# Taisite-Platform ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/-%20marvelous-orange) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/-%20gogeous-grey) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/-%20elegant-blue) + [Taisite-Platform 中文文档](https://github.com/amazingTest/Taisite-Platform/blob/master/README_CN.md) ![泰斯特平台LOGO.png](https://github.com/amazingTest/Taisite-Platform/blob/master/images/泰斯特平台LOGO.png) ## Ⅰ. Introduction ### Background "Taisite-Platform" is an interface automation test platform developed by "Software Testing & Machine Learning Enthusiasts". ### Vision The platform is dedicated to effectively combining artificial intelligence technology with software testing, enabling the platform to be more intelligent and generalized while ensuring test accuracy requirements and **optimize the user experience** at the same time. The goal is to become the most intimate, best-used, highest value open source test platform. ### Technology stack The platform follows the idea of "separate development frontend and backend". The technology stack is: "Python + Vue + Mongodb". [***(Thanks for the inspiration that this open source project brought to me.)***](https://github.com/githublitao/api_automation_test) ### User environment **Chrome is a good choice** ### Open source protocol ***APGL-3.0*** ## Ⅱ. Taisite-platform features (os: What is the difference between other test platforms?) **0. It has been put into production environment for more than 1 year, it is stable~** 1. The platform follows a "small but fine" strategy to maximize the development of all features and cost-effectiveness, helping test teams quickly build easy-to-follow/maintain interfaces   automated test system. 2. The platform follows the "zero-encoding" principle, and users can complete more complex business process interface tests without programming. 3. The platform follows the principle of “good-looking is justice” and the operation interface is shown as follows: ![操作界面展示](https://github.com/amazingTest/Taisite-Platform/blob/master/images/操作界面展示.png) 4. The platform has an excellent timed task experience. After starting the scheduled task, you can disable/arbitrarily edit the task content and take effect immediately. It also has a rich alarm strategy.   The page is shown below: ![定时任务配置](https://github.com/amazingTest/Taisite-Platform/blob/master/images/定时任务配置.png) 5. The platform has import/export capabilities that support testers **"favorite"** Excel format for easy batch generation/modification of use cases. ![数据导入展示](https://github.com/amazingTest/Taisite-Platform/blob/master/images/数据导入展示.png) 6. The platform has a rich test result verification system and supports **text similarity** verification. ([get more detail](https://juejin.im/post/5cfe1dd96fb9a07ed7407321)) 7. The platform provides a test task scheduling interface to facilitate integration with development projects. 8. ...... ***(There are so many amazing little features waiting for you to explore & tap)*** ## Ⅲ .Taisite-platform function diagram ( em.. you need to translate by yourself :)) ### V1.0 ![泰斯特平台结构图_V1.0](https://github.com/amazingTest/Taisite-Platform/blob/master/images/泰斯特平台结构图_V1.0.png) ## deploy [click me](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/bLyDWHCAPCshF8vmbSHtWw) ## how to use [click me](https://shimo.im/docs/8TqxG3Ttjvj9yT8T) ## V . Contact me if you have any questions , feel free to email me , 523314409@qq.com.