CAS Overlay Template ============================ Generic CAS maven war overlay to exercise the latest versions of CAS. This overlay could be freely used as a starting template for local CAS maven war overlays. The CAS services management overlay is available [here]( # Versions ```xml 4.2.x ``` # Requirements * JDK 1.7+ # Configuration The `etc` directory contains the configuration files that need to be copied to `/etc/cas`. Current files are: * `` * `log4j2.xml` # Build ```bash mvnw clean package ``` or ```bash mvnw.bat clean package ``` # Deployment ## Embedded Jetty * Create a Java keystore at `/etc/cas/jetty/thekeystore` with the password `changeit`. * Import your CAS server certificate inside this keystore. ```bash mvnw jetty:run-forked ``` CAS will be available at: * `` * `` ## External Deploy resultant `target/cas.war` to a Servlet container of choice.