未验证 提交 fb19e1ba 编写于 作者: T Thomas Strömberg 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #8090 from tstromberg/addons-doc

Update addons docs to be accurate post addon-manager removal
title: "Addons"
date: 2019-07-31
weight: 4
description: >
How to develop minikube addons
## Testing Addon changes
## Creating a new addon
Build the minikube binary:
To create an addon, first fork the minikube repository, and check out your fork:
`git clone git@github.com:<username>/minikube.git`
Apply addon from your newly built minikube binary:
Then go into the source directory:
./out/minikube addons enable
`cd minikube`
## Adding a New Addon
Create a subdirectory:
To add a new addon to minikube the following steps are required:
`mkdir deploy/addons/<addon name>`
* For the new addon's .yaml file(s):
* Put the required .yaml files for the addon in the `minikube/deploy/addons` directory.
* Add the `kubernetes.io/minikube-addons: <NEW_ADDON_NAME>` label to each piece of the addon (ReplicationController, Service, etc.)
* Also, the `addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode` annotation is needed so that your resources are picked up by the `addon-manager`.
* In order to have `minikube addons open <NEW_ADDON_NAME>` work properly, the `kubernetes.io/minikube-addons-endpoint: <NEW_ADDON_NAME>` label must be added to the appropriate endpoint service (what the user would want to open/interact with). This service must be of type NodePort.
Add your manifest YAML's to the directory you have created:
* To add the addon into minikube commands/VM:
* Add the addon with appropriate fields filled into the `Addon` dictionary, see this [commit](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/commit/41998bdad0a5543d6b15b86b0862233e3204fab6#diff-e2da306d559e3f019987acc38431a3e8R133) and example.
`cp *.yaml deploy/addons/<addon name>`
// cmd/minikube/cmd/config/config.go
var settings = []Setting{
// add other addon setting
To make the addon appear in `minikube addons list`, add it to `pkg/addons/config.go`. Here is the entry used by the `registry` addon, which will work for any addon which does not require custom code:
name: "efk",
name: "registry",
set: SetBool,
validations: []setFn{IsValidAddon},
callbacks: []setFn{EnableOrDisableAddon},
callbacks: []setFn{enableOrDisableAddon},
* Add the addon to settings list, see this [commit](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/commit/41998bdad0a5543d6b15b86b0862233e3204fab6#diff-07ad0c54f98b231e68537d908a214659R89) and example.
Then, add into `pkg/minikube/assets/addons.go` the list of files to copy into the cluster, including manifests. Here is the entry used by the `registry` addon:
// pkg/minikube/assets/addons.go
var Addons = map[string]*Addon{
// add other addon asset
"efk": NewAddon([]*BinAsset{
"registry": NewAddon([]*BinAsset{
}, false, "efk"),
}, false, "registry"),
The `MustBinAsset` arguments are:
* source filename
* destination directory (typically `vmpath.GuestAddonsDir`)
* destination filename
* permissions (typically `0640`)
* boolean value representing if template substitution is required (often `false`)
The boolean value on the last line is whether the addon should be enabled by default. This should always be `false`.
To see other examples, see the [addons commit history](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/commits/master/deploy/addons) for other recent examples.
## "addons open" support
If your addon contains a NodePort Service, please add the `kubernetes.io/minikube-addons-endpoint: <addon name>` label, which is used by the `minikube addons open` command:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
kubernetes.io/minikube-addons-endpoint: <addon name>
NOTE: `minikube addons open` currently only works for the `kube-system` namespace: [#8089](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/issues/8089).
## Testing addon changes
Rebuild the minikube binary and apply the addon with extra logging enabled:
make && ./out/minikube addons enable <addon name> --alsologtostderr
Please note that you must run `make` each time you change your YAML files. To disable the addon when new changes are made, run:
./out/minikube addons disable <addon name> --alsologtostderr
## Sending out your PR
Once you have tested your addon, click on [new pull request](https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube/compare) to send us your PR!
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