# Codegen Options | Option | Data Type | Default value | Description | |:-----------------------------------------------------:|:----------------------------------------------------------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------:|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `graphqlSchemaPaths` | List(String) | (falls back to `graphqlSchemas`) | GraphQL schema locations. You can supply multiple paths to GraphQL schemas. To include many schemas from a folder hierarchy, use the `graphqlSchemas` block instead. | | `graphqlSchemas` | *See
[graphqlSchemas](#option-graphqlschemas)* | All
files in
resources | Block to define the input GraphQL schemas, when exact paths are too cumbersome. See table below for a list of options. *See [graphqlSchemas](#option-graphqlschemas)* | | `graphqlQueryIntrospectionResu`
`ltPath` | String | None | Path to GraphQL Introspection Query result in json format (with root object `__schema` or `data.__schema`). Sample: [sample-introspection-query-result.json](../src/test/resources/introspection-result/sample-introspection-query-result.json) | | `outputDir` | String | None | The output target directory into which code will be generated. | | `configurationFiles` | List(String) | Empty | Paths to the files with mapping configurations. Supported formats. JSON, HOCON. Order of specified configuration files matters, so the default configuration should be placed at the end. | | `packageName` | String | Empty | Java package for generated classes. | | `apiPackageName` | String | Empty | Java package for generated api classes (Query, Mutation, Subscription). | | `modelPackageName` | String | Empty | Java package for generated model classes (type, input, interface, enum, union). | | `generateBuilder` | Boolean | True | Specifies whether generated model classes should have builder. | | `generateApis` | Boolean | True | Specifies whether api classes should be generated as well as model classes. | | `generateDataFetchingEnvironme`
`ntArgumentInApis` | Boolean | False | If true, then `graphql.schema.DataFetchingEnvironment env` will be added as a last argument to all methods of root type resolvers and field resolvers. | | `generateEqualsAndHashCode` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether generated model classes should have equals and hashCode methods defined. | | `generateParameterizedFieldsResolvers` | Boolean | True | Specifies whether separate `Resolver` interface for parametrized fields should be generated. If `false`, then add parametrized field to the type definition and ignore field parameters. If `true` then separate `Resolver` interface for parametrized fields will be generated. | | `generateImmutableModels` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether generated model classes should be immutable. | | `generateToString` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether generated model classes should have toString method defined. | | `generateJacksonTypeIdResolver` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether generated union interfaces should be annotated with a custom Jackson type id resolver generated in model package. | | `addGeneratedAnnotation` | Boolean | True | Specifies whether generated classes should have `@Generated` annotation. | | `generatedAnnotation` | String | `jakarta.annotation.Generated`
`javax.annotation.Generated` | Qualified class name (with package) of the `@Generated` annotation that will be added on top of every generated class (if `addGeneratedAnnotation` is **true**) | | `apiNamePrefix` | String | Empty | Sets the prefix for GraphQL api classes (query, mutation, subscription). | | `apiNameSuffix` | String | `Resolver` | Sets the suffix for GraphQL api classes (query, mutation, subscription). | | `apiInterfaceStrategy` | *See
[ApiInterfaceStrategy](#option-apiinterfacestrategy)* | `INTERFACE_PER_OPERATION` | *See [ApiInterfaceStrategy](#option-apiinterfacestrategy)* | | `apiRootInterfaceStrategy` | *See
[ApiRootInterfaceStrategy](#option-apirootinterfacestrategy)* | `SINGLE_INTERFACE` | *See [ApiRootInterfaceStrategy](#option-apirootinterfacestrategy)* | | `apiNamePrefixStrategy` | *See
[ApiNamePrefixStrategy](#option-apinameprefixstrategy)* | `CONSTANT` | *See [ApiNamePrefixStrategy](#option-apinameprefixstrategy)* | | `modelNamePrefix` | String | Empty | Sets the prefix for GraphQL model classes (type, input, interface, enum, union). | | `modelNameSuffix` | String | Empty | Sets the suffix for GraphQL model classes (type, input, interface, enum, union). | | `modelValidationAnnotation` | String | `@javax.validation.`
`constraints.NotNull` | Annotation for mandatory (NonNull) fields. Can be null/empty. | | `typeResolverPrefix` | String | Empty | Sets the prefix for GraphQL type resolver classes. | | `typeResolverSuffix` | String | `Resolver` | Sets the suffix for GraphQL type resolver classes. | | `customTypesMapping` | Map(String,String) | Empty | *See [CustomTypesMapping](#option-customtypesmapping)* | | `customTemplates` | Map(String,String) | Empty | Use to supply paths to custom FreeMarker templates for code generation. | | `customAnnotationsMapping` | Map(String,String[]) | Empty | *See [CustomAnnotationsMapping](#option-customannotationsmapping)* | | `directiveAnnotationsMapping` | Map(String,String[]) | Empty | *See [DirectiveAnnotationsMapping](#option-directiveannotationsmapping)* | | `fieldsWithResolvers` | Set(String) | Empty | Fields that require Resolvers should be defined here in format: `TypeName.fieldName` or `TypeName` or `@directive`. E.g.: `Person`, `Person.friends`, `@customResolver`. | | `fieldsWithoutResolvers` | Set(String) | Empty | Fields that DO NOT require Resolvers should be defined here in format: `TypeName.fieldName` or `TypeName` or `@directive`. Can be used in conjunction with `generateExtensionFieldsResolvers` option. E.g.: `Person`, `Person.friends`, `@noResolver`. | | `resolverArgumentAnnotations` | Set(String) | Empty | Annotations that will be added to all resolver arguments. Can be used for [spring-graphql](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-graphql) inegration by supplying: `org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.Argument` | | `parametrizedResolverAnnotations` | Set(String) | Empty | Annotations that will be added to all parametrized resolver methods. Can be used for [spring-graphql](https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-graphql) inegration by supplying: `org.springframework.graphql.data.method.annotation.SchemaMapping(typeName="{{TYPE_NAME}}")` | | `generateParameterizedFieldsResolvers` | Boolean | True | If true, then generate separate `Resolver` interface for parametrized fields. If false, then add field to the type definition and ignore field parameters. | | `generateExtensionFieldsResolvers` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether all fields in extensions (`extend type` and `extend interface`) should be present in Resolver interface instead of the type class itself. | | `generateModelsForRootTypes` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether model classes should be generated for `type Query`, `type Subscription`, `type Mutation`. | | `useOptionalForNullableReturnTypes` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether nullable return types of api methods should be wrapped into [`java.util.Optional<>`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/index.html?java/util/Optional.html). Lists will not be wrapped. | | `generateApisWithThrowsException` | Boolean | True | Specifies whether api interface methods should have `throws Exception` in signature. | | `generateNoArgsConstructorOnly` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether model classes should only have a no-args constructor. All-args constructor will not be generated in case value is true | | `generateModelsWithPublicFields` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether model classes should have public fields and NO getters/setters. By default, fields are private and there are getters/setters for each field. | | `apiReturnType` | String | Empty | Return type for api methods (query/mutation). For example: `reactor.core.publisher.Mono`, etc. | | `apiReturnListType` | String | Empty | Return type for api methods (query/mutation) having list type. For example: `reactor.core.publisher.Flux`, etc. By default is empty, so `apiReturnType` will be used. | | `subscriptionReturnType` | String | Empty | Return type for subscription methods. For example: `org.reactivestreams.Publisher`, `io.reactivex.Observable`, etc. | | `relayConfig` | *See
[RelayConfig](#option-relayconfig)* | `@connection(for: ...)` | *See [RelayConfig](#option-relayconfig)* | | `generateClient` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether client-side classes should be generated for each query, mutation and subscription. This includes: `Request` classes (contain input data), `ResponseProjection` classes for each type (contain response fields) and `Response` classes (contain response data). | | `requestSuffix` | String | Request | Sets the suffix for `Request` classes. | | `responseSuffix` | String | Response | Sets the suffix for `Response` classes. | | `responseProjectionSuffix` | String | ResponseProjection | Sets the suffix for `ResponseProjection` classes. | | `parametrizedInputSuffix` | String | ParametrizedInput | Sets the suffix for `ParametrizedInput` classes. | | `parentInterfaces` | *See
[parentInterfaces](#option-parentinterfaces)* | Empty | Block to define parent interfaces for generated interfaces (query / mutation / subscription / type resolver). *See [parentInterfaces](#option-parentinterfaces)* | | `generateAllMethodInProjection` | Boolean | True | Enables whether the `all$()` method should be generated in the projection classes. Disabling enforces the client to select the fields manually. | | `responseProjectionMaxDepth` | Integer | 3 | Sets max depth when use `all$()` which for facilitating the construction of projection automatically, the fields on all projections are provided when it be invoked. This is a global configuration, of course, you can use `all$(max)` to set for each method. For self recursive types, too big depth may result in a large number of returned data! | | `generatedLanguage` | Enum | GeneratedLanguage.JAVA | Choose which language you want to generate, Java,Scala,Kotlin were supported. Note that due to language features, there are slight differences in default values between languages. | | `generateModelOpenClasses` | Boolean | False | The class type of the generated model. If true, generate normal classes, else generate data classes. It only support in kotlin(```data class```) and scala(```case class```). Maybe we will consider to support Java ```record``` in the future. | | `initializeNullableTypes` | Boolean | False | Adds a default null value to nullable arguments. Only supported in Kotlin. | | `generateSealedInterfaces` | Boolean | False | This applies to generated interfaces on unions and interfaces. If true, generate sealed interfaces, else generate normal ones. It is only supported in Kotlin and Scala. | | `typesAsInterfaces` | Set(String) | Empty | Types that must generated as interfaces should be defined here in format: `TypeName` or `@directive`. E.g.: `User`, `@asInterface`. | | `useObjectMapperForRequestSerialization` | Set(String) | Empty | Fields that require serialization using `com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper#writeValueAsString(Object)`. Values should be defined here in the following format: `GraphqlObjectName.fieldName` or `GraphqlTypeName`. If just type is specified, then all fields of this type will be serialized using ObjectMapper. E.g.: `["Person.createdDateTime", ZonedDateTime"]` | | `supportUnknownFields` | Boolean | False | Specifies whether api classes should support unknown fields during serialization or deserialization. If `true`, classes will include a property of type [`java.util.Map`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/index.html?java/util/Map.html) that will store unknown fields. | | `unknownFieldsPropertyName` | String | userDefinedFields | Specifies the name of the property to be included in api classes to support unknown fields during serialization or deserialization | | `skip` | Boolean | False | If true, then code generation will not happen | ### Option `graphqlSchemas` When exact paths to GraphQL schemas are too cumbersome to provide in the `graphqlSchemaPaths`, use the `graphqlSchemas` block. The parameters inside that block are the following: | Key inside `graphqlSchemas` | Data Type | Default value | Description | |:---------------------------:|:------------:|:------------------:|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `rootDir` | String | Main resources dir | The root directory from which to start searching for schema files. | | `recursive` | Boolean | `true` | Whether to recursively look into sub directories. | | `includePattern` | String | `.*\.graphqls?` | A Java regex that file names must match to be included. It should be a regex as defined by the [Pattern](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html) JDK class. It will be used to match only the file name without path. | | `excludedFiles` | Set | (empty set) | A set of files to exclude, even if they match the include pattern. These paths should be either absolute or relative to the provided `rootDir`. | ### Option `ApiInterfaceStrategy` Defines how to generate interfaces (resolvers) for each operation: `Query`/`Mutation`/`Subscription`. Provides ability to skip generation of separate interface class for each operation in favor of having a single "root" interface ( see *[ApiRootInterfaceStrategy](#option-apirootinterfacestrategy)* and *[ApiNamePrefixStrategy](#option-apinameprefixstrategy)*) | Value | Description | |:---------------------------------------:|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `INTERFACE_PER_OPERATION` **(default)** | Generate separate interface classes for each GraphQL operation. | | `DO_NOT_GENERATE` | Do not generate separate interfaces classes for GraphQL operation. | ### Option `ApiRootInterfaceStrategy` Defines how root interface (`QueryResolver` / `MutationResolver` / `SubscriptionResolver` will be generated (in addition to separate interfaces for each query/mutation/subscription) | Value | Description | |:--------------------------------:|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `INTERFACE_PER_SCHEMA` | Generate multiple super-interfaces for each graphql file.
Takes into account `apiNamePrefixStrategy`.
E.g.: `OrderServiceQueryResolver.java`, `ProductServiceQueryResolver.java`, etc. | | `SINGLE_INTERFACE` **(default)** | Generate a single `QueryResolver.java`, `MutationResolver.java`, `SubscriptionResolver.java` for all graphql schema files. | | `DO_NOT_GENERATE` | Do not generate super interface for GraphQL operations. | ### Option `ApiNamePrefixStrategy` Defines which prefix to use for API interfaces. | Value | Description | |:------------------------:|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `FILE_NAME_AS_PREFIX` | Will take GraphQL file name as a prefix for all generated API interfaces + value of `apiNamePrefix` config option.
* following schemas: *resources/schemas/order-service.graphql*, *resources/schemas/product-service.graphql*
* will result in: `OrderServiceQueryResolver.java`, `ProductServiceQueryResolver.java`, etc | | `FOLDER_NAME_AS_PREFIX` | Will take parent folder name as a prefix for all generated API interfaces + value of `apiNamePrefix` config option. E.g.:
* following schemas: *resources/order-service/schema1.graphql*, *resources/order-service/schema2.graphql*
* will result in: `OrderServiceQueryResolver.java`, `OrderServiceGetOrderByIdQueryResolver.java`, etc | | `CONSTANT` **(default)** | Will take only the value of `apiNamePrefix` config option. | resources/schemas/order-service.graphql*, * resources/schemas/product-service.graphql*
* will result in: `OrderServiceQueryResolver.java` , `ProductServiceQueryResolver.java`, etc | | `FOLDER_NAME_AS_PREFIX` | Will take parent folder name as a prefix for all generated API interfaces + value of `apiNamePrefix` config option. E.g.:
* following schemas: * resources/order-service/schema1.graphql*, * resources/order-service/schema2.graphql*
* will result in: `OrderServiceQueryResolver.java` , `OrderServiceGetOrderByIdQueryResolver.java`, etc | | `CONSTANT` **(default)** | Will take only the value of `apiNamePrefix` config option. | ### Option `parentInterfaces` Following options can be defined if you want generated resolvers to extend certain interfaces. Can be handy if you are using [graphql-java-tools](https://github.com/graphql-java-kickstart/graphql-java-tools) and want your resolver classes to extend only interfaces generated by this plugin. **Note:** if you want to include a GraphQL type name into the interface name, then use `{{TYPE}}` placeholder. E.g.: `graphql.kickstart.tools.GraphQLResolver<{{TYPE}}>` | Key inside `parentInterfaces` | Data Type | Default value | Description | |:-----------------------------:|:---------:|:-------------:|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | `queryResolver` | String | Empty | Interface that will be added as "extend" to all generated api Query interfaces. | | `mutationResolver` | String | Empty | Interface that will be added as "extend" to all generated api Mutation interfaces. | | `subscriptionResolver` | String | Empty | Interface that will be added as "extend" to all generated api Subscription interfaces. | | `resolver` | String | Empty | Interface that will be added as "extend" to all generated TypeResolver interfaces. | ### Option `customTypesMapping` Can be used to supply custom mappings for scalars. Supports following formats: * Map of (GraphQLObjectName.fieldName) to (JavaType). E.g.: `Event.dateTime = java.util.Date` * Map of (GraphQLType) to (JavaType). E.g.: `EpochMillis = java.time.LocalDateTime` ### Option `customAnnotationsMapping` Can be used to supply custom annotations (serializers) for scalars. `@` in front of the annotation class is optional. Supports following formats: * Map of (GraphQLObjectName.fieldName) to (JavaAnnotation). E.g.: `Event.dateTime = @com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(using = com.example.DateDeserializer.class)` * Map of (GraphQLType) to (JavaAnnotation). E.g.: `EpochMillis = @com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(using = com.example.EpochMillisDeserializer.class)` ### Option `directiveAnnotationsMapping` Can be used to supply custom annotations for directives in a following format: Map of (GraphQL.directiveName) to (JavaAnnotation). E.g.: `auth = @org.springframework.security.access.annotation.Secured({{roles}})`. `@` in front of the annotation class is optional. **Note:** In order to supply the value of directive argument to annotation, use placeholder `{{directiveArgument}}`. You can also use one of the formatters for directive argument value: `{{val?toString}}`, `{{val?toArray}}` , `{{val?toArrayOfStrings}}`. ### Option `relayConfig` Can be used to supply a custom configuration for Relay support. For reference see: https://www.graphql-java-kickstart.com/tools/relay/ | Key inside `relayConfig` | Data Type | Default value | Description | |:------------------------:|:---------:|:--------------------------:|------------------------------------------------------------| | `directiveName` | String | `connection` | Directive name used for marking a field. | | `directiveArgumentName` | String | `for` | Directive argument name that contains a GraphQL type name. | | `connectionType` | String | `graphql.relay.Connection` | Generic Connection type. | For example, the following schema: ``` type Query { users(first: Int, after: String): UserConnection @connection(for: "User") } ``` will result in generating the interface with the following method: ``` graphql.relay.Connection users(Integer first, String after) throws Exception; ``` ### External mapping configuration Provide a path to external file via property `configurationFiles` Sample content of the file: JSON: ```json { "generateApis": true, "packageName": "com.kobylynskyi.graphql.testconfigjson", "customTypesMapping": { "Price.amount": "java.math.BigDecimal" } } ``` [HOCON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HOCON): ``` generateClient=true generateApis=true generateBuilder=true generateImmutableModels=true generateToString=true generateEqualsAndHashCode=true apiPackageName="io.github.graphql.j.resolver" modelPackageName="io.github.graphql.j.model" modelNameSuffix="TO" apiInterfaceStrategy="DO_NOT_GENERATE" apiRootInterfaceStrategy="SINGLE_INTERFACE" generateModelsForRootTypes=true apiNamePrefix="GitHub" addGeneratedAnnotation=false generatedLanguage="KOTLIN" customTypesMapping={ Long="Long", Object="org.json.JSONObject" } customAnnotationsMapping={ "QuestionNode.metaData"=["com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(using = com.github.dreamylost.JsonObjectDeserializer::class)"] "QuestionNode.envInfo"=["com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize(using = com.github.dreamylost.JsonObjectDeserializer::class)"] } ```