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# disk-file-read-write
## explain
* This program realizes the read-write operation of disk file, for example, read the student's score information from scores.txt by line.
* The student information in the file is as follows
姓名 数学分析 高等代数 解析几何
张红 78 94 90
李丽君 65 73 82
成平 94 68 78
王伟 84 86 69
文锦春 74 92 60
林黛玉 66 83 70
付凌云 88 79 82
岳不群 90 82 93
令狐冲 81 77 97
温玉琪 95 84 68
胡建军 85 73 75
刘汉 90 87 89
秋昌平 83 71 74
秦敖天 96 92 95
方世杰 83 90 88
* The next action is to store each line of student information read in the structure studentInfo
* Then the data in the structure are used to calculate the average score of the course and the average score of each person.
* The average scores of the courses and the average scores of the students are written into the scoresAnalysis.txt file in a certain format.
* The situation in the scoresAnalysis.txt file is as follows
姓名 数学分析 高等代数 解析几何 平均成绩
张红 78 94 90 87.3
李丽君 65 73 82 73.3
成平 94 68 78 80.0
王伟 84 86 69 79.7
文锦春 74 92 60 75.3
林黛玉 66 83 70 73.0
付凌云 88 79 82 83.0
岳不群 90 82 93 88.3
令狐冲 81 77 97 85.0
温玉琪 95 84 68 82.3
胡建军 85 73 75 77.7
刘汉 90 87 89 88.7
秋昌平 83 71 74 76.0
秦敖天 96 92 95 94.3
方世杰 83 90 88 87.0
各科平均成绩 83.5 82.2 80.7
* The last step is to use the file pointer to read and display the contents of the scoresAnalysis.txt by row to the console window
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