package node import( "os/exec" "strings" "regexp" "io/ioutil" "encoding/json" "sort" "../arch" "../file" "../web" "../semver" ) /** * Returns version, architecture */ func GetCurrentVersion() (string, string) { cmd := exec.Command("node","-v") str, err := cmd.Output() if err == nil { v := strings.Trim(regexp.MustCompile("-.*$").ReplaceAllString(regexp.MustCompile("v").ReplaceAllString(strings.Trim(string(str)," \n\r"),""),"")," \n\r") cmd := exec.Command("node","-p","console.log(process.execPath)") str, _ := cmd.Output() file := strings.Trim(regexp.MustCompile("undefined").ReplaceAllString(string(str),"")," \n\r") bit := arch.Bit(file) if (bit == "?"){ cmd := exec.Command("node", "-e", "console.log(process.arch)" ) str, err := cmd.Output() if (err == nil) { if (string(str) == "x64") { bit = "64" } else { bit = "32" } } else { return v, "Unknown" } } return v, bit } return "Unknown","" } func IsVersionInstalled(root string, version string, cpu string) bool { e32 := file.Exists(root+"\\v"+version+"\\node32.exe") e64 := file.Exists(root+"\\v"+version+"\\node64.exe") used := file.Exists(root+"\\v"+version+"\\node.exe") if cpu == "all" { return ((e32 || e64) && used) || e32 && e64 } if file.Exists(root+"\\v"+version+"\\node"+cpu+".exe") { return true } if ((e32||e64) && used) || (e32 && e64) { return true } if !e32 && !e64 && used && arch.Validate(cpu) == arch.Bit(root+"\\v"+version+"\\node.exe") { return true } if cpu == "32" { return e32 } if cpu == "64" { return e64 } return false } func IsVersionAvailable(v string) bool { // Check the service to make sure the version is available avail, _, _ := GetAvailable() for _, b := range avail { if b == v { return true } } return false } func GetInstalled(root string) []string { list := make([]string,0) files, _ := ioutil.ReadDir(root) for i := len(files) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { if files[i].IsDir() { isnode, _ := regexp.MatchString("v",files[i].Name()) if isnode { list = append(list,files[i].Name()) } } } return list } // Sorting type BySemanticVersion []string func (s BySemanticVersion) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s BySemanticVersion) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } func (s BySemanticVersion) Less(i, j int) bool { v1, _ := semver.New(s[i]) v2, _ := semver.New(s[j]) return v1.GTE(v2) } func GetAvailable() ([]string, []string, []string) { all := make([]string,0) stable := make([]string,0) unstable := make([]string,0) // Check the service to make sure the version is available text := web.GetRemoteTextFile("") // Parse var data interface{} json.Unmarshal([]byte(text), &data); body := data.(map[string]interface{}) _all := body["all"] _stable := body["stable"] _unstable := body["unstable"] allkeys := _all.(map[string]interface{}) stablekeys := _stable.(map[string]interface{}) unstablekeys := _unstable.(map[string]interface{}) for nodev, _ := range allkeys { all = append(all,nodev) } for nodev, _ := range stablekeys { stable = append(stable,nodev) } for nodev, _ := range unstablekeys { unstable = append(unstable,nodev) } sort.Sort(BySemanticVersion(all)) sort.Sort(BySemanticVersion(stable)) sort.Sort(BySemanticVersion(unstable)) return all, stable, unstable }