):
def test_backward_start_end(self):
for i in range(0,conv_blob.data.shape[0]):
def test_clear_param_diffs(self):
# Run a forward/backward step to have non-zero diffs
......@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ void AccuracyLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
const Dtype* bottom_label = bottom[1]->cpu_data();
const int dim = bottom[0]->count() / outer_num_;
const int num_labels = bottom[0]->shape(label_axis_);
vector<Dtype> maxval(top_k_+1);
vector<int> max_id(top_k_+1);
if (top.size() > 1) {
caffe_set(nums_buffer_.count(), Dtype(0), nums_buffer_.mutable_cpu_data());
caffe_set(top[1]->count(), Dtype(0), top[1]->mutable_cpu_data());
......@@ -66,25 +64,22 @@ void AccuracyLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
if (has_ignore_label_ && label_value == ignore_label_) {
if (top.size() > 1) ++nums_buffer_.mutable_cpu_data()[label_value];
DCHECK_GE(label_value, 0);
DCHECK_LT(label_value, num_labels);
if (top.size() > 1) ++nums_buffer_.mutable_cpu_data()[label_value];
const Dtype prob_of_true_class = bottom_data[i * dim
+ label_value * inner_num_
+ j];
int num_better_predictions = -1; // true_class also counts as "better"
// Top-k accuracy
std::vector<std::pair<Dtype, int> > bottom_data_vector;
for (int k = 0; k < num_labels; ++k) {
bottom_data[i * dim + k * inner_num_ + j], k));
for (int k = 0; k < num_labels && num_better_predictions < top_k_; ++k) {
num_better_predictions +=
(bottom_data[i * dim + k * inner_num_ + j] >= prob_of_true_class);
bottom_data_vector.begin(), bottom_data_vector.begin() + top_k_,
bottom_data_vector.end(), std::greater<std::pair<Dtype, int> >());
// check if true label is in top k predictions
for (int k = 0; k < top_k_; k++) {
if (bottom_data_vector[k].second == label_value) {
// check if there are less than top_k_ predictions
if (num_better_predictions < top_k_) {
if (top.size() > 1) ++top[1]->mutable_cpu_data()[label_value];
......@@ -102,6 +97,10 @@ void AccuracyLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
// Accuracy layer should not be used as a loss function.
#ifdef CPU_ONLY
#include <vector>
#include "caffe/layers/accuracy_layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"
namespace caffe {
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void AccuracyForwardGPU(const int nthreads,
const Dtype* bottom_data, const Dtype* label, Dtype* acc,
const int num, const int dim, const int spatial_dim,
const int num_labels, const int top_k,
const bool has_ignore_label_, const int ignore_label_,
Dtype* counts) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
const int n = index / spatial_dim;
const int s = index % spatial_dim;
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[n * spatial_dim + s]);
const Dtype prob_of_true_class = bottom_data[n * dim
+ label_value * spatial_dim
+ s];
int num_better_predictions = -1; // true_class also counts as "better"
if (has_ignore_label_ && label_value == ignore_label_) {
acc[index] = 0;
counts[index] = 0;
} else {
for (int k = 0; k < num_labels & num_better_predictions < top_k; k++) {
num_better_predictions +=
(bottom_data[n * dim + k * spatial_dim + s] >= prob_of_true_class);
acc[index] = (num_better_predictions < top_k);
counts[index] = 1;
template <typename Dtype>
__global__ void AccuracyForwardWithPerClassGPU(const int nthreads,
const Dtype* bottom_data, const Dtype* label,
Dtype* acc, Dtype* counts,
const int num, const int dim, const int spatial_dim,
const int num_labels, const int top_k,
const bool has_ignore_label_, const int ignore_label_) {
CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, nthreads) {
const int n = index / spatial_dim;
const int s = index % spatial_dim;
const int label_value = static_cast<int>(label[n * spatial_dim + s]);
const Dtype prob_of_true_class = bottom_data[n * dim
+ label_value * spatial_dim
+ s];
if (has_ignore_label_ && label_value == ignore_label_) {
// nothing to be done.
} else {
int num_better_predictions = -1; // true_class also counts as "better"
for (int k = 0; k < num_labels & num_better_predictions < top_k; k++) {
num_better_predictions +=
(bottom_data[n * dim + k * spatial_dim + s] >= prob_of_true_class);
acc[label_value*nthreads + index] += (num_better_predictions < top_k);
counts[label_value*nthreads + index] = 1;
template <typename Dtype>
void AccuracyLayer<Dtype>::Forward_gpu(
const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[0]->gpu_data();
const Dtype* bottom_label = bottom[1]->gpu_data();
const int dim = bottom[0]->count() / outer_num_;
const int num_labels = bottom[0]->shape(label_axis_);
const int nthreads = outer_num_ * inner_num_;
// Since this memory is not used for anything,
// we use it here to avoid having to allocate new GPU
// memory to accumulate intermediate results in the kernel.
Dtype* acc_data = bottom[0]->mutable_gpu_diff();
if (top.size() == 1) {
// simple case - report only global accuracy.
// Similarly, this memory is never used elsewhere, and thus we can use it
// to avoid having to allocate additional GPU memory.
Dtype* counts = bottom[1]->mutable_gpu_diff();
// NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)
CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(nthreads, bottom_data, bottom_label,
acc_data, outer_num_, dim, inner_num_, num_labels, top_k_,
has_ignore_label_, ignore_label_, counts);
Dtype acc;
caffe_gpu_asum(nthreads, acc_data, &acc);
Dtype valid_count;
caffe_gpu_asum(nthreads, counts, &valid_count);
if (valid_count > 0) {
top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = acc / valid_count;
} else {
top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = 0;
} else {
// need to report per-class accuracy as well
// allocate space for more detailed "counts"
Dtype* counts = nums_buffer_.mutable_gpu_data();
caffe_gpu_set(bottom[0]->count(), Dtype(0), acc_data);
caffe_gpu_set(nums_buffer_.count(), Dtype(0), counts);
// NOLINT_NEXT_LINE(whitespace/operators)
CAFFE_CUDA_NUM_THREADS>>>(nthreads, bottom_data, bottom_label,
acc_data, counts, outer_num_, dim, inner_num_, num_labels, top_k_,
has_ignore_label_, ignore_label_);
// get the overall accuracy
Dtype acc;
caffe_gpu_asum(bottom[0]->count(), acc_data, &acc);
Dtype valid_count;
caffe_gpu_asum(nums_buffer_.count(), counts, &valid_count);
if (valid_count > 0) {
top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = acc / valid_count;
} else {
top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = 0;
// get per-class accuracy
Dtype* per_class_acc = top[1]->mutable_cpu_data();
for (int l = 0; l < num_labels; l++) {
caffe_gpu_asum(nthreads, acc_data + l*nthreads, per_class_acc+l);
caffe_gpu_asum(nthreads, counts + l*nthreads, &valid_count);
if (valid_count > 0) {
per_class_acc[l] /= valid_count;
} else {
per_class_acc[l] = 0;
template <typename Dtype>
void AccuracyLayer<Dtype>::Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
if (propagate_down[1]) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }
} // namespace caffe
......@@ -13,8 +13,10 @@
namespace caffe {
template <typename Dtype>
class AccuracyLayerTest : public CPUDeviceTest<Dtype> {
template <typename TypeParam>
class AccuracyLayerTest : public MultiDeviceTest<TypeParam> {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
: blob_bottom_data_(new Blob<Dtype>()),
......@@ -69,11 +71,12 @@ class AccuracyLayerTest : public CPUDeviceTest<Dtype> {
int top_k_;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(AccuracyLayerTest, TestDtypes);
TYPED_TEST_CASE(AccuracyLayerTest, TestDtypesAndDevices);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestSetup) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->num(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->channels(), 1);
......@@ -82,11 +85,12 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestSetup) {
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestSetupTopK) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyParameter* accuracy_param =
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->num(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->channels(), 1);
......@@ -95,8 +99,9 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestSetupTopK) {
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestSetupOutputPerClass) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_per_class_vec_);
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->num(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_->channels(), 1);
......@@ -108,13 +113,17 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestSetupOutputPerClass) {
EXPECT_EQ(this->blob_top_per_class_->width(), 1);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPU) {
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForward) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
// repeat the forward
for (int iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++) {
layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
TypeParam max_value;
Dtype max_value;
int max_id;
int num_correct_labels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
......@@ -131,10 +140,12 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPU) {
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_->data_at(0, 0, 0, 0),
num_correct_labels / 100.0, 1e-4);
num_correct_labels / Dtype(100.0), 1e-4);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardWithSpatialAxes) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
this->blob_bottom_data_->Reshape(2, 10, 4, 5);
vector<int> label_shape(3);
label_shape[0] = 2; label_shape[1] = 4; label_shape[2] = 5;
......@@ -142,11 +153,14 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardWithSpatialAxes) {
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
// repeat the forward
for (int iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++) {
layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
TypeParam max_value;
Dtype max_value;
const int num_labels = this->blob_bottom_label_->count();
int max_id;
int num_correct_labels = 0;
......@@ -157,7 +171,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardWithSpatialAxes) {
max_value = -FLT_MAX;
max_id = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < this->blob_bottom_data_->channels(); ++c) {
const TypeParam pred_value =
const Dtype pred_value =
this->blob_bottom_data_->data_at(n, c, h, w);
if (pred_value > max_value) {
max_value = pred_value;
......@@ -174,22 +188,27 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardWithSpatialAxes) {
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_->data_at(0, 0, 0, 0),
num_correct_labels / TypeParam(num_labels), 1e-4);
num_correct_labels / Dtype(num_labels), 1e-4);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardIgnoreLabel) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
const TypeParam kIgnoreLabelValue = -1;
const Dtype kIgnoreLabelValue = -1;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
// Manually set some labels to the ignore label value (-1).
this->blob_bottom_label_->mutable_cpu_data()[2] = kIgnoreLabelValue;
this->blob_bottom_label_->mutable_cpu_data()[5] = kIgnoreLabelValue;
this->blob_bottom_label_->mutable_cpu_data()[32] = kIgnoreLabelValue;
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
// repeat the forward
for (int iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++) {
layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
TypeParam max_value;
Dtype max_value;
int max_id;
int num_correct_labels = 0;
int count = 0;
......@@ -212,18 +231,23 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardIgnoreLabel) {
EXPECT_EQ(count, 97); // We set 3 out of 100 labels to kIgnoreLabelValue.
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_->data_at(0, 0, 0, 0),
num_correct_labels / TypeParam(count), 1e-4);
num_correct_labels / Dtype(count), 1e-4);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPUTopK) {
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardTopK) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyParameter* accuracy_param = layer_param.mutable_accuracy_param();
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
// repeat the forward
for (int iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++) {
layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
TypeParam current_value;
Dtype current_value;
int current_rank;
int num_correct_labels = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
......@@ -243,16 +267,20 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPUTopK) {
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_->data_at(0, 0, 0, 0),
num_correct_labels / 100.0, 1e-4);
num_correct_labels / Dtype(100.0), 1e-4);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPUPerClass) {
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardPerClass) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_per_class_vec_);
// repeat the forward
for (int iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++) {
layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_per_class_vec_);
TypeParam max_value;
Dtype max_value;
int max_id;
int num_correct_labels = 0;
const int num_class = this->blob_top_per_class_->num();
......@@ -276,27 +304,32 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPUPerClass) {
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_->data_at(0, 0, 0, 0),
num_correct_labels / 100.0, 1e-4);
for (int i = 0; i < num_class; ++i) {
TypeParam accuracy_per_class = (num_per_class[i] > 0 ?
static_cast<TypeParam>(correct_per_class[i]) / num_per_class[i] : 0);
Dtype accuracy_per_class = (num_per_class[i] > 0 ?
static_cast<Dtype>(correct_per_class[i]) / num_per_class[i] : 0);
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_per_class_->data_at(i, 0, 0, 0),
accuracy_per_class, 1e-4);
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPUPerClassWithIgnoreLabel) {
TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardPerClassWithIgnoreLabel) {
typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
LayerParameter layer_param;
const TypeParam kIgnoreLabelValue = -1;
const Dtype kIgnoreLabelValue = -1;
AccuracyLayer<TypeParam> layer(layer_param);
AccuracyLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
// Manually set some labels to the ignore label value (-1).
this->blob_bottom_label_->mutable_cpu_data()[2] = kIgnoreLabelValue;
this->blob_bottom_label_->mutable_cpu_data()[5] = kIgnoreLabelValue;
this->blob_bottom_label_->mutable_cpu_data()[32] = kIgnoreLabelValue;
layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_per_class_vec_);
// repeat the forward
for (int iter = 0; iter < 3; iter++) {
layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_per_class_vec_);
TypeParam max_value;
Dtype max_value;
int max_id;
int num_correct_labels = 0;
const int num_class = this->blob_top_per_class_->num();
......@@ -324,13 +357,14 @@ TYPED_TEST(AccuracyLayerTest, TestForwardCPUPerClassWithIgnoreLabel) {
EXPECT_EQ(count, 97);
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_->data_at(0, 0, 0, 0),
num_correct_labels / TypeParam(count), 1e-4);
num_correct_labels / Dtype(count), 1e-4);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
TypeParam accuracy_per_class = (num_per_class[i] > 0 ?
static_cast<TypeParam>(correct_per_class[i]) / num_per_class[i] : 0);
Dtype accuracy_per_class = (num_per_class[i] > 0 ?
static_cast<Dtype>(correct_per_class[i]) / num_per_class[i] : 0);
EXPECT_NEAR(this->blob_top_per_class_->data_at(i, 0, 0, 0),
accuracy_per_class, 1e-4);
} // namespace caffe
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ TYPED_TEST(ConstantFillerTest, TestFill) {
const int count = this->blob_->count();
const TypeParam* data = this->blob_->cpu_data();
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
EXPECT_GE(data[i], this->filler_param_.value());
EXPECT_EQ(data[i], this->filler_param_.value());
......@@ -238,4 +238,45 @@ TYPED_TEST(MSRAFillerTest, TestFillAverage) {
this->test_params(FillerParameter_VarianceNorm_AVERAGE, n);
template <typename Dtype>
class BilinearFillerTest : public ::testing::Test {
BilinearFillerTest() : filler_param_() {}
virtual void test_params(const int n) {
this->blob_ = new Blob<Dtype>(1000, 2, n, n);
this->filler_.reset(new BilinearFiller<Dtype>(this->filler_param_));
const int outer_num = this->blob_->count(0, 2);
const int inner_num = this->blob_->count(2, 4);
const Dtype* data = this->blob_->cpu_data();
int f = ceil(this->blob_->width() / 2.);
Dtype c = (this->blob_->width() - 1) / (2. * f);
for (int i = 0; i < outer_num; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < inner_num; ++j) {
Dtype x = j % this->blob_->width();
Dtype y = (j / this->blob_->width()) % this->blob_->height();
Dtype expected_value = (1 - fabs(x / f - c)) * (1 - fabs(y / f - c));
const Dtype actual_value = data[i * inner_num + j];
EXPECT_NEAR(expected_value, actual_value, 0.01);
virtual ~BilinearFillerTest() { delete blob_; }
Blob<Dtype>* blob_;
FillerParameter filler_param_;
shared_ptr<BilinearFiller<Dtype> > filler_;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(BilinearFillerTest, TestDtypes);
TYPED_TEST(BilinearFillerTest, TestFillOdd) {
const int n = 7;
TYPED_TEST(BilinearFillerTest, TestFillEven) {
const int n = 6;
} // namespace caffe
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