提交 bb782031 编写于 作者: 智布道's avatar 智布道 👁

👽 解决 Gitee Issue [#I3PIH2]

上级 366d4bad
......@@ -2151,6 +2151,9 @@ nav a:first-child .meta-nav {
.navbar-collapse .pull-left, .jumbotron, #topmenu, .main-search {
display: none !important;
.navbar-brand {
display: unset!important;
.navbar-default .menu-box .navbar-collapse ul li .menu_a {
padding: 4px;
......@@ -2196,6 +2199,9 @@ nav a:first-child .meta-nav {
float: right;
margin: 0;
.navbar-brand {
display: none!important;
.container {
width: 90%;
......@@ -3577,3 +3583,16 @@ img {
-webkit-transition: all .35s;
transition: all .35s;
.navbar-brand {
line-height: 2;
vertical-align: middle;
position: relative;
margin-top: -8px;
padding: 15px 0;
.navbar-brand img {
display: inline-block
......@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<span class="icon-bar"></span>
<a class="navbar-brand logo" href="#"></a>
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">
<img alt="Brand" src="${config.siteFavicon}">${config.siteName}
<div id="navbar" class="navbar-collapse collapse">
<div class="pull-left site-desc">
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