提交 7ad6abcc 编写于 作者: 穆雄雄's avatar 穆雄雄


上级 1bf9f570
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co.articleCount AS articleCount,
co.commentCount AS commentCount,
co.tagCount AS tagCount,
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create_time DESC
) da
ON 1 = 1;
ON 1 = 1;*/
SELECT co.articleCount AS articleCount,
co.commentCount AS commentCount,
co.tagCount AS tagCount,
co.typeCount AS typeCount,
co.lookCount AS lookCount,
co.zanCount AS zanCount,
da.recorde_time AS lastUpdateTime
SELECT a.article_count AS articleCount,
t.tag_count AS tagCount,
type.type_count AS typeCount,
c.comment_count AS commentCount,
look.look_count AS lookCount,
zan.zan_count AS zanCount
SELECT COUNT(1) AS article_count
FROM biz_article
WHERE `status` = 1
) a,
SELECT COUNT(1) AS tag_count
FROM biz_tags
) t,
SELECT COUNT(1) AS type_count
FROM biz_type
WHERE available = 1
SELECT COUNT(1) AS comment_count
FROM biz_comment
WHERE `status` = 'APPROVED'
) c,
SELECT COUNT(1) AS look_count
FROM biz_article_look
) look,
SELECT COUNT(1) AS zan_count
FROM biz_article_love
) zan
) co
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(recorde_time, '%Y年%m月%d日%H点') AS recorde_time
FROM sys_update_recorde
ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT 1
) da
ON 1 = 1;
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