提交 d9adb59d 编写于 作者: W wenzhouwww

<test> : merge go test case from develop to master

上级 3057dab3
@echo off
echo ==== start Go connector test cases test ====
cd /d %~dp0
......@@ -18,3 +19,10 @@ rem case002.bat
:: cd case002
:: case002.bat
rem cd nanosupport
rem nanoCase.bat
:: cd nanosupport
:: nanoCase.bat
......@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ go env -w GOPROXY=https://goproxy.cn,direct
bash ./case001/case001.sh $severIp $serverPort
bash ./case002/case002.sh $severIp $serverPort
#bash ./case003/case003.sh $severIp $serverPort
bash ./nanosupport/nanoCase.sh $severIp $serverPort
......@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ script_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))"
###### step 3: start build
cd $script_dir
rm -f go.*
go mod init demotest > /dev/null 2>&1
go mod tidy > /dev/null 2>&1
go build > /dev/null 2>&1
go mod init demotest
go build
sleep 1s
./demotest -h $1 -p $2
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func main() {
defer db.Close()
db.Exec("drop database if exists test")
db.Exec("create database if not exists test")
db.Exec("create database if not exists test ")
db.Exec("use test")
db.Exec("create table test (ts timestamp ,level int)")
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
package connector
import (
tdengineExecutor "github.com/taosdata/go-utils/tdengine/executor"
type Executor struct {
executor *tdengineExecutor.Executor
ctx context.Context
var Logger = log.NewLogger("taos test")
func NewExecutor(conf *config.TDengineGo, db string, showSql bool) (*Executor, error) {
tdengineConnector, err := connector.NewTDengineConnector("go", conf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
executor := tdengineExecutor.NewExecutor(tdengineConnector, db, showSql, Logger)
return &Executor{
executor: executor,
ctx: context.Background(),
}, nil
func (e *Executor) Execute(sql string) (int64, error) {
return e.executor.DoExec(e.ctx, sql)
func (e *Executor) Query(sql string) (*connector.Data, error) {
fmt.Println("query :", sql)
return e.executor.DoQuery(e.ctx, sql)
func (e *Executor) CheckData(row, col int, value interface{}, data *connector.Data) (bool, error) {
if data == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("data is nil")
if col >= len(data.Head) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("col out of data")
if row >= len(data.Data) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("row out of data")
dataValue := data.Data[row][col]
if dataValue == nil && value != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("dataValue is nil but value is not nil")
if dataValue == nil && value == nil {
return true, nil
if reflect.TypeOf(dataValue) != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("type not match expect %s got %s", reflect.TypeOf(value), reflect.TypeOf(dataValue))
switch value.(type) {
case time.Time:
t, _ := dataValue.(time.Time)
if value.(time.Time).Nanosecond() != t.Nanosecond() {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(time.Time).Nanosecond(), t.Nanosecond())
case string:
if value.(string) != dataValue.(string) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %s got %s", value.(string), dataValue.(string))
case int8:
if value.(int8) != dataValue.(int8) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int8), dataValue.(int8))
case int16:
if value.(int16) != dataValue.(int16) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int16), dataValue.(int16))
case int32:
if value.(int32) != dataValue.(int32) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int32), dataValue.(int32))
case int64:
if value.(int64) != dataValue.(int64) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int64), dataValue.(int64))
case float32:
if value.(float32) != dataValue.(float32) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
case float64:
if value.(float64) != dataValue.(float64) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
case bool:
if value.(bool) != dataValue.(bool) {
return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %t got %t", value.(bool), dataValue.(bool))
return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupport type %v", reflect.TypeOf(value))
return true, nil
func (e *Executor) CheckData2(row, col int, value interface{}, data *connector.Data) {
match, err := e.CheckData(row, col, value, data)
fmt.Println("expect data is :", value)
fmt.Println("go got data is :", data.Data[row][col])
if err != nil {
if !match {
fmt.Println(" data not match")
if data == nil {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("data is nil")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
if col >= len(data.Head) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("col out of data")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
if row >= len(data.Data) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("row out of data")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
dataValue := data.Data[row][col]
if dataValue == nil && value != nil {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("dataValue is nil but value is not nil")
// fmt.Println("check failed")
if dataValue == nil && value == nil {
// return true, nil
fmt.Println("check pass")
if reflect.TypeOf(dataValue) != reflect.TypeOf(value) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("type not match expect %s got %s", reflect.TypeOf(value), reflect.TypeOf(dataValue))
fmt.Println("check failed")
switch value.(type) {
case time.Time:
t, _ := dataValue.(time.Time)
if value.(time.Time).Nanosecond() != t.Nanosecond() {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(time.Time).Nanosecond(), t.Nanosecond())
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case string:
if value.(string) != dataValue.(string) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %s got %s", value.(string), dataValue.(string))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int8:
if value.(int8) != dataValue.(int8) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int8), dataValue.(int8))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int16:
if value.(int16) != dataValue.(int16) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int16), dataValue.(int16))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int32:
if value.(int32) != dataValue.(int32) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int32), dataValue.(int32))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case int64:
if value.(int64) != dataValue.(int64) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %d got %d", value.(int64), dataValue.(int64))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case float32:
if value.(float32) != dataValue.(float32) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case float64:
if value.(float64) != dataValue.(float64) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %f got %f", value.(float32), dataValue.(float32))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
case bool:
if value.(bool) != dataValue.(bool) {
// return false, fmt.Errorf("value not match expect %t got %t", value.(bool), dataValue.(bool))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
// return false, fmt.Errorf("unsupport type %v", reflect.TypeOf(value))
// fmt.Println("check failed")
// return true, nil
// fmt.Println("check pass")
func (e *Executor) CheckRow(count int, data *connector.Data) {
if len(data.Data) != count {
fmt.Println("check failed !")
@echo off
echo ==== start run nanosupport.go
del go.*
go mod init nano
go mod tidy
go build
nano.exe -h %1 -p %2
cd ..
echo "==== start run nanosupport.go "
set +e
#set -x
script_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))"
#echo "pwd: $script_dir, para0: $0"
#execName=`echo ${execName##*/}`
#goName=`echo ${execName%.*}`
###### step 3: start build
cd $script_dir
rm -f go.*
go mod init nano
go mod tidy
go build
sleep 10s
./nano -h $1 -p $2
package main
import (
func main() {
e, err := connector.NewExecutor(&config.TDengineGo{
Address: "root:taosdata@/tcp(",
MaxIdle: 20,
MaxOpen: 30,
MaxLifetime: 30,
}, "db", false)
if err != nil {
data, err := e.Query("select * from tb")
if err != nil {
layout := "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999"
t0, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.100000001")
t1, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.150000000")
t2, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.299999999")
t3, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.300000000")
t4, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.300000001")
t5, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 00:00:00.999999999")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, t0, data)
e.CheckData2(1, 0, t1, data)
e.CheckData2(2, 0, t2, data)
e.CheckData2(3, 0, t3, data)
e.CheckData2(4, 0, t4, data)
e.CheckData2(5, 0, t5, data)
e.CheckData2(3, 1, int32(3), data)
e.CheckData2(4, 1, int32(5), data)
e.CheckData2(5, 1, int32(7), data)
fmt.Println(" start check nano support!")
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > 1623254400100000000 and ts < 1623254400100000002;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\" and ts < \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.160000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > 1623254400100000000 and ts < 1623254400150000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000000\" and ts < \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.150000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts > 1623254400400000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts < \"2021-06-10 00:00:00.400000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts < now + 400000000b;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts >= \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts <= 1623254400300000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(4), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.000000000\";")
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts = 1623254400150000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts between 1623254400000000000 and 1623254400400000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb where ts between \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.299999999\" and \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.300000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(3), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(5000000000b);")
e.CheckRow(1, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(100000000b)")
e.CheckRow(4, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(1000b);")
e.CheckRow(5, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(1u);")
e.CheckRow(5, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select avg(speed) from tb interval(100000000b) sliding (100000000b);")
e.CheckRow(4, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select last(*) from tb")
tt, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.999999999")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, tt, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb")
tt1, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, tt1, data)
e.Execute("insert into tb values(now + 500000000b, 6);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb;")
e.CheckRow(7, data)
e.Execute("create table tb2 (ts timestamp, speed int, ts2 timestamp);")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(\"2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001\", 1, \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\");")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(1623254400150000000, 2, 1623340800150000000);")
e.Execute("import into tb2 values(1623254400300000000, 3, 1623340800300000000);")
e.Execute("import into tb2 values(1623254400299999999, 4, 1623340800299999999);")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(1623254400300000001, 5, 1623340800300000001);")
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(1623254400999999999, 7, 1623513600999999999);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb2;")
tt2, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001")
tt3, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 0:00:00.150000000")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, tt2, data)
e.CheckData2(1, 0, tt3, data)
e.CheckData2(2, 1, int32(4), data)
e.CheckData2(3, 1, int32(3), data)
tt4, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-11 00:00:00.300000001")
e.CheckData2(4, 2, tt4, data)
e.CheckRow(6, data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 > 1623340800000000000 and ts2 < 1623340800150000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 > \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000000\" and ts2 < \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000002\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 > 1623340800500000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 < \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.400000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 < now + 400000000b;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 >= \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <= 1623340800400000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 = \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.000000000\";")
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 = \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.300000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 = 1623340800300000001;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(1), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 between 1623340800000000000 and 1623340800450000000;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 between \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.299999999\" and \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.300000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(3), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <> 1623513600999999999;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <> \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 <> \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 != 1623513600999999999;")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 != \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000001\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(5), data)
data, _ = e.Query("select count(*) from tb2 where ts2 != \"2021-06-11 0:00:00.100000000\";")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, int64(6), data)
e.Execute("insert into tb2 values(now + 500000000b, 6, now +2d);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb2;")
e.CheckRow(7, data)
e.Execute("create table tb3 (ts timestamp, speed int);")
_, err = e.Execute("insert into tb3 values(16232544001500000, 2);")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("check pass! ")
e.Execute("insert into tb3 values(\"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456\", 2);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb3 where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456000\";")
e.CheckRow(1, data)
e.Execute("insert into tb3 values(\"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456789000\", 2);")
data, _ = e.Query("select * from tb3 where ts = \"2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456789\";")
e.CheckRow(1, data)
// check timezone support
e.Execute("drop database if exists nsdb;")
e.Execute("create database nsdb precision 'ns';")
e.Execute("use nsdb;")
e.Execute("create stable st (ts timestamp ,speed float ) tags(time timestamp ,id int);")
e.Execute("insert into tb1 using st tags('2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456789' , 1 ) values('2021-06-10T0:00:00.123456789+07:00' , 1.0);")
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb1;")
ttt, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 01:00:00.123456789")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, ttt, data)
e.Execute("create database usdb precision 'us';")
e.Execute("use usdb;")
e.Execute("create stable st (ts timestamp ,speed float ) tags(time timestamp ,id int);")
e.Execute("insert into tb1 using st tags('2021-06-10 0:00:00.123456' , 1 ) values('2021-06-10T0:00:00.123456+07:00' , 1.0);")
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb1;")
ttt2, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 01:00:00.123456")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, ttt2, data)
e.Execute("drop database if exists msdb;")
e.Execute("create database msdb precision 'ms';")
e.Execute("use msdb;")
e.Execute("create stable st (ts timestamp ,speed float ) tags(time timestamp ,id int);")
e.Execute("insert into tb1 using st tags('2021-06-10 0:00:00.123' , 1 ) values('2021-06-10T0:00:00.123+07:00' , 1.0);")
data, _ = e.Query("select first(*) from tb1;")
ttt3, _ := time.Parse(layout, "2021-06-10 01:00:00.123")
e.CheckData2(0, 0, ttt3, data)
fmt.Println("all test done!")
func prepareData(e *connector.Executor) {
sqlList := []string{
"reset query cache;",
"drop database if exists db;",
"create database db;",
"use db;",
"reset query cache;",
"drop database if exists db;",
"create database db precision 'ns';",
"show databases;",
"use db;",
"create table tb (ts timestamp, speed int);",
"insert into tb values('2021-06-10 0:00:00.100000001', 1);",
"insert into tb values(1623254400150000000, 2);",
"import into tb values(1623254400300000000, 3);",
"import into tb values(1623254400299999999, 4);",
"insert into tb values(1623254400300000001, 5);",
"insert into tb values(1623254400999999999, 7);",
for _, sql := range sqlList {
err := executeSql(e, sql)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("prepare data error:%v, sql:%s", err, sql)
func executeSql(e *connector.Executor, sql string) error {
_, err := e.Execute(sql)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
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