提交 85ef9c5c 编写于 作者: O openharmony_ci 提交者: Gitee

!322 fixed bug #I3TYNY

Merge pull request !322 from NEEN/master
# OpenHarmony Release Notes # OpenHarmony Release Notes
- [OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary (2020-06-02)](OpenHarmony-2-0-Canary.md) - [OpenHarmony 2.0 Canary (2021-06-02)](OpenHarmony-2-0-Canary.md)
- [OpenHarmony 1.1.0 LTS(2021-04-01)](OpenHarmony-1-1-0-LTS.md) - [OpenHarmony 1.1.0 LTS(2021-04-01)](OpenHarmony-1-1-0-LTS.md)
- [OpenHarmony 1.0(2020-09-10)](OpenHarmony-1-0.md) - [OpenHarmony 1.0(2020-09-10)](OpenHarmony-1-0.md)
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