### TODO/期望功能 1. [ ] Perfect the scroll bar function of `Text` class 完善 `Text` 类的滚动条功能 2. [ ] Perfection and optimization of zoom function 对缩放功能的完善和优化 3. [ ] Try adding support for some MarkDown syntax 尝试增加对部分 Markdown 语法的支持 4. [ ] Implement symmetry in 3D modules 实现 3D 模块中的对称功能 5. [ ] Enhanced projection functionality in 3D modules 增强 3D 模块中的投影功能 6. [ ] Add more 3D spatial geometry classes 增加更多 3D 空间几何体类 7. [ ] Add lights and achieve simple light and shadow renderings 添加光源,并实现简单的光影渲染的效果 ### BUG/已知问题 1. [ ] Solve the bug that the vertical position of the text is wrong when the `Text` class is enlarged 解决 `Text` 类放大时,文本纵向位置错误的 bug 2. [ ] Solve the bug that text shrinks and overflows after zooming text controls 解决文本类控件缩放后文本产生缩水和溢出的 bug 3. [ ] Fix the bug of deletion misalignment when there is too much text in the `Text` class 解决 `Text` 类中文本过多时删减错位的 bug 4. [ ] The position relationship between the space before and after the 3D object is still problematic at some point 3D 对象前后空间的位置关系在某些时候仍有问题 5. [ ] When a widget is tapped, the widgets that follow it are also triggered 点击控件时,其后面的控件也会被触发