提交 20f20de8 编写于 作者: C Coder44

Added Code Snippets

上级 3e23f3ec
#File Objects
##The Basics:
#f = open("test.txt", "r")
#f = open("test.txt", "w")
#f = open("test.txt", "a")
#f = open("test.txt", "r+")
##Reading Files:
#with open("test.txt", "r") as f:
##Small Files:
#f_contents = f.read()
##Big Files:
#f_contents = f.readlines()
###With the extra lines:
#f_contents = f.readline()
#f_contents = f.readline()
###Without the extra lines:
#f_contents = f.readline()
#print(f_contents, end = '')
#f_contents = f.readline()
#print(f_contents, end = '')
###Iterating through the file:
#for line in f:
#print(line, end = '')
###Going Back....:
#f_contents = f.read()
#print(f_contents, end = '')
###Printing by characters:
#f_contents = f.read(100)
#print(f_contents, end = '')
#f_contents = f.read(100)
#print(f_contents, end = '')
#f_contents = f.read(100)
#print(f_contents, end = '')
###Iterating through small chunks:
#size_to_read = 100
#f_contents = f.read(size_to_read)
#while len(f_contents) > 0:
#f_contents = f.read(size_to_read)
###Iterating through small chunks, with 10 characters:
#size_to_read = 10
#f_contents = f.read(size_to_read)
#print(f_contents, end = '')
#f_contents = f.read(size_to_read)
#print(f_contents, end = '')
#while len(f_contents) > 0:
#print(f_contents, end = '*')
#f_contents = f.read(size_to_read)
##Writing Files:
###The Error:
#with open("test.txt", "r") as f:
###Writing Starts:
#with open("test2.txt", "w") as f:
##Copying Files:
#with open("test.txt", "r") as rf:
#with open("test_copy.txt", "w") as wf:
#for line in rf:
#Copying the/your image:
###The Error
#with open("bronx.jpg", "r") as rf:
#with open("bronx_copy.jpg", "w") as wf:
#for line in rf:
###Copying the image starts, without chunks:
#with open("bronx.jpg", "rb") as rf:
#with open("bronx_copy.jpg", "wb") as wf:
#for line in rf:
###Copying the image with chunks:
#with open("bronx.jpg", "rb") as rf:
#with open("bronx_copy.jpg", "wb") as wf:
#chunk_size = 4096
#rf_chunk = rf.read(chunk_size)
#while len(rf_chunk) > 0:
#rf_chunk = rf.read(chunk_size)
The Files.py contains all the code snippets shown in
the tutorial. To explicitly use them all through out the video tutorial, make sure to uncomment
them to use it.
In the image section, make sure to use your own image.
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uh2ebFW8OYM&t=1295s
1) This is a test file
2) With multiple lines of data...
3) Third line
4) Fourth line
5) Fifth line
6) Sixth line
7) Seventh line
8) Eighth line
9) Ninth line
10) Tenth line
\ No newline at end of file
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