提交 38d09324 编写于 作者: yin-zh's avatar yin-zh

cicd test2

上级 79072113
# Default ignored files
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......@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ step1:
link: '{{chapter_1_url}}'
# description: "完成当前章节学习"
description: "结束"
events: ['close_issue']
events: ['note_events']
- type: create_issue
title: "第二章:算法实现"
with: lin.md
chapter_2_url: '{{result.data.html_url}}'
- type: issue_comment.created
with: 001_end.md
chapter_2_url: '{{result.data.html_url}}'
to: end
\ No newline at end of file
Markdown is supported
0% .
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