提交 3ed117ff 编写于 作者: martianzhang's avatar martianzhang

update RES.007 add more cases

上级 3fda3fb6
......@@ -1253,20 +1253,66 @@ func (q *Query4Audit) RuleImpossibleWhere() Rule {
// RuleMeaninglessWhere RES.007
func (q *Query4Audit) RuleMeaninglessWhere() Rule {
var rule = q.RuleOK()
var where *sqlparser.Where
switch n := q.Stmt.(type) {
case *sqlparser.Select:
if n.Where != nil {
switch n.Where.Expr.(type) {
where = n.Where
case *sqlparser.Update:
where = n.Where
case *sqlparser.Delete:
where = n.Where
if where != nil {
switch v := where.Expr.(type) {
// WHERE 1
case *sqlparser.SQLVal:
switch string(v.Val) {
case "0", "false":
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
return rule
// WHERE true
case sqlparser.BoolVal:
if v {
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
return rule
// 1=1, 0=0
err := sqlparser.Walk(func(node sqlparser.SQLNode) (kontinue bool, err error) {
switch n := node.(type) {
// WHERE id = 1 or 2
case *sqlparser.OrExpr:
// right always true
switch v := n.Right.(type) {
case *sqlparser.SQLVal:
switch string(v.Val) {
case "0", "false":
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
case sqlparser.BoolVal:
if v {
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
// left always true
switch v := n.Left.(type) {
case *sqlparser.SQLVal:
switch string(v.Val) {
case "0", "false":
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
case sqlparser.BoolVal:
if v {
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
// 1=1, 0=0
case *sqlparser.ComparisonExpr:
factor := false
switch n.Operator {
......@@ -1300,6 +1346,12 @@ func (q *Query4Audit) RuleMeaninglessWhere() Rule {
if (bytes.Equal(left, right) && !factor) || (!bytes.Equal(left, right) && factor) {
rule = HeuristicRules["RES.007"]
// TODO:
// 2 > 1
// true = 1
// false != 1
return false, nil
return true, nil
......@@ -931,8 +931,15 @@ func TestRuleMeaninglessWhere(t *testing.T) {
"select * from tbl where 'a' limit 1;",
"select * from tbl where 1;",
"select * from tbl where 1 limit 1;",
"select * from tbl where id = 1 or 2;",
"select * from tbl where true;",
"select * from tbl where 'true';",
"select * from tbl where false;",
"select * from tbl where 'false';",
"select * from tbl where 0;",
"select * from tbl where '0';",
"select * from tbl where 2 = 1;",
"select * from tbl where 'b' = 'a';",
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