提交 d0feb95f 编写于 作者: H heyanlong

Fix bugs

上级 1b7f3276
......@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ services:
- docker
- 7.1
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- 7.1-nts
- 7.2-nts
- 7.3-nts
- 7.4-nts
- nightly
......@@ -363,6 +363,15 @@ ZEND_API void sky_execute_ex(zend_execute_data *execute_data) {
if (Z_TYPE_P(p) == IS_STRING) {
add_assoc_string(&tags, "rpc.method", Z_STRVAL_P(p));
// peer
zval *hostname = sky_read_property(&(execute_data->This), "hostname");
if (Z_TYPE_P(hostname) == IS_STRING) {
const char *host = ZSTR_VAL(Z_STR_P(hostname));
peer = (char *) emalloc(strlen(host) + 10);
bzero(peer, strlen(host) + 10);
sprintf(peer, "%s", host);
zval temp;
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