提交 2ac5d2c2 编写于 作者: C caikang.ck

1. add rule LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule

2. fix some issue
上级 545c0089
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ configuration/**
# sass gitignore#
# tcc_coverage
......@@ -88,3 +89,4 @@ hsf.configuration/
#hsf test
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
<description>Alibaba Java Coding Guidelines PMD implementations</description>
......@@ -99,6 +100,11 @@
......@@ -142,6 +148,37 @@
......@@ -151,6 +188,32 @@
<!-- Replacing default-compile as it is treated specially by maven -->
<!-- Replacing default-testCompile as it is treated specially by maven -->
......@@ -190,7 +253,25 @@
<!-- <plugin>
......@@ -203,7 +284,7 @@
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractAliRule;
......@@ -37,6 +36,10 @@ import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclaratorId;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AbstractJavaNode;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Token;
import static com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils.isLockNode;
import static com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils.isLockStatementExpression;
import static com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils.isUnLockStatementExpression;
* [Mandatory] SimpleDataFormat is unsafe, do not define it as a static variable.
* If have to, lock or DateUtils class must be used.
......@@ -46,8 +49,6 @@ import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Token;
public class AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule extends AbstractAliRule {
private static final String FORMAT_METHOD_NAME = "format";
private static final String LOCK_NAME = "lock";
private static final String UN_LOCK_NAME = "unlock";
public Object visit(ASTMethodDeclaration node, Object data) {
......@@ -101,7 +102,9 @@ public class AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule extends AbstractAliRule {
// add lock node
} else if (isUnLockStatementExpression(statementExpression)) {
if (isUnLockStatementExpression(statementExpression)) {
// remove element in lock block
while (!stack.isEmpty()) {
Node node = stack.pop();
......@@ -132,16 +135,10 @@ public class AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule extends AbstractAliRule {
return name.getImage();
private boolean isLockNode(Node node) {
if (!(node instanceof ASTStatementExpression)) {
return false;
ASTStatementExpression statementExpression = (ASTStatementExpression)node;
return isLockStatementExpression(statementExpression);
private boolean isStaticSimpleDateFormatCall(ASTPrimaryExpression primaryExpression,
Set<String> localSimpleDateFormatNames) {
private boolean isStaticSimpleDateFormatCall(
ASTPrimaryExpression primaryExpression,
Set<String> localSimpleDateFormatNames
) {
if (primaryExpression.jjtGetNumChildren() == 0) {
return false;
......@@ -149,6 +146,9 @@ public class AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule extends AbstractAliRule {
if (name == null || name.getType() != SimpleDateFormat.class) {
return false;
if (name.getNameDeclaration() == null || name.getNameDeclaration().getName() == null) {
return false;
if (localSimpleDateFormatNames.contains(name.getNameDeclaration().getName())) {
return false;
......@@ -161,20 +161,4 @@ public class AvoidCallStaticSimpleDateFormatRule extends AbstractAliRule {
return FORMAT_METHOD_NAME.equals(token.image);
private boolean isLockStatementExpression(ASTStatementExpression statementExpression) {
return isLockTypeAndMethod(statementExpression, LOCK_NAME);
private boolean isUnLockStatementExpression(ASTStatementExpression statementExpression) {
return isLockTypeAndMethod(statementExpression, UN_LOCK_NAME);
private boolean isLockTypeAndMethod(ASTStatementExpression statementExpression, String methodName) {
ASTName name = statementExpression.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTName.class);
if (name == null || name.getType() == null || !Lock.class.isAssignableFrom(name.getType())) {
return false;
Token token = (Token)name.jjtGetLastToken();
return methodName.equals(token.image);
......@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractAliRule;
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTAllocationExpression;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBlockStatement;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTClassOrInterfaceDeclaration;
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
package com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.naming;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.I18nResources;
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractAliRule;
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.util.StringAndCharConstants;
......@@ -27,8 +29,6 @@ import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTMethodDeclarator;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTypeDeclaration;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTVariableDeclaratorId;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* [Mandatory] Method names, parameter names, member variable names, and local variable names should be written in
* lowerCamelCase.
......@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class LowerCamelCaseVariableNamingRule extends AbstractAliRule {
private static final String MESSAGE_KEY_PREFIX = "java.naming.LowerCamelCaseVariableNamingRule.violation.msg";
private Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^[a-z][a-z0-9]*([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)*(DO|DTO|VO|DAO|BO|DOList|DTOList|VOList|DAOList|BOList|X|Y|Z|UDF|UDAF|[A-Z])?$");
......@@ -65,4 +65,5 @@ public class WrapperTypeEqualityRule extends AbstractAliRule {
return "length".equals(expression.jjtGetLastToken().getImage())
&& ".".equals(expression.jjtGetFirstToken().getNext().getImage());
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class ClassCastExceptionWithToArrayRule extends AbstractAliRule {
if (childName.endsWith(".toArray") && suffix.getArgumentCount() == 0
&& primarySuffixs.size() == 1) {
addViolationWithMessage(data, item,
new Object[] {childName});
......@@ -15,10 +15,15 @@
package com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.ast.Node;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFieldDeclaration;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTName;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTPrimaryExpression;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStatementExpression;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AbstractJavaAccessTypeNode;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.Token;
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.typeresolution.TypeHelper;
......@@ -26,6 +31,10 @@ import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.typeresolution.TypeHelper;
* @date 2016/11/16
public class NodeUtils {
public static final String LOCK_NAME = "lock";
public static final String LOCK_INTERRUPTIBLY_NAME = "lockInterruptibly";
public static final String UN_LOCK_NAME = "unlock";
public static boolean isParentOrSelf(Node descendant, Node ancestor) {
if (descendant == ancestor) {
return true;
......@@ -64,4 +73,29 @@ public class NodeUtils {
public static Class<?> getNodeType(AbstractJavaAccessTypeNode node) {
return node == null ? null : node.getType();
public static boolean isLockStatementExpression(ASTStatementExpression statementExpression) {
return isLockTypeAndMethod(statementExpression, LOCK_NAME);
public static boolean isUnLockStatementExpression(ASTStatementExpression statementExpression) {
return isLockTypeAndMethod(statementExpression, UN_LOCK_NAME);
private static boolean isLockTypeAndMethod(ASTStatementExpression statementExpression, String methodName) {
ASTName name = statementExpression.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTName.class);
if (name == null || name.getType() == null || !Lock.class.isAssignableFrom(name.getType())) {
return false;
Token token = (Token)name.jjtGetLastToken();
return methodName.equals(token.image);
public static boolean isLockNode(Node node) {
if (!(node instanceof ASTStatementExpression)) {
return false;
ASTStatementExpression statementExpression = (ASTStatementExpression)node;
return isLockStatementExpression(statementExpression);
package com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.concurrent
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.AbstractAliRule
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils.LOCK_INTERRUPTIBLY_NAME
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils.LOCK_NAME
import com.alibaba.p3c.pmd.lang.java.rule.util.NodeUtils.UN_LOCK_NAME
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBlock
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTBlockStatement
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTFinallyStatement
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTName
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTStatementExpression
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.ASTTryStatement
import net.sourceforge.pmd.lang.java.ast.AbstractJavaNode
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock
* @author caikang
* @date 2019/09/29
open class LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule : AbstractAliRule() {
override fun visit(node: ASTBlock, data: Any): Any? {
checkBlock(node, data)
return super.visit(node, data)
private fun checkBlock(block: ASTBlock, data: Any) {
val statements = block.findChildrenOfType(ASTBlockStatement::class.java)
if (statements.isNullOrEmpty()) {
var lockExpression: ASTStatementExpression? = null
for (statement in statements) {
if (lockExpression != null) {
// check try finally
val tryStatement = findNodeByXpath(
if (!checkTryStatement(tryStatement)) {
addLockViolation(data, lockExpression)
lockExpression = null
// find lock expression
val expression = findNodeByXpath(
) ?: continue
if (!expression.isLock) {
val astName = expression.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTName::class.java)
val lockMethod = astName?.image?.let {
it.endsWith(".$LOCK_NAME") || it.endsWith(".$LOCK_INTERRUPTIBLY_NAME")
} ?: false
if (!lockMethod) {
lockExpression = expression
lockExpression?.let {
addLockViolation(data, it)
private fun addLockViolation(data: Any, lockExpression: ASTStatementExpression) {
data, lockExpression,
private fun checkTryStatement(tryStatement: ASTTryStatement?): Boolean {
if (tryStatement == null) {
return false
val finallyStatement = tryStatement.getFirstChildOfType(ASTFinallyStatement::class.java) ?: return false
val statementExpression = findNodeByXpath(
XPATH_UNLOCK_STATEMENT, ASTStatementExpression::class.java
) ?: return false
if (!statementExpression.isLock) {
return false
val astName = statementExpression.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTName::class.java) ?: return false
return astName.image?.endsWith(".$UN_LOCK_NAME") ?: false
private fun <T> findNodeByXpath(statement: AbstractJavaNode, xpath: String, clazz: Class<T>): T? {
val nodes = statement.findChildNodesWithXPath(xpath)
if (nodes == null || nodes.isEmpty()) {
return null
val node = nodes[0]
return if (!clazz.isAssignableFrom(node.javaClass)) {
} else clazz.cast(node)
private fun getExpressName(statementExpression: ASTStatementExpression): String {
val name = statementExpression.getFirstDescendantOfType(ASTName::class.java)
return name.image
companion object {
private const val XPATH_LOCK_STATEMENT = "Statement/StatementExpression"
private const val XPATH_UNLOCK_STATEMENT = "Block/BlockStatement/Statement/StatementExpression"
private const val XPATH_TRY_STATEMENT = "Statement/TryStatement"
private val ASTStatementExpression?.isLock: Boolean
get() = this?.type?.let {
} ?: false
......@@ -178,6 +178,15 @@
<entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadShouldSetNameRule.rule.msg">
<entry key="java.concurrent.LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule.violation.msg">
<entry key="java.concurrent.LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule.rule.msg">
<!-- flowcontrol -->
<entry key="java.flowcontrol.SwitchStatementRule.violation.nodefault">
......@@ -180,7 +180,15 @@ Note: Below are the problems created by usage of Executors for thread pool creat
<entry key="java.concurrent.ThreadShouldSetNameRule.rule.msg">
<![CDATA[A meaningful thread name is helpful to trace the error information,so assign a name when creating threads or thread pools.]]>
<entry key="java.concurrent.LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule.violation.msg">
<![CDATA[Lock operation [%s] must immediately follow by try block, and unlock operation must be placed in the first line of finally block.]]>
<entry key="java.concurrent.LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule.rule.msg">
<![CDATA[When getting the lock by blocking methods, such as waiting in the blocking queue, lock() must be put outside the try block. Besides, make sure there is no method that throws Exception between the lock() and try block, in case the lock won't be released in the finally block.
Explain 1: If there was any Exception thrown between the lock() and try block, it won't be able to release the lock, causing that the other threads cannot get the lock.
Explain 2: If there was lock() in the try block and a method that throw Exception between the try block and lock(), it is possible that unlock() won't work. Then AQS(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer) method will be called(depends on the implementation of the class) and IllegalMonitorStateException will be thrown.
Explain 3: It is possible that when implementing the lock() method in Lock object, it would throw unchecked Exception, resulting in the same outcome of the Explain 2.]]>
<!-- flowcontrol -->
<entry key="java.flowcontrol.SwitchStatementRule.violation.nodefault">
<![CDATA[missing default statement in switch block]]>
......@@ -286,4 +286,44 @@ Positive example 2:
<rule name="LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule"
Positive example:
Lock lock = new XxxLock();
// ...
try {
} finally {
Negative example:
Lock lock = new XxxLock();
// ...
try {
// If an exception is thrown here, the finally block is executed directly
// The finally block executes regardless of whether the lock is successful or not
} finally {
......@@ -37,5 +37,6 @@ public class ConcurrentRuleTest extends SimpleAggregatorTst {
addRule(RULE_NAME, "ThreadLocalShouldRemoveRule");
addRule(RULE_NAME, "AvoidConcurrentCompetitionRandomRule");
addRule(RULE_NAME, "CountDownShouldInFinallyRule");
addRule(RULE_NAME, "LockShouldWithTryFinallyRule");
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<test-data xmlns="http://pmd.sourceforge.net/rule-tests"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://pmd.sourceforge.net/rule-tests https://pmd.sourceforge.io/rule-tests_1_0_0.xsd">
package com.alibaba.test.p3c;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* @author caikang
* @date 2019/09/29
public class LockTest {
private Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
public void testLock() {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
try {
try {
} finally {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
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