Release Notes

FIX BUGS: [TD-3304]: fixed a test case bug [TD-3304]: fixed a test case bug in topic1.sim [TD-4412]: add new configuration parameter for db option cachelast [TD-4412]: add new configuration parameter for db option precision [td-4546]: fix bug in taos_fetch_block while nest query existed. [TD-4599]: fix false dnode offline [TD-4605]: early version visual studio compile. (#6399) [TD-4605]: early version visual studio compile. (#6400) [TD-4605]: early version visual studio compile. (#6406) [td-4612]: check invalid query in outer query. [td-4611] [td-4625]: fix bug in diff query with group by. [TD-4640]: fix CDLL error in macOs (#6430) [TD-4671]: mark dropped dnode in dnodeCfg.json & exit early when startup [TD-4672]: remove peer fqdn IP caching [td-4673]: fix bug in derivative. [TD-4681]: return invalid operation for not equal on primary ts column [TD-4681]: return invalid operator for not equal on primary timestamp column [TD-4682]: not move vnode to new dnode within 2 seconds [td-4692]: error in system locale set caused client crash. [TD-4696]: fix the connection multi taosd error within jdbc-restful (#6499) [TD-4721]: NULL column in a row was specially processed [td-4723]: fix bug in derivative function. [td-4739]: fix bug in derivative. [TD-4787]: reconnect arbitrator if link broken [TD-4823]: taosdemo getTableName return empty. (#6571) [TD-4838]: taosdump binary length bug. (#6581) [TD-4874]: reset customScore to 0

ENHANCEMENTS: [TD-3304]: added detailed info for invalid blocks option [TD-4598]: refactored mapping of TD error code to HTTP error code

NEW FEATURES: [TD-3126]:add nano second precision testcase and modify tsim to support time precision [TD-4535]:_block_dist() function improvement [td-4555]: add derivative function [TD-4684]: nano second timestamp precision supported (#6529) [TD-4735]:support select last_row from subquery [TD-4752]: python connector support nanosecond. (#6528) [TD-4762]: use maven-assembly-plugins to package multi packages for jdbc demo (#6539)

DOCS: [TD-2579]: func DIFF support "GROUP BY tbname" now. [TD-2639]: fix word "MATLAB" spelling. [TD-3229]: add doc about deploy on Kubenetes environment. [TD-3229]: add English doc about deployment in Kubernetes environment. [TD-3229]: remove link to empty docs. [TD-4288]: update support version of DATABASE parameters hot modification. [TD-4378]: add note about DB name prefix on RESTful. [TD-4394]: can alter BINARY & NCHAR length in columns & tags. [TD-4412]: update DATABASE related parameters. [TD-4437]:update matlab-jdbc doc [TD-4484]: add func errstr() for stmt APIs. [TD-4500]: limit the length of FQDN parameter. [TD-4533]: correct details of Prepare Statement api for Java. [TD-4542]: enhance "CACHELAST" mechanism to help "LAST" function. [TD-4606]: windows compile argument mistake. [TD-4669]: remove obsoleted English old docs. [TD-4669]: upload English documents for version 2.0. [TD-4669]: upload English documents & pictures for version 2.0. [TD-4689]: describe limitation about "not equal" operator. [TD-4807]: fix typos. [TD-4836]: emphasize setting firstEp in all dnode in cluster. [TD-4837]: "update" parameter can not be changed by "ALTER DATABASE".

TEST: [TD-3938]: add script to detect coredump file [TD-3938]: add test case [TD-4290]: add testcase that compact wal file [TD-4290]: modify testcase that compact wal file [TD-4421]: add test case for subquery with filter [TD-4552]: add testcase that compact wal file with replica [TD-4602]: add test case [TD-4630]: add exception handling for restful insert [TD-4663]: add test case [TD-4733]: add test case for derivative function


TDengine is an open source, high-performance, cloud native time-series database optimized for Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, Industrial IoT and DevOps.

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发行版本 106


贡献者 50



  • C 83.6 %
  • Shell 7.5 %
  • C++ 2.7 %
  • Go 1.8 %
  • C# 1.3 %