# Contributing guidelines ## Pull Request Checklist Before sending your pull requests, make sure you followed this list: - Read [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md). - Read [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). - Refer to [Development process](#development-process). - Changes are consistent with the Coding Style of the project. - Build the project locally. - Run Unit Tests and ensure that you have the test coverage for your code. ## Development process Please follow the steps below in order to make the changes: 1. Clone the repository and open it in your favourite IDE. 2. Make code changes to the core library of `graphql-java-codegen`. 3. If changes are required in the plugin code, then **build** and **install** `graphql-java-codegen` first. ```shell script # This will install the library (including your recent changes) in your local maven repository. gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal ``` 4. Build the plugin project with updated `graphql-java-codegen` library. ```shell script # Build Gradle plugin cd plugins/gradle/graphql-java-codegen-gradle-plugin gradle clean build # Build Maven plugin cd plugins/maven/graphql-java-codegen-maven-plugin mvn clean verify ``` 5. Make changes to the plugin code 6. Install the plugin (copy to your local maven repository). ```shell script # Install Gradle plugin cd plugins/gradle/graphql-java-codegen-gradle-plugin gradle clean build publishToMavenLocal # Install Maven plugin cd plugins/maven/graphql-java-codegen-maven-plugin mvn clean install ``` 7. Make sure that `example` project is compiling and running.