package eth import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" model "" "math/big" "strconv" "strings" "time" ) //parser block func ParseBlock(data string) (*ETHBlockData, error) { startTime := time.Now() var err error b := new(ETHBlockData) b.Block = new(model.Block) b.Uncles = make([]*model.Uncle, 0) b.Transactions = make([]*model.Transaction, 0) b.InternalTransactions = make([]*model.InternalTransaction, 0) b.TokenTransactions = make([]*model.TokenTransaction, 0) b.Tokens = make([]*model.Token, 0) b.ENSes = make([]*model.ENS, 0) b.Accounts = make([]*model.Account, 0) b.TokenAccounts = make([]*model.TokenAccount, 0) b.Block.Height = json.Get(data, "block.height").Int() b.Block.Timestamp = json.Get(data, "block.timestamp").Int() b.Block.ParentHash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.parent_hash").String()) b.Block.SHA3Uncles = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.sha_3_uncles").String()) b.Block.Miner = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.miner").String()) if poolName, ok := poolNameMap.Load(b.Block.Miner); ok { b.Block.PoolName = poolName.(string) } else { b.Block.PoolName = "" } b.Block.ExtraData = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.extra_data").String()) b.Block.LogsBloom = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.logs_bloom").String()) b.Block.TransactionRoot = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.transaction_root").String()) b.Block.StateRoot = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.state_root").String()) b.Block.ReceiptsRoot = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.receipts_root").String()) b.Block.GasUsed = json.Get(data, "block.gas_used").Int() b.Block.GasLimit = json.Get(data, "block.gas_limit").Int() b.Block.Nonce = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.nonce").String()) b.Block.MixHash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.mix_hash").String()) b.Block.Hash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(data, "block.hash").String()) difficulty := json.Get(data, "block.difficulty").String() b.Block.Difficulty, err = parseBigInt(difficulty) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d difficulty '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, difficulty) return nil, err } totalDifficulty := json.Get(data, "block.total_difficulty").String() b.Block.TotalDifficulty, err = parseBigInt(totalDifficulty) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d total difficulty '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, totalDifficulty) return nil, err } b.Block.Size = json.Get(data, "block.size").Int() reward := json.Get(data, "block.block_reward").String() b.Block.Reward, err = parseBigInt(reward) log.Debug("splitter eth: block %d reward string is '%s'", b.Block.Height, reward) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d reward '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, reward) return nil, err } referenceReward := json.Get(data, "block.reference_reward").String() b.Block.ReferenceReward, err = parseBigInt(referenceReward) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d reference reward '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, referenceReward) return nil, err } b.Block.RealDifficulty = 0 //parser miner accountMap := make(map[string]*model.Account, 0) minerAccount := new(model.Account) minerAccount.Address = b.Block.Miner minerBalance := json.Get(data, "block.miner_balance").String() minerAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(minerBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d miner balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, minerBalance) return nil, err } minerAccount.Type = AccountTypeMiner minerAccount.BirthTimestamp = b.Block.Timestamp minerAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = b.Block.Timestamp minerAccount.MinerCount = 1 accountMap[minerAccount.Address] = minerAccount //parser uncle uncleList := json.Get(data, "uncles").Array() for _, uncleItem := range uncleList { uncle := new(model.Uncle) uncle.Height = json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "height").Int() uncle.Hash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "hash").String()) uncle.BlockHeight = b.Block.Height uncle.ParentHash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "parent_hash").String()) uncle.SHA3Uncles = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "sha_3_uncles").String()) uncle.Nonce = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "nonce").String()) uncle.MixHash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "mix_hash").String()) uncle.Miner = strings.ToLower(removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "miner").String())) if poolName, ok := poolNameMap.Load(uncle.Miner); ok { uncle.PoolName = poolName.(string) } else { uncle.PoolName = "" } uncle.Timestamp = json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "timestamp").Int() uncle.ExtraData = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "extra_data").String()) uncle.LogsBloom = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "logs_bloom").String()) uncle.TransactionRoot = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "transaction_root").String()) uncle.StateRoot = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "state_root").String()) uncle.ReceiptsRoot = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "receipts_root").String()) uncle.GasUsed = json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "gas_used").Int() uncle.GasLimit = json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "gas_limit").Int() difficulty := json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "difficulty").String() uncle.Difficulty, err = parseBigInt(difficulty) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d uncle difficulty '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, difficulty) return nil, err } totalDifficulty := json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "total_difficulty").String() uncle.TotalDifficulty, err = parseBigInt(totalDifficulty) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d uncle total difficulty '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, totalDifficulty) return nil, err } uncle.Size = json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "size").Int() uncle.UncleLen = 0 uncle.TxLen = 0 uncleReward := json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "reward").String() uncle.Reward, err = parseBigInt(uncleReward) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d uncle reward '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, uncleReward) return nil, err } b.Uncles = append(b.Uncles, uncle) // account minerAccount := new(model.Account) minerAccount.Address = uncle.Miner uncleMinerBalance := json.Get(uncleItem.String(), "miner_balance").String() minerAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(uncleMinerBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d uncle miner balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, uncleMinerBalance) return nil, err } minerAccount.Type = AccountTypeMiner minerAccount.BirthTimestamp = uncle.Timestamp minerAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = uncle.Timestamp minerAccount.MinerUncleCount = 1 if _, ok := accountMap[minerAccount.Address]; ok { accountMap[minerAccount.Address].Balance = minerAccount.Balance accountMap[minerAccount.Address].LastActiveTimestamp = minerAccount.LastActiveTimestamp accountMap[minerAccount.Address].MinerUncleCount += minerAccount.MinerUncleCount } else { accountMap[minerAccount.Address] = minerAccount } } //parser transaction contractTransactCount := 0 txList := json.Get(data, "transactions").Array() for _, txItem := range txList { transaction := new(model.Transaction) transaction.Hash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "hash").String()) transaction.BlockHeight = json.Get(txItem.String(), "block_height").Int() transaction.From = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "from").String()) transaction.To = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "to").String()) value := json.Get(txItem.String(), "value").String() transaction.Value, err = parseBigInt(value) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d transaction %s value '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.Hash, value) return nil, err } transaction.GasNumber = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas_number").Int() transaction.GasPrice = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas_price").Int() transaction.Nonce = int(json.Get(txItem.String(), "nonce").Int()) transaction.V = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "v").String()) transaction.R = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "r").String()) transaction.S = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "s").String()) transaction.Timestamp = json.Get(txItem.String(), "timestamp").Int() transaction.TransactionBlockIndex = int(json.Get(txItem.String(), "tx_block_index").Int()) transaction.Status = uint(json.Get(txItem.String(), "status").Int()) transaction.Type = int(json.Get(txItem.String(), "type").Int()) transaction.CumulativeGasUsed = json.Get(txItem.String(), "cumulative_gas_used").Int() transaction.GasUsed = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas_used").Int() transaction.ContractAddress = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "contract_address").String()) transaction.LogsBloom = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "logs_bloom").String()) transaction.Root = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "root").String()) transaction.LogLen = int(json.Get(txItem.String(), "log_len").Int()) transaction.TransactionSize = int(json.Get(txItem.String(), "tx_size").Int()) fromAccount := new(model.Account) fromAccount.Address = transaction.From fromBalance := json.Get(txItem.String(), "from_balance").String() fromAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(fromBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d transaction %s from balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.Hash, fromBalance) return nil, err } fromAccount.Type = AccountTypeNormal fromAccount.BirthTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp if _, ok := accountMap[fromAccount.Address]; ok { accountMap[fromAccount.Address].Balance = fromAccount.Balance accountMap[fromAccount.Address].LastActiveTimestamp = fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp } else { accountMap[fromAccount.Address] = fromAccount } toAccount := new(model.Account) if len(transaction.ContractAddress) > 0 { if !contractAddressFilter.Lookup([]byte(transaction.ContractAddress)) { contractAddressFilter.Insert([]byte(transaction.ContractAddress)) } contractTransactCount += 1 toAccount.Address = transaction.ContractAddress transaction.Type = TransactionTypeContract } else { if contractAddressFilter.Lookup([]byte(transaction.To)) { contractTransactCount += 1 transaction.Type = TransactionTypeContract } else { transaction.Type = TransactionTypeNormal } toAccount.Address = transaction.To } toBalance := json.Get(txItem.String(), "to_balance").String() toAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(toBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d transaction %s to balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.Hash, toBalance) return nil, err } toAccount.Type = AccountTypeNormal toAccount.BirthTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp toAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp if _, ok := accountMap[toAccount.Address]; ok { accountMap[toAccount.Address].Balance = toAccount.Balance accountMap[toAccount.Address].LastActiveTimestamp = toAccount.LastActiveTimestamp } else { accountMap[toAccount.Address] = toAccount } b.Transactions = append(b.Transactions, transaction) } //parser internal transaction internalTxList := json.Get(data, "internal_transactions").Array() for _, txItem := range internalTxList { transaction := new(model.InternalTransaction) transaction.Hash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "hash").String()) transaction.BlockHeight = json.Get(txItem.String(), "block_height").Int() transaction.Timestamp = json.Get(txItem.String(), "timestamp").Int() transaction.Type = json.Get(txItem.String(), "type").String() transaction.From = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "from").String()) transaction.To = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "to").String()) transaction.TransactionIndex = json.Get(txItem.String(), "tx_index").Int() transaction.InternalTransactionIndex = json.Get(txItem.String(), "internal_tx_index").Int() switch transaction.Type { case "SELFDESTRUCT": transaction.Value = math.HexOrDecimal256(*big.NewInt(0)) transaction.GasLimit = 0 transaction.GasUsed = 0 case "DELEGATECALL", "STATICCALL": transaction.Value = math.HexOrDecimal256(*big.NewInt(0)) transaction.GasLimit = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas").Int() transaction.GasUsed = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas_used").Int() default: value := json.Get(txItem.String(), "value").String() transaction.Value, err = parseBigInt(value) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d internal transaction %s value '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.Hash, value) return nil, err } transaction.GasLimit = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas").Int() transaction.GasUsed = json.Get(txItem.String(), "gas_used").Int() } if transaction.Type == "CREATE" { if !contractAddressFilter.Lookup([]byte(transaction.To)) { contractAddressFilter.Insert([]byte(transaction.To)) } } if transaction.GasUsed != 0 && transaction.GasLimit != 0 { fromAccount := new(model.Account) fromAccount.Address = transaction.From fromBalance := json.Get(txItem.String(), "from_balance").String() fromAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(fromBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d internal transaction %s from balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.Hash, fromBalance) return nil, err } fromAccount.Type = AccountTypeNormal fromAccount.HasInternalTransaction = 1 fromAccount.BirthTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp if _, ok := accountMap[fromAccount.Address]; ok { accountMap[fromAccount.Address].Balance = fromAccount.Balance accountMap[fromAccount.Address].LastActiveTimestamp = fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp } else { accountMap[fromAccount.Address] = fromAccount } if len(transaction.To) > 0 { toAccount := new(model.Account) toAccount.Address = transaction.To toBalance := json.Get(txItem.String(), "to_balance").String() toAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(toBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d internal transaction %s to balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.Hash, toBalance) return nil, err } toAccount.Type = AccountTypeNormal toAccount.HasInternalTransaction = 1 toAccount.BirthTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp toAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp if transaction.Type == "CREATE" { toAccount.Creator = transaction.From toAccount.Type = AccountTypeContract } toAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp if _, ok := accountMap[toAccount.Address]; ok { accountMap[toAccount.Address].Balance = fromAccount.Balance accountMap[toAccount.Address].LastActiveTimestamp = fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp } else { accountMap[toAccount.Address] = toAccount } } } b.InternalTransactions = append(b.InternalTransactions, transaction) } //parser token transaction tokenAccountMap := make(map[string]*model.TokenAccount, 0) tokenTxList := json.Get(data, "token_transactions").Array() for _, txItem := range tokenTxList { transaction := new(model.TokenTransaction) transaction.BlockHeight = json.Get(txItem.String(), "block_height").Int() transaction.Timestamp = json.Get(txItem.String(), "timestamp").Int() transaction.TokenAddress = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "token_address").String()) transaction.ParentTransactionHash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "parent_tx_hash").String()) transaction.ParentTransactionIndex = json.Get(txItem.String(), "parent_tx_index").Int() transaction.From = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "from").String()) transaction.To = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "to").String()) value := json.Get(txItem.String(), "value").String() transaction.Value, err = parseBigInt(value) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d token transaction %s value '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.ParentTransactionHash, value) return nil, err } transaction.TokenAddress = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(txItem.String(), "token_address").String()) transaction.LogIndex = json.Get(txItem.String(), "log_index").Int() if json.Get(txItem.String(), "is_removed").Bool() { transaction.IsRemoved = 1 } fromAccount := new(model.TokenAccount) fromAccount.TokenAddress = transaction.TokenAddress fromAccount.Address = transaction.From fromBalance := json.Get(txItem.String(), "from_balance").String() fromAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(fromBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d token transaction %s from balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.ParentTransactionHash, fromBalance) return nil, err } fromAccount.BirthTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp key := strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", transaction.TokenAddress, transaction.From)) if _, ok := tokenAccountMap[key]; ok { tokenAccountMap[key].Balance = fromAccount.Balance tokenAccountMap[key].LastActiveTimestamp = fromAccount.LastActiveTimestamp } else { tokenAccountMap[key] = fromAccount } toAccount := new(model.TokenAccount) toAccount.TokenAddress = transaction.TokenAddress toAccount.Address = transaction.To toBalance := json.Get(txItem.String(), "to_balance").String() toAccount.Balance, err = parseBigInt(toBalance) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d token transaction %s to balance '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, transaction.ParentTransactionHash, toBalance) return nil, err } toAccount.BirthTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp toAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = transaction.Timestamp key = strings.ToLower(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", transaction.TokenAddress, transaction.To)) if _, ok := tokenAccountMap[key]; ok { tokenAccountMap[key].Balance = toAccount.Balance tokenAccountMap[key].LastActiveTimestamp = toAccount.LastActiveTimestamp } else { tokenAccountMap[key] = toAccount } b.TokenTransactions = append(b.TokenTransactions, transaction) } //parser token tokenList := json.Get(data, "tokens").Array() for _, tokenItem := range tokenList { token := new(model.Token) token.TokenAddress = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "token_address").String()) token.DecimalLength = json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "decimal_len").Int() token.Name = strings.Replace(json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "name").String(), "'", "''", -1) token.Symbol = json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "symbol").String() token.TotalSupply = json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "total_supply").String() //totalSupply := json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "total_supply").String() //token.TotalSupply, err = parseBigInt(totalSupply) //if err != nil { // log.Error("splitter eth: block %d token %s total supply '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, token.TokenAddress, totalSupply) // return nil, err //} token.Owner = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "owner").String()) //token.Timestamp = json.Get(tokenItem.String(), "timestamp").Int() token.Timestamp = b.Block.Timestamp b.Tokens = append(b.Tokens, token) } //parser ens ensList := json.Get(data, "enses").Array() for _, ensItem := range ensList { ens := new(model.ENS) ens.Timestamp = json.Get(ensItem.String(), "timestamp").Int() ens.Hash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(ensItem.String(), "hash").String()) ens.BlockHeight = json.Get(ensItem.String(), "block_height").Int() ens.TransactionBlockIndex = int(json.Get(ensItem.String(), "tx_block_index").Int()) ens.LabelHash = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(ensItem.String(), "label_hash").String()) ens.From = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(ensItem.String(), "from").String()) ens.To = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(ensItem.String(), "to").String()) ens.FunctionType = json.Get(ensItem.String(), "function_type").String() ens.RegistrationDate = json.Get(ensItem.String(), "registration_date").Int() ens.Bidder = json.Get(ensItem.String(), "bidder").String() deposit := json.Get(ensItem.String(), "deposit").String() ens.Deposit, err = parseBigInt(deposit) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d ens deposit '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, deposit) return nil, err } value := json.Get(ensItem.String(), "value").String() ens.Value, err = parseBigInt(value) if err != nil { log.Error("splitter eth: block %d ens %s value '%s' parse error", b.Block.Height, ens.Hash, value) return nil, err } ens.RegistrationDate = json.Get(ensItem.String(), "registration_date").Int() ens.Owner = removeHexPrefixAndToLower(json.Get(ensItem.String(), "owner").String()) b.ENSes = append(b.ENSes, ens) } for _, v := range accountMap { b.Accounts = append(b.Accounts, v) } for _, v := range tokenAccountMap { b.TokenAccounts = append(b.TokenAccounts, v) } b.Block.TransactionLength = len(b.Transactions) b.Block.UncleLength = len(b.Uncles) b.Block.ContractTransactionLen = contractTransactCount elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: parse block %d, txs %d, elasped time %s", b.Block.Height, b.Block.TransactionLength, elaspedTime.String()) return b, nil } //revert miner count by height func revertMiner(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() index := "revert_miner" //sql := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE a SET a.miner_count = a.miner_count - 1 FROM eth_account a"+ // " JOIN (SELECT miner FROM eth_block WHERE height = '%d') b"+ // " ON a.address = b.miner ", height) //affected1, err := tx.Execute(sql) sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT miner FROM eth_block WHERE height = %d", height) result, err := tx.QueryString(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } //sql = fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE a SET a.miner_uncle_count = a.miner_uncle_count - 1 FROM eth_account a"+ // " JOIN (SELECT miner FROM eth_block WHERE height = '%d') b"+ // " ON a.address = b.miner ", height) //affected2, err := tx.Execute(sql) if len(result) == 0 { return nil } address := result[0]["miner"] sql = fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE eth_account SET miner_count = miner_count - 1,miner_uncle_count = miner_uncle_count - 1 where address='%s'", address) affected1, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth index: %s affected %d elasped %s", index, affected1, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert account balance by height func revertAccountBalance(height int64, tx *service.Transaction, handler *rpcHandler) error { startTime := time.Now() index := "revert_account" sql := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT t.address FROM"+ " (SELECT DISTINCT(miner) AS address FROM eth_block WHERE height = %d "+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT(miner) AS address FROM eth_uncle WHERE block_height = %d"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT([from]) AS adddress FROM eth_transaction WHERE block_height = %d"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT([to]) AS adddress FROM eth_transaction WHERE block_height = %d"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT([from]) AS adddress FROM eth_internal_transaction WHERE block_height = '%d'"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT([to]) AS adddress FROM eth_internal_transaction WHERE [to] != '' AND block_height = '%d'"+ " UNION SELECT contract_address AS adddress FROM eth_transaction WHERE block_height = %d AND contract_address != '') t ", height, height, height, height, height, height, height) if config.SplitterConfig.DatabaseETHSetting.Type == "postgres" { sql = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT t.address FROM"+ " (SELECT DISTINCT(miner) AS address FROM eth_block WHERE height = %d "+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT(miner) AS address FROM eth_uncle WHERE block_height = %d"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT(\"from\") AS adddress FROM eth_transaction WHERE block_height = %d"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT(\"to\") AS adddress FROM eth_transaction WHERE block_height = %d"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT(\"from\") AS adddress FROM eth_internal_transaction WHERE block_height = '%d'"+ " UNION SELECT DISTINCT(\"to\") AS adddress FROM eth_internal_transaction WHERE \"to\" != '' AND block_height = '%d'"+ " UNION SELECT contract_address AS adddress FROM eth_transaction WHERE block_height = %d AND contract_address != '') t ", height, height, height, height, height, height, height) } result, err := tx.QueryString(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } accountBalance := make(map[string]int64, 0) if len(result) > 0 { for _, v := range result { address := v["address"] if strings.TrimSpace(address) != "" { balance, err := handler.GetBalance(address, height) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } //TODO: may panic, data overflow accountBalance[address] = balance.Int64() } } } updateSql := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE eth_account SET") balanceSql := fmt.Sprintf(" balance = case address") updateSql1 := fmt.Sprintf(" end WHERE address IN (") var b1, in1 string batch := 0 totalAffected1 := int64(0) if len(accountBalance) > 0 { for address, balance := range accountBalance { b := fmt.Sprintf(" WHEN '%s' THEN %d", address, balance) b1 = b1 + b in := fmt.Sprintf(" '%s',", address) in1 = in1 + in batch++ if batch%100 == 0 { if len(in1) > 0 { lenI := len(in1) - 1 sql := updateSql + balanceSql + b1 + updateSql1 + in1[0:lenI] + ")" affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } b1 = "" in1 = "" totalAffected1 += affected } } } } affected2 := int64(0) if len(accountBalance) > 0 { if len(in1) > 0 { lenI := len(in1) - 1 sql := updateSql + balanceSql + b1 + updateSql1 + in1[0:lenI] + ")" affected2, err = tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } b1 = "" in1 = "" } } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth index: %s affected %d %d elasped %s", index, totalAffected1, affected2, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert token account balance by height func revertTokenAccount(height int64, tx *service.Transaction, handler *rpcHandler) error { startTime := time.Now() index := "revert_token_account" notIN := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT t.address, t.token_address FROM"+ " (SELECT [from] AS address, token_address FROM eth_token_transaction WHERE block_height = '%d'"+ " UNION SELECT [to] AS address, token_address FROM eth_token_transaction WHERE block_height = '%d') t ", height, height) if config.SplitterConfig.DatabaseETHSetting.Type == "postgres" { notIN = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT t.address, t.token_address FROM"+ " (SELECT \"from\" AS address, token_address FROM eth_token_transaction WHERE block_height = '%d'"+ " UNION SELECT \"to\" AS address, token_address FROM eth_token_transaction WHERE block_height = '%d') t ", height, height) } result, err := tx.QueryString(notIN) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } tokenAccounts := make([]*model.TokenAccount, 0) if len(result) > 0 { for _, v := range result { tokenAccount := new(model.TokenAccount) address := v["address"] tokenAddress := v["token_address"] value, err := handler.GetTokenBalance(tokenAddress, address, height) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } tokenAccount.Balance = math.HexOrDecimal256(*value) tokenAccount.Address = address tokenAccount.TokenAddress = tokenAddress tokenAccounts = append(tokenAccounts, tokenAccount) } } batchUpdateSQL0 := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE a SET a.balance = b.balance,a.address=b.address,a.token_address = b.token_address FROM eth_token_account a INNER JOIN (") batchUpdateSQL3 := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE a SET a.balance = b.balance,a.address=b.address,a.token_address = b.token_address FROM eth_token_account a INNER JOIN (") batchUpdateSQL1 := fmt.Sprintf(")b ON a.address = b.address and a.token_address = b.token_address") count := 0 if len(tokenAccounts) > 0 { for i := 0; i < len(tokenAccounts); i++ { tmpB := big.Int(tokenAccounts[i].Balance) batchUpdateSql2 := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT '%s' AS balance, '%s' AS address, '%s' AS token_address", tmpB.String(), tokenAccounts[i].Address, tokenAccounts[i].TokenAddress) batchUpdateSQL0 = batchUpdateSQL0 + batchUpdateSql2 count++ } } var finalSql string if count > 1 { temp := strings.Split(batchUpdateSQL0, "SELECT") for i := 0; i < len(temp); i++ { if i > 0 && i < len(temp)-1 { finalSql = finalSql + " " + "SELECT " + temp[i] + " UNION ALL " } if i == 0 { finalSql = finalSql + " " + temp[i] } if i == len(temp)-1 { finalSql = finalSql + " " + "SELECT " + temp[i] } } } else { finalSql = batchUpdateSQL0 } affected := int64(0) if batchUpdateSQL0 != batchUpdateSQL3 { sql := finalSql + batchUpdateSQL1 affected, err = tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } finalSql = "" batchUpdateSQL0 = batchUpdateSQL3 } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth index: %s affected %d elasped %s", index, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert block by height func revertBlock(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() sql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE from eth_block WHERE height = %d", height) affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: revert block %d from eth_block table affected %d elasped %s", height, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert uncle by height func revertUncle(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() sql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE from eth_uncle WHERE block_height = %d", height) affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: revert block %d from eth_uncle table affected %d elasped %s", height, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert transaction func revertTransaction(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() sql := fmt.Sprintf("delete from eth_transaction where block_height = %d", height) affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: revert block %d from eth_transaction table affected %d elasped %s", height, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert token transaction func revertTokenTransaction(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() sql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM eth_token_transaction WHERE block_height = %d", height) affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: revert block %d from eth_token_transaction table affected %d elasped %s", height, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert ens func revertENS(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() sql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM eth_ens WHERE block_height = %d", height) affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: revert block %d from eth_ens table affected %d elasped %s", height, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //revert internal transaction func revertInternalTransaction(height int64, tx *service.Transaction) error { startTime := time.Now() sql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM eth_internal_transaction WHERE block_height = %d", height) affected, err := tx.Execute(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } elaspedTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime) log.Debug("splitter eth: revert block %d from eth_internal_transaction table affected %d elasped %s", height, affected, elaspedTime.String()) return nil } //update token and toke account func updateToken(data *ETHBlockData, tx *service.Transaction) error { var totalInsertAffected int64 for _, v := range data.Tokens { tokenList := make([]*model.Token, 0) token := new(model.Token) token.TokenAddress = v.TokenAddress has, err := tx.Get(token) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } if !has { tokenList = append(tokenList, v) affected, err := tx.Insert(tokenList) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } totalInsertAffected += affected } } log.Debug("splitter eth: block %d token affected %d", data.Block.Height, totalInsertAffected) totalInsertAffected = int64(0) tokenAccountList := make([]*model.TokenAccount, 0) tokenAccountMap := make(map[string]*model.TokenAccount, 0) if len(data.TokenAccounts) == 0 { return nil } var sqlSelect string var sqlDelete string var addressList string var result []map[string]string var err error if config.SplitterConfig.DatabaseETHSetting.Type != "postgres" { for k, v := range data.TokenAccounts { if k == 0 { sqlSelect = fmt.Sprintf("select * from eth_token_account where address='%s' and token_address='%s' ", v.Address, v.TokenAddress) sqlDelete = fmt.Sprintf("delete from eth_token_account where address='%s' and token_address='%s';", v.Address, v.TokenAddress) } else { sqlSelect += fmt.Sprintf("union select * from eth_token_account where address='%s' and token_address='%s'", v.Address, v.TokenAddress) sqlDelete += fmt.Sprintf("delete from eth_token_account where address='%s' and token_address='%s';", v.Address, v.TokenAddress) } } result, err = tx.QueryString(sqlSelect) if err != nil { log.DetailError(sqlSelect) log.DetailError(err) return err } _, err = tx.Exec(sqlDelete) if err != nil { log.DetailError(sqlDelete) log.DetailError(err) return err } } else { for k, v := range data.TokenAccounts { if k == 0 { addressList = fmt.Sprintf("(('%s','%s')", v.Address, v.TokenAddress) } else { addressList += fmt.Sprintf(",('%s','%s')", v.Address, v.TokenAddress) } } addressList += ")" sql := "select * from eth_token_account where (address,token_address) in " + addressList result, err = tx.QueryString(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } sql = "delete from eth_token_account where (address,token_address) in " + addressList _, err = tx.Exec(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } } for _, v := range result { account := new(model.TokenAccount) account.Address = v["address"] account.TokenAddress = v["token_address"] account.BirthTimestamp, _ = strconv.ParseInt(v["birth_timestamp"], 10, 64) account.LastActiveTimestamp = data.Block.Timestamp tokenAccountMap[v["address"]+v["token_address"]] = account } for _, v := range data.TokenAccounts { var tokenAccount *model.TokenAccount tokenAccount, ok := tokenAccountMap[v.Address+v.TokenAddress] if !ok { tokenAccount = new(model.TokenAccount) tokenAccount.BirthTimestamp = data.Block.Timestamp } tokenAccount.TokenAddress = v.TokenAddress tokenAccount.Address = v.Address tokenAccount.Balance = v.Balance tokenAccount.LastActiveTimestamp = v.LastActiveTimestamp tokenAccountList = append(tokenAccountList, tokenAccount) } totalInsertAffected, err = tx.BatchInsert(tokenAccountList) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } log.Debug("splitter eth: block %d token account affected %d:%d", data.Block.Height, totalInsertAffected) return nil } //update account func updateAccount(data *ETHBlockData, tx *service.Transaction) error { var totalInsertAffected int64 accountList := make([]*model.Account, 0) accountMap := make(map[string]*model.Account, 0) if len(data.Accounts) == 0 { return nil } var addressList string for k, v := range data.Accounts { if k == 0 { addressList = fmt.Sprintf("('%s'", v.Address) } else { addressList += fmt.Sprintf(",'%s'", v.Address) } } addressList += ")" sql := "select * from eth_account where address in " + addressList result, err := tx.QueryString(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } sql = "delete from eth_account where address in " + addressList _, err = tx.Exec(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } for _, v := range result { account := new(model.Account) account.Address = v["address"] typeInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["type"], 10, 64) account.Type = int(typeInt) hasInternalTransactionInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["has_internal_tx"], 10, 64) account.HasInternalTransaction = int(hasInternalTransactionInt) minerCountInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["miner_count"], 10, 64) account.MinerCount = int(minerCountInt) minerUncleCountInt, _ := strconv.ParseInt(v["miner_uncle_count"], 10, 64) account.MinerUncleCount = int(minerUncleCountInt) account.Creator = v["creator"] account.BirthTimestamp, _ = strconv.ParseInt(v["birth_timestamp"], 10, 64) account.LastActiveTimestamp = data.Block.Timestamp accountMap[v["address"]] = account } for _, v := range data.Accounts { if v.Address == "" { continue } var account *model.Account account, ok := accountMap[v.Address] if !ok { account = new(model.Account) account.BirthTimestamp = data.Block.Timestamp } account.Address = v.Address account.HasInternalTransaction = v.HasInternalTransaction account.Balance = v.Balance account.MinerCount += v.MinerCount account.MinerUncleCount += v.MinerUncleCount if v.Creator != "" { account.Creator = v.Creator } account.LastActiveTimestamp = v.LastActiveTimestamp if account.MinerCount > 0 || account.MinerUncleCount > 0 { account.Type = AccountTypeMiner } else { account.Type = v.Type } accountList = append(accountList, account) } totalInsertAffected, err = tx.BatchInsert(accountList) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } log.Debug("splitter eth: block %d account update affected %d", data.Block.Height, totalInsertAffected) return nil } //update real difficulty func updateRealDifficulty(data *ETHBlockData, tx *service.Transaction) error { sql := fmt.Sprintf("select d.realdif realdif FROM eth_block as c JOIN (SELECT a.height AS height, (CAST(a.difficulty AS decimal(30,0)))*(a.timestamp-b.timestamp)/15 AS realdif FROM eth_block AS a JOIN eth_block AS b ON b.height+1=a.height WHERE a.height = %d) d ON c.height = d.height", data.Block.Height) result, err := tx.QueryString(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } for _, v := range result { difficulty, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(v["realdif"], 64) sql = fmt.Sprintf(" UPDATE eth_block SET real_difficulty=%f where height=%d", difficulty, data.Block.Height) _, err = tx.Exec(sql) if err != nil { log.DetailError(err) return err } } log.Debug("splitter eth: block %d real difficulty", data.Block.Height) return nil } func removeHexPrefixAndToLower(s string) string { return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimPrefix(s, "0x")) } func parseBigInt(s string) (math.HexOrDecimal256, error) { var n math.HexOrDecimal256 if s == "0x" { s = "0x0" } v, ok := math.ParseBig256(s) if !ok { n = math.HexOrDecimal256(*defaultBigNumber) } else { if v.Cmp(maxBigNumber) >= 0 { n = math.HexOrDecimal256(*defaultBigNumber) } else { n = math.HexOrDecimal256(*v) } } return n, nil }