OpenPose Doc - C++ API ==================================== ## Contents 1. [Introduction](#introduction) 2. [Advance Introduction (Optional)](#advance-introduction-optional) 3. [Compatibility](#compatibility) 4. [Installation](#installation) 5. [Testing And Developing](#testing-and-developing) 6. [Exporting Python OpenPose](#exporting-python-openpose) 7. [Common Issues](#common-issues) ## Introduction Extend the OpenPose functionality with all the power and performance of C++! When should you look at the [Python]( or [C++]( APIs? If you want to read a specific input, and/or add your custom post-processing function, and/or implement your own display/saving. You should be familiar with the [**OpenPose Demo**]( and the main OpenPose flags before trying to read the C++ or Python API examples. Otherwise, it will be way harder to follow. ## Adding your Custom Code Once you are familiar with the [command line demo](, then you should explore the different C++ examples in the [OpenPose C++ API]( folder. For quick prototyping, you can simply **duplicate and rename any of the existing sample files** from the [OpenPose C++ API]( folder into the [examples/user_code/]( folder and start building in there. Add the name of your new file(s) into the [CMake file from that folder](, and CMake will automatically compile it together with the whole OpenPose project. See [examples/user_code/]( for more details.