提交 41ea58b9 编写于 作者: H hypox64

Update README.d

上级 4aef9633
# DeepMosaics
You can use it to automatically remove the mosaics in images and videos, or add mosaics to them.<br>
This porject based on ‘semantic segmentation’ and ‘Image-to-Image Translation’.
......@@ -13,13 +13,14 @@ You can either run DeepMosaics via pre-built binary package or from source.<br>
### Pre-built binary package
For windows, we bulid a GUI version for easy test.<br>
Download this version via [[Google Drive]](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1LTERcN33McoiztYEwBxMuRjjgxh4DEPs) [[百度云,提取码1x0a]](https://pan.baidu.com/s/10rN3U3zd5TmfGpO_PEShqQ) <br>
1.Require Windows_x86_64, Windows10 is better.<br>
2.File path cannot contain spaces (" ").<br>
3.Run time depends on computer performance.<br>
4.If output video cannot be played, you can try it with [potplayer](https://daumpotplayer.com/download/).<br>
- Require Windows_x86_64, Windows10 is better.<br>
- File path cannot contain spaces (" ").<br>
- Run time depends on computer performance.<br>
- If output video cannot be played, you can try it with [potplayer](https://daumpotplayer.com/download/).<br>
### Run from source
#### Prerequisites
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