--- template: hub1 title: WeightNet summary: en_US: "WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Network" zh_CN: WeightNet - ShuffleNet V2(ImageNet 预训练权重) author: MegEngine Team tags: [vision, classification] github-link: https://github.com/megvii-model/WeightNet --- ```python import megengine.hub model = megengine.hub.load('megvii-model/weightnet', 'shufflenet_v2_x0_5', pretrained=True) model.eval() ``` 所有预训练模型希望数据被正确预处理。 模型要求输入BGR的图片, 短边缩放到`256`, 并中心裁剪至`(224 x 224)`的大小,无需归一化处理。 下面是一段处理一张图片的样例代码。 ```python # Download an example image from the megengine data website import urllib url, filename = ("https://data.megengine.org.cn/images/cat.jpg", "cat.jpg") try: urllib.URLopener().retrieve(url, filename) except: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) # Read and pre-process the image import cv2 import numpy as np import megengine.data.transform as T import megengine.functional as F image = cv2.imread("cat.jpg").astype(np.float32) transform = T.Compose([ T.Resize(256), T.CenterCrop(224), T.ToMode("CHW"), ]) processed_img = transform.apply(image)[np.newaxis, :] # CHW -> 1CHW logits = model(processed_img) probs = F.softmax(logits) print(probs) ``` ### 模型描述 目前我们提供了部分在ImageNet上的预训练模型(见下表),各个网络结构在ImageNet验证集上的表现如下: | Model | #Params. | FLOPs | Top-1 err. | |---------------------|----------|-------|------------| | ShuffleNetV2 (0.5×) | 1.4M | 41M | 39.7 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 1.5M | 41M | **36.7** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.0×) | 2.2M | 138M | 30.9 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 2.4M | 139M | **28.8** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.5×) | 3.5M | 299M | 27.4 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 3.9M | 301M | **25.6** | | ShuffleNetV2 (2.0×) | 5.5M | 557M | 25.5 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 6.1M | 562M | **24.1** | | Model | #Params. | FLOPs | Top-1 err. | |---------------------|----------|-------|------------| | ShuffleNetV2 (0.5×) | 1.4M | 41M | 39.7 | | + WeightNet (8×) | 2.7M | 42M | **34.0** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.0×) | 2.2M | 138M | 30.9 | | + WeightNet (4×) | 5.1M | 141M | **27.6** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.5×) | 3.5M | 299M | 27.4 | | + WeightNet (4×) | 9.6M | 307M | **25.0** | | ShuffleNetV2 (2.0×) | 5.5M | 557M | 25.5 | | + WeightNet (4×) | 18.1M | 573M | **23.5** | ### 参考文献 - [WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Network](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.11823), Ma, Ningning, et al. "WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Network." Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2020. All pre-trained models expect input images normalized in the same way, i.e. input images must be 3-channel BGR images of shape `(H x W x 3)`, and reszied shortedge to `256`, center-cropped to `(224 x 224)`. No normalizations required. Here's a sample execution. ```python # Download an example image from the megengine data website import urllib url, filename = ("https://data.megengine.org.cn/images/cat.jpg", "cat.jpg") try: urllib.URLopener().retrieve(url, filename) except: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename) # Read and pre-process the image import cv2 import numpy as np import megengine.data.transform as T import megengine.functional as F image = cv2.imread("cat.jpg").astype(np.float32) transform = T.Compose([ T.Resize(256), T.CenterCrop(224), T.ToMode("CHW"), ]) processed_img = transform.apply(image)[np.newaxis, :] # CHW -> 1CHW logits = model(processed_img) probs = F.softmax(logits) print(probs) ``` ### Model Description Currently we provide several pretrained models(see the table below), Their 1-crop accuracy on ImageNet validation dataset can be found in following table. | Model | #Params. | FLOPs | Top-1 err. | |---------------------|----------|-------|------------| | ShuffleNetV2 (0.5×) | 1.4M | 41M | 39.7 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 1.5M | 41M | **36.7** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.0×) | 2.2M | 138M | 30.9 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 2.4M | 139M | **28.8** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.5×) | 3.5M | 299M | 27.4 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 3.9M | 301M | **25.6** | | ShuffleNetV2 (2.0×) | 5.5M | 557M | 25.5 | | + WeightNet (1×) | 6.1M | 562M | **24.1** | | Model | #Params. | FLOPs | Top-1 err. | |---------------------|----------|-------|------------| | ShuffleNetV2 (0.5×) | 1.4M | 41M | 39.7 | | + WeightNet (8×) | 2.7M | 42M | **34.0** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.0×) | 2.2M | 138M | 30.9 | | + WeightNet (4×) | 5.1M | 141M | **27.6** | | ShuffleNetV2 (1.5×) | 3.5M | 299M | 27.4 | | + WeightNet (4×) | 9.6M | 307M | **25.0** | | ShuffleNetV2 (2.0×) | 5.5M | 557M | 25.5 | | + WeightNet (4×) | 18.1M | 573M | **23.5** | ### References - [WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Network](https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.11823), Ma, Ningning, et al. "WeightNet: Revisiting the Design Space of Weight Network." Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). 2020.