提交 a42b6390 编写于 作者: G Gines Hidalgo

Added Nvidia doc

Signed-off-by: NGines Hidalgo <gineshidalgo99@gmail.com>
上级 91a09313
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ For further details, check [all released features](doc/released_features.md) and
## Installation
If you want to use OpenPose without compiling or writing any code, simply [download and use the latest Windows portable version of OpenPose](doc/installation/README.md#windows-portable-demo)! Otherwise, you can also [build OpenPose from source](doc/installation/README.md#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source-on-windows-ubuntu-and-mac).
If you want to use OpenPose without compiling or writing any code, simply [download and use the latest Windows portable version of OpenPose](doc/installation/README.md#windows-portable-demo)! Otherwise, you can also [build OpenPose from source](doc/installation/README.md#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source).
See [doc/installation/README.md](doc/installation/README.md) for more details.
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ OpenPose - Installation
## Contents
1. [Operating Systems, Requirements, and Dependencies](#operating-systems-requirements-and-dependencies)
2. [Windows Portable Demo](#windows-portable-demo)
3. [Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source on Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac](#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source-on-windows-ubuntu-and-mac)
3. [Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source](#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source)
1. [Problems and Errors Installing OpenPose](#problems-and-errors-installing-openpose)
2. [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
3. [Clone OpenPose](#clone-openpose)
......@@ -65,15 +65,20 @@ OpenPose - Installation
## Windows Portable Demo
**If you just want to use OpenPose** without compiling or writing any code, simply use the latest portable version of OpenPose for Windows.
1. Download it from the [Releases](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/releases) section.
2. Follow the `Instructions.txt` file inside the downloaded zip file to download the models required by OpenPose (about 500 Mb).
3. Then, you can run OpenPose from the PowerShell command-line by following [doc/demo_quick_start.md](demo_quick_start.md).
1. For maximum speed, you should use OpenPose in a machine with a Nvidia GPU version. If so, you must upgrade your Nvidia drivers to the latest version (in the Nvidia "GeForce Experience" software or its [website](https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx)).
2. Download the latest OpenPose version from the [Releases](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/releases) section.
3. Follow the `Instructions.txt` file inside the downloaded zip file to download the models required by OpenPose (about 500 Mb).
4. Then, you can run OpenPose from the PowerShell command-line by following [doc/demo_quick_start.md](demo_quick_start.md).
Note: If you are using the GPU-accelerated version and are seeing `Cuda check failed (3 vs. 0): initialization error` when running OpenPose, you can fix it by doing one of these:
- Upgrade your Nvidia drivers. If the error persists, make sure your machine does not contain any CUDA version (or if so, that it's the same than the OpenPose portable demo files). Otherwise, uninstall that CUDA version. If you need to keep that CUDA version installed, [compile OpenPose from Source](#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source) for that CUDA version instead.
- Download an older OpenPose version (v1.6.0 does not show this error).
## Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source on Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac
## Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source
The instructions in the following subsections describe the steps to build OpenPose using CMake-GUI. These instructions are only recommended if you plan to modify the OpenPose code or integrate it with another library or project. You can stop reading this document if you just wanted to run OpenPose on Windows without compiling or modifying any code.
......@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ OpenPose can be easily uninstalled:
In order to update it or reinstall it:
1. Follow the above steps to uninstall it.
2. Follow the [Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source on Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac](#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source-on-windows-ubuntu-and-mac) steps again.
2. Follow the [Compiling and Running OpenPose from Source](#compiling-and-running-openpose-from-source) steps again.
......@@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ These tips are **very important** and avoid many bugs:
- Assuming your CMake downloaded folder is in {CMAKE_FOLDER_PATH}, everytime these instructions mentions `cmake-gui`, you will have to replace that line by `{CMAKE_FOLDER_PATH}/bin/cmake-gui`.
- Ubuntu 14 or 16: Run the command `sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui`. Note: If you prefer to use CMake through the command line, see [doc/installation/README.md#CMake-Command-Line-Configuration-(Ubuntu-Only)](installation/README.md#cmake-command-line-configuration-ubuntu-only).
3. Nvidia GPU version prerequisites:
1. **Note: OpenPose has been tested extensively with CUDA 8.0 (cuDNN 5.1) for Ubuntu 14 and 16, CUDA 10.1 (cuDNN 7.5.1) for Ubuntu 18, and CUDA 11 for Ubuntu 20**. We highly recommend using those versions for those Operating Systems to minimize potential installation issues. Other versions should also work, but we do not provide support about any CUDA/cuDNN installation/compilation issue, as well as problems related to their integration into OpenPose.
2. **CUDA**:
1. **Note: OpenPose has been tested extensively with CUDA 11 for Ubuntu 20, CUDA 10.1 (cuDNN 7.5.1) for Ubuntu 18, and CUDA 8.0 (cuDNN 5.1) for Ubuntu 14 and 16.**. We highly recommend using those versions for those Operating Systems to minimize potential installation issues. Other versions should also work, but we do not provide support about any CUDA/cuDNN installation/compilation issue, as well as problems related to their integration into OpenPose.
2. Upgrade your Nvidia drivers to the latest version.
3. **CUDA**:
- Ubuntu 20 ([**CUDA 11.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads)): Download CUDA 11.1 from their [official website](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads). Most Ubuntu computers use the `Architecture` named `x86_64`, and we personally recommend the `Installer Type` named `runfile (local)`. Then, follow the Nvidia website installation instructions. When installing, make sure to enable the symbolic link in `usr/local/cuda` to minimize potential future errors.
- Ubuntu 18 ([**CUDA 10.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-10.1-download-archive-base)): Analog to the instructions for Ubuntu 20, but using CUDA version 10.1.
- Ubuntu 14 or 16 ([**CUDA 8**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-80-ga2-download-archive) **or 10**): Run `sudo ./scripts/ubuntu/install_cuda.sh` (if Ubuntu 16 or 14 and for Graphic cards up to 10XX) or alternatively download and install it from their website.
3. **cuDNN**:
4. **cuDNN**:
- Download it (usually called `cuDNN Library for Linux (x86_64)`):
- Ubuntu 20: [**cuDNN 8.0.4**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn).
- Ubuntu 18: [**cuDNN 7.5.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive).
......@@ -86,11 +87,12 @@ NOTE: These instructions are only required when compiling OpenPose brom source.
- If **Visual Studio 2019 Community** (or 2017) is desired, we do not officially support it, but it should run similarly to VS 2017/2019 Enterprise.
3. Nvidia GPU version prerequisites:
1. **Note: OpenPose has been tested extensively with CUDA 11.1.1 / cuDNN 8.0.5 for VS2019, CUDA 10.1 / cuDNN 7.5.1 for VS2017, and CUDA 8.0 / cuDNN 5.1 for VS 2015**. We highly recommend using those versions to minimize potential installation issues. Other versions should also work, but we do not provide support about any CUDA/cuDNN installation/compilation issue, as well as problems related to their integration into OpenPose.
2. Install one out of [**CUDA 11.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads), [**CUDA 10.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-10.1-download-archive-base), or [**CUDA 8**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-80-ga2-download-archive):
2. Upgrade your Nvidia drivers to the latest version (in the Nvidia "GeForce Experience" software or its [website](https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx)).
3. Install one out of [**CUDA 11.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads), [**CUDA 10.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-10.1-download-archive-base), or [**CUDA 8**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-80-ga2-download-archive):
- Install CUDA 11.1/10.0/8.0 after Visual Studio 2019/2017/2015 is installed to assure that the CUDA installation will generate all necessary files for VS. If CUDA was installed before installing VS, then re-install CUDA.
- **Important installation tips**:
- If CMake returns and error message similar to `CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR not found or specified` or any other CUDA component missing, then: 1) Re-install Visual Studio 2015; 2) Reboot your PC; 3) Re-install CUDA (in this order!).
3. [**cuDNN 8.0.5**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn), [**cuDNN 7.5.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive), or [**cuDNN 5.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive):
4. [**cuDNN 8.0.5**](https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn), [**cuDNN 7.5.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive), or [**cuDNN 5.1**](https://developer.nvidia.com/rdp/cudnn-archive):
- In order to manually install it, just unzip it and copy (merge) the contents on the CUDA folder, usually `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v{version}` in Windows and `/usr/local/cuda-{version}/` in Ubuntu.
4. AMD GPU version prerequisites (only if you do not have an Nvidia GPU and want to run on AMD graphic cards):
1. Download the official AMD drivers for Windows from [**AMD - Windows**](https://support.amd.com/en-us/download).
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